2. Sūrat al-Baqarah

٢۔ سُورَةُ البَقَرَة

2.52 Abraham: Abraham and son Ishmael ordered to establish the House of God.

٢۔٥٢ مقطع في سُورَةُ البَقَرَة


And ˹mention˺ when We made the House a place of return for the people and ˹a place of˺ security. And take, ˹O believers˺, from the standing place of Abraham a place of prayer. And We charged Abraham and Ishmael, ˹saying˺, "Purify My House for those who perform Tawaf and those who are staying ˹there˺ for worship and those who bow and prostrate ˹in prayer˺."  

And when We appointed the House, the Ka‘ba, to be a place of visitation, to which they flock from every direction, for the people, and a sanctuary, of safety for them from the injustice and attacks that befall other places: a person could come across his father’s killer there, and yet not act violently against him; and: ‘Take (ittakhidhū is also read ittakhadhū, making it a predicate), O people, to yourselves Abraham’s station, the founding stone he used when building the House, for a place of prayer’, so that you perform two units of prayer for the circumambulation; And We made a covenant with Abraham and Ishmael, We commanded them: ‘Purify My House, of graven images, for those that shall go round it and those that cleave to it, in ritual residence, to those who bow and prostrate themselves’, that is, those who pray: (al-rukka‘ and alsujūd are the plurals of rāki‘, ‘one bowing’, and sājid, ‘one prostrated’, respectively).

وَإِذْ جَعَلْنَا الْبَيْتَ مَثَابَةً لِلنَّاسِ وَأَمْنًا وَاتَّخِذُوا مِنْ مَقَامِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ مُصَلًّى ۖ وَعَهِدْنَا إِلَىٰ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَإِسْمَاعِيلَ أَنْ طَهِّرَا بَيْتِيَ لِلطَّائِفِينَ وَالْعَاكِفِينَ وَالرُّكَّعِ السُّجُودِ  

{وإذ جعلنا البيت} الكعبة {مثابة للناس} مرجعا يثبون إليه من كل جانب {وأمنا} مأمنا لهم من الظلم والإغارات الواقعة في غيره، كان الرجل يلقى قاتل أبيه فيه فلا يهيجه {واتخذوا} أيها الناس {من مقام إبراهيم} هو الحجر الذي قام عليه عند بناء البيت {مصلى} مكان صلاة بأن تصلوا خلفه ركعتي الطواف، وفي قراءة بفتح الخاء خبر {وعهدنا إلى إبراهيم وإسماعيل} أمرناهما {أن} أي بأن {طهِّرا بيتي} من الأوثان {للطائفين والعاكفين} المقيمين فيه {والركع السجود} جمع راكع وساجد المصلين.

And ˹mention˺ when Abraham said, "My Lord, make this a secure city and provide its people with fruits - whoever of them believes in Allah and the Last Day." ˹Allah˺ said. "And whoever disbelieves - I will grant him enjoyment for a little; then I will force him to the punishment of the Fire, and wretched is the destination."  

And when Abraham said, ‘My Lord, make this, place, a land secure, in which there is safety: God granted him his request, making it a sanctuary in which no human blood is shed, no injustice is committed towards anyone, no prey is hunted and which is never deserted in any of its parts; and provide its people with fruits: something which actually happened when there came itinerants from as far as Syria, whereas before, it had been devoid of any vegetation or water; such of them as believe in God and the Last Day’ (this phrase stands in place of its people, and they are here singled out for mention in the request in accordance with God’s saying My covenant shall not reach the evildoers); He, exalted, said, ‘And whoever disbelieves, I will also provide with fruits, to him I shall give enjoyment (read either umti‘uhu or umatti‘uhu), by granting him sustenance in this life, a little, the length of his life, but then I shall compel him, I shall drive him in the Hereafter to the chastisement of the Fire, so that he cannot find an escape — how evil a journey’s end!’, a place to which to return.

وَإِذْ قَالَ إِبْرَاهِيمُ رَبِّ اجْعَلْ هَٰذَا بَلَدًا آمِنًا وَارْزُقْ أَهْلَهُ مِنَ الثَّمَرَاتِ مَنْ آمَنَ مِنْهُمْ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ ۖ قَالَ وَمَنْ كَفَرَ فَأُمَتِّعُهُ قَلِيلًا ثُمَّ أَضْطَرُّهُ إِلَىٰ عَذَابِ النَّارِ ۖ وَبِئْسَ الْمَصِيرُ  

{وإذا قال إبراهيم رب اجعل هذا} المكان {بلدا آمنا} ذا أمن وقد أجاب الله دعاءه فجعله حرما لا يسفك فيه دم إنسان ولا يظلم فيه أحد ولا يصاد صيده ولا يختلي خلاه {وارزق أهله من الثمرات} وقد فعل بنقل الطائف من الشام إليه وكان أقفر لا زرع فيه ولا ماء {من آمن منهم بالله واليوم الآخر} بدل من أهله وخصهم بالدعاء لهم موافقة لقوله لا ينال عهدي الظالمين {قال} تعالى {و} ارزق {من كفر فَأُمَتِّعُهُ} بالتشديد والتخفيف في الدنيا بالرزق {قليلا} مدة حياته {ثم أضطره} ألجئه في الآخرة {إلى عذاب النار} فلا يجد عنها محيص {وبئس المصير} المرجع هي.
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