58. Expeditions

٥٨۔ كِتَابُ السِّيَرِ

58.6 [Machine] What is mentioned in the abrogation of pardoning the polytheists, and the abrogation of the prohibition of fighting until they fight, and the prohibition of fighting in the sacred month? Ash-Shafi'i said: It is said that all of this prohibition is abrogated by the saying of Allah: "And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah." [Al-Baqarah: 193]

٥٨۔٦ بَابُ مَا جَاءَ فِي نَسْخِ الْعَفْوِ عَنِ الْمُشْرِكِينَ، وَنَسْخِ النَّهْيِ عَنِ الْقِتَالِ حَتَّى يُقَاتَلُوا، وَالنَّهْيِ عَنِ الْقِتَالِ فِي الشَّهْرِ الْحَرَامِ قَالَ الشَّافِعِيُّ: يُقَالُ نُسِخَ النَّهْيُ هَذَا كُلُّهُ بِقَوْلِ اللهِ ﷻ: {وَقَاتِلُوهُمْ حَتَّى لَا تَكُونَ فِتْنَةٌ} [البقرة: 193]

bayhaqi:17742Abū Zakariyyā b. Abū Isḥāq al-Muzakkī > Abū al-Ḥasan Aḥmad b. Muḥammad b. ʿAbdūs > ʿUthmān b. Saʿīd > ʿAbdullāh b. Ṣāliḥ > Muʿāwiyah b. Ṣāliḥ > ʿAlī b. Abū Ṭalḥah > Ibn

[Machine] In His statement, "So kill the polytheists wherever you find them" [Quran 9:5], and His statement, "Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day" [Quran 9:29], He has abrogated forgiveness for the polytheists. And His statement, "O Prophet, fight against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them" [Quran 9:73], Allah has commanded him to fight the disbelievers with the sword and the hypocrites with words, and to remove kindness from them.  

البيهقي:١٧٧٤٢أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو زَكَرِيَّا بْنُ أَبِي إِسْحَاقَ الْمُزَكِّي أنبأ أَبُو الْحَسَنِ أَحْمَدُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ عَبْدُوسٍ ثنا عُثْمَانُ بْنُ سَعِيدٍ ثنا عَبْدُ اللهِ بْنُ صَالِحٍ عَنْ مُعَاوِيَةَ بْنِ صَالِحٍ عَنْ عَلِيِّ بْنِ أَبِي طَلْحَةَ عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ ؓ

فِي قَوْلِهِ {فَاقْتُلُوا الْمُشْرِكِينَ حَيْثُ وَجَدْتُمُوهُمْ} [التوبة 5] وَقَوْلِهِ {قَاتِلُوا الَّذِينَ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللهِ وَلَا بِالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ} [التوبة 29] قَالَ فَنَسَخَ هَذَا الْعَفْوَ عَنِ الْمُشْرِكِينَ وَقَوْلِهِ {يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ جَاهِدِ الْكُفَّارَ وَالْمُنَافِقِينَ وَاغْلُظْ عَلَيْهِمْ} [التوبة 73] فَأَمَرَهُ اللهُ بِجِهَادِ الْكُفَّارِ بِالسَّيْفِ وَالْمُنَافِقِينَ بِاللِّسَانِ وَأَذْهَبَ الرِّفْقَ عَنْهُمْ  

bayhaqi:17743Ibn ʿAbbās > Qawluh And ʾAʿriḍ

[Machine] "Those who associate partners with Allah" [Surah Al-Hijr 94] and "You are not over them, a compeller" [Surah Al-Ghashiyah 22]. He says, "You are not over them, a tyrant" [Surah Al-Qasas 47]. "So pardon them and overlook" [Surah Al-Ma'idah 13] and "And if you forgive and overlook" [Surah Al-Taghabun 14], "Then pardon and overlook until Allah brings about His command" [Surah Al-Baqarah 109]. "Say to those who have believed, forgive those who do not expect the days of Allah" [Surah Al-Jathiyah 14]. And similar to this in the Quran, Allah has commanded forgiveness for the polytheists and that it abrogates all of that is His saying, "So kill the polytheists wherever you find them" [Surah At-Tawba 5] and His saying, "Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day" [Surah At-Tawba 29] until His saying, "But they are insignificant" [Surah At-Tawba 29]. So, this pardon for the polytheists was abrogated.  

