13. Chapter of Sīn (Male)

١٣۔ بَابُ السِّينِ

13.6 [Machine] Saad bin Rabee al-Ansari, "Akabi, Badri, Uh

١٣۔٦ سَعْدُ بْنُ الرَّبِيعِ الْأَنْصَارِيُّ «عَقَبِيٌّ، بَدْرِيٌّ، أُحُدِيٌّ، نَقِيبٌ»

tabarani:5407aAbū Yazīd al-Qarāṭīsī > Asad b. Mūsá > ʿUmārah b. Zādhān > Thābit al-Bunānī > Anas b. Mālik

[Machine] When Abdurrahman ibn Awf, may Allah have mercy on him, migrated to Madinah, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ formed a brotherhood between him and Saad. Saad had two wives and two walls. So Saad said to Abdurrahman, "Choose whichever of my wives you want, I will divorce her for you. And choose whichever of my walls you want." Abdurrahman replied, "I have no need for your wife or your wall. What I want is for you to show me the marketplace." So Saad showed him and Abdurrahman began buying and selling fat, sheep, garments, and other goods until he accumulated wealth. He then got married and went to the Prophet ﷺ while he was suffering from yellow fever. The Prophet ﷺ said to him, "Abdurrahman, have you become wealthy?" He replied, "O Messenger of Allah, I got married with a marriage contract of gold." The Prophet ﷺ said, "May Allah bless your wealth, even if it is only a sheep." So his wealth continued to increase.  

الطبراني:٥٤٠٧aحَدَّثَنَا أَبُو يَزِيدَ الْقَرَاطِيسِيُّ ثنا أَسَدُ بْنُ مُوسَى ثنا عُمَارَةُ بْنُ زَاذَانَ عَنْ ثَابِتٍ الْبُنَانِيِّ عَنْ أَنَسِ بْنِ مَالِكٍ ؓ قَالَ

لَمَّا هَاجَرَ عَبْدُ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنُ عَوْفٍ رَحِمَهُ اللهُ إِلَى الْمَدِينَةِ آخَى رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ بَيْنَهُ وَبَيْنَ سَعْدٍ وَكَانَ لِسَعْدٍ حَائِطَانِ وَامْرَأَتَانِ فَقَالَ سَعْدٌ لِعَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ اخْتَرْ أَيَّ امْرَأَتِيَّ شِئْتَ أَتَحَوَّلْ لَكَ عَنْهَا وَاخْتَرْ أَيَّ حَائِطَيَّ شِئْتَ فَقَالَ لَا حَاجَةَ لِي فِي امْرَأَتِكَ وَلَا فِي حَائِطِكَ مَا لِهَذَا أَسْلَمْتُ وَلَكِنْ دُلُّونِي عَلَى السُّوقِ فَدَلَّهُ وَلَيْسَ لَهُ شَيْءٌ فَكَانَ يَشْتَرِي السَّمِينَةَ وَالْأَقِطَةَ وَالْإِهَابَ وَالشَّيْءَ فَيَبِيعُهُ حَتَّى جَمَعَ شَيْئًا فَتَزَوَّجَ فَأَتَى النَّبِيَّ ﷺ وَعَلَيْهِ وَضَرٌ مِنْ صُفْرَةٍ فَقَالَ لَهُ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ «عَبْدَ الرَّحْمَنِ مَهْيَمْ؟» فَقَالَ يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ تَزَوَّجْتُ عَلَى نَوَاةٍ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ قَالَ «فَأَوْلِمْ وَلوْ بِشَاةٍ» فَأَصَابَ وَكَثُرَ مَالُهُ  

tabarani:5407bAbū Yazīd al-Qarāṭīsī > Asad b. Mūsá > ʿUmārah b. Zādhān > Thābit al-Bunānī > Anas b. Mālik ؓ

