2. Sūrat al-Baqarah

٢۔ سُورَةُ البَقَرَة

2.94 Limitation for renouncing conjugal rights.

٢۔٩٤ مقطع في سُورَةُ البَقَرَة


For those who swear not to have sexual relations with their wives is a waiting time of four months, but if they return ˹to normal relations˺ - then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.  

For those who forswear their women, by swearing that they will not have sexual intercourse with them, a wait of four months; if they revert, back from the oath, or repeal it and resume sexual relations, God is Forgiving, of the harm they caused their women by swearing, Merciful, to them.

لِلَّذِينَ يُؤْلُونَ مِنْ نِسَائِهِمْ تَرَبُّصُ أَرْبَعَةِ أَشْهُرٍ ۖ فَإِنْ فَاءُوا فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ  

{للذين يؤلون من نسائهم} أي يحلفون أن لا يجامعوهن {تربص} انتظار {أربعة أشهر فإن فاءُوا} رجعوا فيها أو بعدها عن اليمين إلى الوطء {فإن الله غفور} لهم ما أتوه من ضرر المرأة بالحلف {رحيم} بهم.

And if they decide on divorce - then indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing.  

But if they resolve upon divorce, by not repealing it, then let them go through with it; surely God is Hearing, of what they say; Knowing, of their resolve, meaning that after the waiting period mentioned, they can only revert or divorce.

وَإِنْ عَزَمُوا الطَّلَاقَ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ  

{وإن عزموا الطلاق} أي عليه بأن لا يفيئوا فليوقعوه {فإن الله سميع} لقولهم {عليم} بعزمهم المعنى ليس لهم بعد تربص ما ذكر إلا الفيئة أو الطلاق.
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