البيهقي:١٧٧٤٣وَبِهَذَا الْإِسْنَادِ عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ ؓ قَالَ قَوْلُهُ {وَأَعْرِضْ عَنِ

الْمُشْرِكِينَ} [الحجر 94] وَ {لَسْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ بِمُصَيْطِرٍ} [الغاشية 22] يَقُولُ لَسْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ بِجَبَّارٍ {فَاعْفُ عَنْهُمْ وَاصْفَحْ} [المائدة 13] {وَإِنْ تَعْفُوا وَتَصْفَحُوا} [التغابن 14] {فَاعْفُوا وَاصْفَحُوا حَتَّى يَأْتِيَ اللهُ بِأَمْرِهِ} [البقرة 109] {قُلْ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا يَغْفِرُوا لِلَّذِينَ لَا يَرْجُونَ أَيَّامَ اللهِ} [الجاثية 14] وَنَحْوُ هَذَا فِي الْقُرْآنِ أَمَرَ اللهُ بِالْعَفْوِ عَنِ الْمُشْرِكِينَ وَأَنَّهُ نَسْخَ ذَلِكَ كُلَّهُ قَوْلُهُ {فَاقْتُلُوا الْمُشْرِكِينَ حَيْثُ وَجَدْتُمُوهُمْ} [التوبة 5] وَقَوْلُهُ {قَاتِلُوا الَّذِينَ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللهِ وَلَا بِالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ} [التوبة 29] إِلَى قَوْلِهِ {وَهُمْ صَاغِرُونَ} [التوبة 29] فَنَسَخَ هَذَا الْعَفْوَ عَنِ الْمُشْرِكِينَ  

bayhaqi:17744Abū ʿAbdullāh al-Ḥāfiẓ And ʾAbū Bakr Aḥmad b. al-Ḥasan al-Qāḍī > Abū al-ʿAbbās Muḥammad b. Yaʿqūb > Muḥammad b. Isḥāq > Muʿāwiyah b. ʿAmr > Abū Isḥāq > al-Fazārī > ʿUthmān b. ʿAṭāʾ from his father > Ibn ʿAbbās > Qāl Allāh ʿAz Wajal Faʾin

[Machine] "Allah said, 'And if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper except those who join a people between yourselves and whom is a treaty.' And He said, 'Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes.' Then Allah abrogated them and revealed: 'Disassociation is from Allah and His Messenger to those with whom you had made a treaty among the polytheists.' Until His statement: 'So when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them.' And He revealed, 'And fight against the polytheists collectively as they fight against you collectively.' He said, 'And if they incline to peace, then incline to it.' Then Allah abrogated that with this verse: 'Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful.'" [Quran 4:90, Quran 60:8, Quran 9:1, Quran 9:5, Quran 9:36, Quran 8:61, Quran 9:29]  

البيهقي:١٧٧٤٤أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو عَبْدِ اللهِ الْحَافِظُ وَأَبُو بَكْرٍ أَحْمَدُ بْنُ الْحَسَنِ الْقَاضِي قَالَا ثنا أَبُو الْعَبَّاسِ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يَعْقُوبَ ثنا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ إِسْحَاقَ ثنا مُعَاوِيَةُ بْنُ عَمْرٍو عَنْ أَبِي إِسْحَاقَ هُوَ الْفَزَارِيُّ عَنْ عُثْمَانَ بْنِ عَطَاءٍ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ ؓ قَالَ قَالَ