[Machine] When Abdurrahman ibn Awf, may Allah be pleased with him, migrated to Madinah, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ made a brotherhood bond between him and Saad. Saad had two walls and two wives. Saad said to Abdurrahman, "Choose whichever of my wives you want, I will divorce her for you. And choose whichever of my walls you want." Abdurrahman replied, "I have no need for your wife or your walls. What brought me here is Islam. But show me the marketplace." So Saad showed him the marketplace, and he started trading in fats, sheep, wool, and other things, until he amassed wealth. Then he got married and came to the Prophet ﷺ while he had a bunch of yellow (skin infection). The Messenger of Allah ﷺ asked him, "Abdurrahman, what is this?" He replied, "O Messenger of Allah, I got married with a mahr (dowry) of gold." The Prophet ﷺ said, "Have a walimah (wedding feast), even if it is with just a sheep." So he held a wedding feast and his wealth increased.  

الطبراني:٥٤٠٧bحَدَّثَنَا أَبُو يَزِيدَ الْقَرَاطِيسِيُّ ثنا أَسَدُ بْنُ مُوسَى ثنا عُمَارَةُ بْنُ زَاذَانَ عَنْ ثَابِتٍ الْبُنَانِيِّ عَنْ أَنَسِ بْنِ مَالِكٍ ؓ قَالَ

لَمَّا هَاجَرَ عَبْدُ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنُ عَوْفٍ رَحِمَهُ اللهُ إِلَى الْمَدِينَةِ آخَى رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ بَيْنَهُ وَبَيْنَ سَعْدٍ وَكَانَ لِسَعْدٍ حَائِطَانِ وَامْرَأَتَانِ فَقَالَ سَعْدٌ لِعَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ اخْتَرْ أَيَّ امْرَأَتِيَّ شِئْتَ أَتَحَوَّلْ لَكَ عَنْهَا وَاخْتَرْ أَيَّ حَائِطَيَّ شِئْتَ فَقَالَ لَا حَاجَةَ لِي فِي امْرَأَتِكَ وَلَا فِي حَائِطِكَ مَا لِهَذَا أَسْلَمْتُ وَلَكِنْ دُلُّونِي عَلَى السُّوقِ فَدَلَّهُ وَلَيْسَ لَهُ شَيْءٌ فَكَانَ يَشْتَرِي السَّمِينَةَ وَالْأَقِطَةَ وَالْإِهَابَ وَالشَّيْءَ فَيَبِيعُهُ حَتَّى جَمَعَ شَيْئًا فَتَزَوَّجَ فَأَتَى النَّبِيَّ ﷺ وَعَلَيْهِ وَضَرٌ مِنْ صُفْرَةٍ فَقَالَ لَهُ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ «عَبْدَ الرَّحْمَنِ مَهْيَمْ؟» فَقَالَ يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ تَزَوَّجْتُ عَلَى نَوَاةٍ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ قَالَ «فَأَوْلِمْ وَلوْ بِشَاةٍ» فَأَصَابَ وَكَثُرَ مَالُهُ  

tabarani:5408Aḥmad b. al-Qāsim b. Musāwir al-Jawharī > Saʿīd b. Sulaymān > ʿAbbād b. al-ʿAwwām > Ismāʿīl > Qays > Dakhalnā > Saʿd b. Masʿūd Naʿūduh

[Machine] "I don't know what they are saying, but I wish what is in my coffin is just ashes." So when he died, they looked and found there were a thousand or two thousand (objects) in it."  

الطبراني:٥٤٠٨حَدَّثَنَا أَحْمَدُ بْنُ الْقَاسِمِ بْنِ مُسَاوِرٍ الْجَوْهَرِيُّ ثنا سَعِيدُ بْنُ سُلَيْمَانَ ثنا عَبَّادُ بْنُ الْعَوَّامِ عَنْ إِسْمَاعِيلَ عَنْ قَيْسٍ قَالَ دَخَلْنَا عَلَى سَعْدِ بْنِ مَسْعُودٍ نَعُودُهُ فَقَالَ

«مَا أَدْرِي مَا يَقُولُونَ وَلَكِنْ لَيْتَ مَا فِي تَابُوتِي هَذَا جَمْرٌ» فَلَمَّا مَاتَ نَظَرُوا فَإِذَا فِيهِ أَلْفٌ أَوْ أَلْفَانِ