اللهُ ﷻ {فَإِنْ تَوَلَّوْا فَخُذُوهُمْ وَاقْتُلُوهُمْ حَيْثُ وَجَدْتُمُوهُمْ وَلَا تَتَّخِذُوا مِنْهُمْ وَلِيًّا وَلَا نَصِيرًا إِلَّا الَّذِينَ يَصِلُونَ إِلَى قَوْمٍ بَيْنَكُمْ وَبَيْنَهُمْ مِيثَاقٌ} [النساء 90] الْآيَةَ وَقَالَ {لَا يَنْهَاكُمُ اللهُ عَنِ الَّذِينَ لَمْ يُقَاتِلُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَلَمْ يُخْرِجُوكُمْ مِنْ دِيَارِكُمْ} [الممتحنة 8] الْآيَةَ ثُمَّ نَسَخَ هَؤُلَاءِ فَأَنْزَلَ اللهُ {بَرَاءَةٌ مِنَ اللهِ وَرَسُولِهِ إِلَى الَّذِينَ عَاهَدْتُمْ مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ} [التوبة 1] إِلَى قَوْلِهِ {فَإِذَا انْسَلَخَ الْأَشْهُرُ الْحُرُمُ فَاقْتُلُوا الْمُشْرِكِينَ حَيْثُ وَجَدْتُمُوهُمْ} [التوبة 5] وَأَنْزَلَ {وَقَاتِلُوا الْمُشْرِكِينَ كَافَّةً كَمَا يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ كَافَّةً} [التوبة 36] قَالَ {وَإِنْ جَنَحُوا لِلسَّلْمِ فَاجْنَحْ لَهَا} [الأنفال 61] ثُمَّ نَسْخَ ذَلِكَ هَذِهِ الْآيَةُ {قَاتِلُوا الَّذِينَ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللهِ وَلَا بِالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ وَلَا يُحَرِّمُونَ مَا حَرَّمَ اللهُ وَرَسُولُهُ} [التوبة 29]  

bayhaqi:17745Abū al-Qāsim ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz b. Muḥammad al-ʿAṭṭār> Abū ʿAmr ʿUthmān b. Aḥmad al-Daqāq > ʿAbd al-Malik b. Muḥammad al-Raqāshī from my father > al-Muʿtamir b. Sulaymān > Abū > al-Ḥaḍramī > Abū al-Sawwār > Jundub b. ʿAbdullāh

[Machine] The Messenger of Allah ﷺ sent a group and appointed 'Ubaydah ibn al-Harith over them. When he set out to lead them, he wept profusely towards the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. So the Messenger of Allah ﷺ sent a man named 'Abdullah ibn Jahsh in his place and wrote a letter for him. He ordered him not to read it until he reached a certain place, and not to force any of his companions to join him on the journey. So when he reached that place, he read the letter and contemplated it. He said, "I hear and obey Allah and His Messenger." So one of his companions returned, and the rest of them continued with him. They encountered Ibn al-Hadhrami and killed him without realizing it was Rajab or Jumada al-Akhirah (months). So the polytheists said, "They killed him in the sacred month." And the verse was revealed: "They ask you about the sacred month - about fighting therein. Say, 'Fighting therein is great [sin], but averting [people] from the way of Allah and disbelief in Him and [preventing access to] al-Masjid al-Haram and the expulsion of its people therefrom are greater [evil] in the sight of Allah.'" [Quran 2:217] until His saying: "And fitnah is greater than killing." [Quran 2:217] Some Muslims said, "If they were in the right, they would have received a reward." So the verse was revealed: "Indeed, those who have believed and those who have emigrated and fought in the cause of Allah - those expect the mercy of Allah. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." [Quran 2:218]  

البيهقي:١٧٧٤٥أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو الْقَاسِمِ عَبْدُ الْعَزِيزِ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ الْعَطَّارُ بِبَغْدَادَ ثنا أَبُو عَمْرٍو عُثْمَانُ بْنُ أَحْمَدَ الدَّقَاقُ ثنا عَبْدُ الْمَلِكِ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ الرَّقَاشِيُّ ثنا أَبِي ثنا الْمُعْتَمِرُ بْنُ سُلَيْمَانَ قَالَ سَمِعْتُ أَبِي يُحَدِّثُ عَنِ الْحَضْرَمِيِّ عَنْ أَبِي السَّوَّارِ عَنْ جُنْدُبِ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللهِ ؓ قَالَ

بَعَثَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ رَهْطًا وَاسْتَعْمَلَ عَلَيْهِمْ عُبَيْدَةَ بْنَ الْحَارِثِ قَالَ فَلَمَّا انْطَلَقَ لِيَتَوَجَّهَ بَكَى صَبَابَةً إِلَى رَسُولِ اللهِ ﷺ فَبَعَثَ مَكَانَهُ رَجُلًا يُقَالُ لَهُ عَبْدُ اللهِ بْنُ جَحْشٍ وَكَتَبَ لَهُ كِتَابًا وَأَمَرَهُ أَنْ لَا يَقْرَأَهُ إِلَّا لِمَكَانِ كَذَا وَكَذَا لَا تُكْرِهَنَّ أَحَدًا مِنْ أَصْحَابِكَ عَلَى الْمَسِيرِ مَعَكَ فَلَمَّا صَارَ إِلَى ذَلِكَ الْمَوْضِعِ قَرَأَ الْكِتَابَ وَاسْتَرْجَعَ قَالَ سَمْعًا وَطَاعَةً لِلَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ قَالَ فَرَجَّعَ رَجُلًا مِنْ أَصْحَابِهِ وَمَضَى بَقِيَّتُهُمْ مَعَهُ فَلَقُوا ابْنَ الْحَضْرَمِيِّ فَقَتَلُوهُ فَلَمْ يَدْرِ ذَلِكَ مِنْ رَجَبٍ أَوْ مِنْ جُمَادَى الْآخِرَةِ فَقَالَ الْمُشْرِكُونَ قَتَلَهُمْ فِي الشَّهْرِ الْحَرَامِ فَنَزَلَتْ {يَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ الشَّهْرِ الْحَرَامِ قِتَالٍ فِيهِ قُلْ قِتَالٌ فِيهِ كَبِيرٌ} [البقرة 217] إِلَى قَولِهِ {وَالْفِتْنَةُ أَكْبَرُ مِنَ الْقَتْلِ} [البقرة 217] قَالَ فَقَالَ بَعْضُ الْمُسْلِمِينَ لَئِنْ كَانُوا أَصَابُوا خَيْرًا مَا لَهُمْ أَجْرٌ فَنَزَلَتْ {إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَالَّذِينَ هَاجَرُوا وَجَاهَدُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللهِ أُولَئِكَ يَرْجُونَ رَحْمَةَ اللهِ وَاللهُ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ}  

bayhaqi:17746Abū Saʿīd b. Abū ʿAmr > Abū Muḥammad al-Muzanī > ʿAlī b. Muḥammad b. ʿĪsá > Abū al-Yamān > Shuʿayb > al-Zuhrī > ʿUrwah b. al-Zubayr

[Machine] The Messenger of Allah ﷺ sent a group of Muslims led by Abdullah bin Jahsh al-Asadi. They traveled until they reached a date palm tree and found Amr bin al-Hadrami with a trade caravan belonging to the Quraysh. The incident of killing Ibn al-Hadrami and the revelation of the verse "They ask you about the sacred month" (Quran 2:217) was mentioned. We were informed that the Prophet ﷺ approved of killing Ibn al-Hadrami and declared the sacred month forbidden just as he used to forbid it until Allah revealed, "Disassociation is declared by Allah and His Messenger" (Quran 9:1). The scholar, may Allah have mercy on him, said it seems he intended to mention the verse, "And fight against all the polytheists" (Quran 9:36), and the verse mentioned by al-Shafi'i, may Allah have mercy on him, is comprehensive regarding abrogation. Allah knows best.  

البيهقي:١٧٧٤٦أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو سَعِيدِ بْنُ أَبِي عَمْرٍو ثنا أَبُو مُحَمَّدٍ الْمُزَنِيُّ أنبأ عَلِيُّ بْنُ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ عِيسَى ثنا أَبُو الْيَمَانِ أَخْبَرَنِي شُعَيْبٌ عَنِ الزُّهْرِيِّ أَخْبَرَنِي عُرْوَةُ بْنُ الزُّبَيْرِ

أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللهِ ﷺ بَعَثَ سَرِيَّةً مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ وَأَمَّرَ عَلَيْهِمْ عَبْدَ اللهِ بْنَ جَحْشٍ الْأَسَدِيَّ فَانْطَلَقُوا حَتَّى هَبَطُوا نَخْلَةَ فَوَجَدُوا بِهَا عَمْرَو بْنَ الْحَضْرَمِيِّ فِي عِيرِ تِجَارَةٍ لِقُرَيْشٍ فَذَكَرَ الْحَدِيثَ فِي قَتْلِ ابْنِ الْحَضْرَمِيِّ وَنُزُولِ قَوْلِهِ {يَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ الشَّهْرِ الْحَرَامِ} [البقرة 217] قَالَ فَبَلَغَنَا أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ ﷺ عَقَلَ ابْنَ الْحَضْرَمِيِّ وَحَرَّمَ الشَّهْرَ الْحَرَامَ كَمَا كَانَ يُحَرِّمُهُ حَتَّى أَنْزَلَ اللهُ ﷻ {بَرَاءَةٌ مِنَ اللهِ وَرَسُولِهِ} [التوبة 1] قَالَ الشَّيْخُ رَحِمَهُ اللهُ وَكَأَنَّهُ أَرَادَ قَوْلَ اللهِ ﷻ {وَقَاتِلُوا الْمُشْرِكِينَ كَافَّةً} [التوبة 36] وَالْآيَةُ الَّتِي ذَكَرَهَا الشَّافِعِيُّ رَحِمَهُ اللهُ أَعَمُّ فِي النَّسْخِ وَاللهُ أَعْلَمُ  

bayhaqi:17747Abū Saʿīd b. Abū ʿAmr > Abū al-ʿAbbās Muḥammad b. Yaʿqūb > Baḥr b. Naṣr > ʿAbdullāh b. Wahb > Makhramah b. Bukayr from his father > Saʿīd b. al-Musayyib Wāstuftī Hal Yaṣluḥ Lilmuslimīn

[Machine] "And that was said by Sulaiman bin Yasir."  

البيهقي:١٧٧٤٧وَأَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو سَعِيدِ بْنُ أَبِي عَمْرٍو ثنا أَبُو الْعَبَّاسِ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يَعْقُوبَ ثنا بَحْرُ بْنُ نَصْرٍ ثنا عَبْدُ اللهِ بْنُ وَهْبٍ أَخْبَرَنِي مَخْرَمَةُ بْنُ بُكَيْرٍ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنْ سَعِيدِ بْنِ الْمُسَيِّبِ وَاسْتُفْتِيَ هَلْ يَصْلُحُ لِلْمُسْلِمِينَ أَنْ يُقَاتِلُوا الْكُفَّارَ فِي الشَّهْرِ الْحَرَامِ؟ فَقَالَ سَعِيدٌ نَعَمْ

وَقَالَ ذَلِكَ سُلَيْمَانُ بْنُ يَسَارٍ  

bayhaqi:17748Abū ʿAbdullāh al-Ḥāfiẓ And ʾAbū Bakr Aḥmad b. al-Ḥasan > Abū al-ʿAbbās Muḥammad b. Yaʿqūb > Muʿāwiyah b. ʿAmr > Abū Isḥāq > Saʾalt Sufyān > Qawl Allāh Yasʾalūnak

[Machine] Regarding the sacred month, fighting in it is mentioned. Say, "Fighting in it is a great sin." [Al-Baqarah 217] He said, "This is something abrogated and has passed, and there is no harm in fighting in the sacred month and others."  

البيهقي:١٧٧٤٨وَأَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو عَبْدِ اللهِ الْحَافِظُ وَأَبُو بَكْرٍ أَحْمَدُ بْنُ الْحَسَنِ قَالَا ثنا أَبُو الْعَبَّاسِ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يَعْقُوبَ ثنا مُعَاوِيَةُ بْنُ عَمْرٍو عَنْ أَبِي إِسْحَاقَ قَالَ سَأَلْتُ سُفْيَانَ عَنْ قَوْلِ اللهِ {يَسْأَلُونَكَ

عَنِ الشَّهْرِ الْحَرَامِ قِتَالٍ فِيهِ قُلْ قِتَالٌ فِيهِ كَبِيرٌ} [البقرة 217] قَالَ هَذَا شَيْءٌ مَنْسُوخٌ وَقَدْ مَضَى وَلَا بَأْسَ بِالْقِتَالِ فِي الشَّهْرِ الْحَرَامِ وَغَيْرِهِ  

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