54. Tafsīr (Exegesis) (2/15)

٥٤۔ كِتَابُ التَّفْسِيرِ ص ٢

54.2 Sūrat al-Baqarah

٥٤۔٢ سُورَةُ الْبَقَرَةِ

قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: {ثُمَّ أَفِيضُوا مِنْ حَيْثُ أَفَاضَ النَّاسُ} [البقرة: 199]

nasai-kubra:10967Isḥāq b. Ibrāhīm > Abū Muʿāwiyah > Hishām from his father > ʿĀʾishah

"The Quraish used to stand in Al-Muzdalifah and they called themselves Al-Hums, and the rest of Arabs stood in Arafat. Then Allah, Blessed and Most High, commanded his Prophet to stand in Arafat, and then move on from there. Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, revealed: 'Then depart from the place whence all the people depart.'" (Using translation from Nasāʾī 3012)  

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٦٧أَخْبَرَنَا إِسْحَاقُ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو مُعَاوِيَةَ حَدَّثَنَا هِشَامٌ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنْ عَائِشَةَ قَالَتْ

كَانَتْ قُرَيْشٌ تَقِفُ بِالْمُزْدَلِفَةِ وَيُسَمَّوْنَ الْحُمْسَ وَسَائِرُ الْعَرَبِ تَقِفُ بِعَرَفَةَ فَأَمَرَ اللهُ نَبِيَّهُ ﷺ أَنْ يَقِفَ بِعَرَفَةَ ثُمَّ يَدْفَعُ مِنْهَا فَأَنْزَلَ اللهُ تَعَالَى {ثُمَّ أَفِيضُوا مِنْ حَيْثُ أَفَاضَ النَّاسُ} [البقرة 199]  

قَوْلُهُ جَلَّ ثَنَاؤُهُ: {وَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ يَقُولُ رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً} [البقرة: 201]

nasai-kubra:10968Isḥāq b. Ibrāhīm > Ismāʿīl b. Ibrāhīm > ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz

[Machine] Qatadah asked Anas, "Which supplication did the Messenger of Allah ﷺ make most frequently?" Anas replied, "The supplication he made most frequently was, 'O Allah, give us goodness in this world and goodness in the Hereafter and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.'"  

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٦٨أَخْبَرَنَا إِسْحَاقُ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ حَدَّثَنَا إِسْمَاعِيلُ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ عَنْ عَبْدِ الْعَزِيزِ قَالَ

سَأَلَ قَتَادَةُ أَنَسًا أَيَّةُ دَعْوَةٍ كَانَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ يَدْعُو بِهَا أَكْثَرَ؟ فَقَالَ كَانَ يَدْعُو أَكْثَرَ مَا يَدْعُو بِهَذَا الْقَوْلِ اللهُمَّ آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ  

قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: {وَهُوَ أَلَدُّ الْخِصَامِ} [البقرة: 204]

nasai-kubra:10969Isḥāq b. Ibrāhīm > Wakīʿ > Ibn Jurayj > Ibn Abū Mulaykah > ʿĀʾishah

Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "The most hated person in the sight of Allah, is the most quarrelsome person." (Using translation from Bukhārī 7188)  

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٦٩أَخْبَرَنَا إِسْحَاقُ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ حَدَّثَنَا وَكِيعٌ حَدَّثَنَا ابْنُ جُرَيْجٍ عَنِ ابْنِ أَبِي مُلَيْكَةَ عَنْ عَائِشَةَ قَالَتْ

قَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ «أَبْغَضُ الرِّجَالِ إِلَى اللهِ الْأَلَدُّ الْخَصِمُ»  

قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: {وَيَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ الْمَحِيضِ قُلِ هُوَ أَذًى فَاعْتَزِلُوا النِّسَاءَ فِي الْمَحِيضِ} [البقرة: 222]

nasai-kubra:10970Isḥāq b. Ibrāhīm > Sulaymān b. Ḥarb > Ḥammād b. Salamah > Thābit > Anas

"When one of their womenfolk menstruated, the Jews would not eat or drink with them, nor mix with them in their houses. They asked the Prophet of Allah ﷺ about that, and Allah the Mighty and Sublime revealed: The ask you concerning menstruation. Say: 'That is an Adha (a harmful thing).'[2] So the Messenger of Allah ﷺ commanded them to eat and drink with them (menstruating women) and to mix with them in their houses, and to do everything with them except intercourse. The Jews said: 'The Messenger of Allah ﷺ does not leave anything against it.' Usaid bin Hudair and 'Abbad bin Bishr went and told the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and they said: 'Should we have intercourse with them when they are menstruating?' The expression of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ changed greatly until we thought that he was angry with them, and they left. Then the Messenger of Allah ﷺ received a gift of milk, so he sent someone to bring them back and he gave them some to drink, so they knew that he was not angry with them." [1] Al-Baqarah 2:222. [2] Al-Baqarah 2:222. (Using translation from Nasāʾī 288)   

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٧٠أَخْبَرَنَا إِسْحَاقُ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ أَخْبَرَنَا سُلَيْمَانُ بْنُ حَرْبٍ حَدَّثَنَا حَمَّادُ بْنُ سَلَمَةَ عَنْ ثَابِتٍ عَنْ أَنَسٍ قَالَ

كَانَتِ الْيَهُودُ إِذَا حَاضَتِ الْمَرْأَةُ مِنْهُمْ لَمْ يُؤَاكِلُوهُنَّ وَلَمْ يُشَارِبُوهُنَّ وَلَمْ يُجَامِعُوهُنَّ فِي الْبُيُوتِ فَسَأَلُوا النَّبِيَّ ﷺ عَنْ ذَلِكَ فَأَنْزَلَ اللهُ تَعَالَى {وَيَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ الْمَحِيضِ} [البقرة 222] قُلْ هُوَ أَذًى فَاعْتَزِلُوا النِّسَاءَ فِي الْمَحِيضِ فَأَمَرَهُمْ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ أَنْ يُؤَاكِلُوهُنَّ وَأَنْ يُشَارِبُوهُنَّ وَأَنْ يُجَامِعُوهُنَّ فِي الْبُيُوتِ وَأَنْ يَصْنَعُوا بِهِنَّ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ مَا خَلَا النِّكَاحَ  

54.2.38 Subsection

٥٤۔٢۔٣٨ قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: {نِسَاؤُكُمْ حَرْثٌ لَكُمْ فَأْتُوا حَرْثَكُمْ أَنَّى شِئْتُمْ} [البقرة: 223]

nasai-kubra:10971Isḥāq b. Ibrāhīm > Sufyān > Ibn al-Munkadir > Jābir > Kānat al-Yahūd

When a man has intercourse with his wife through the vagina but being on her back. the child will have squint, so the verse came down:" Your wives are your tilth; go then unto your tilth as you may desire" (ii. 223) (Using translation from Muslim 1435a)   

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٧١أَخْبَرَنَا إِسْحَاقُ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ أَخْبَرَنَا سُفْيَانُ عَنِ ابْنِ الْمُنْكَدِرِ عَنْ جَابِرٍ قَالَ

كَانَتِ الْيَهُودُ تَقُولُ فِي الرَّجُلِ يَأْتِي امْرَأَتَهُ مِنْ قِبَلِ دُبُرِهَا فِي قُبُلِهَا إِنَّ الْوَلَدَ يَكُونُ أَحْوَلَ فَنَزَلَتْ {نِسَاؤُكُمْ حَرْثٌ لَكُمْ فَأْتُوا حَرْثَكُمْ أَنَّى شِئْتُمْ} [البقرة 223]  

nasai-kubra:10972Qutaybah b. Saʿīd > Abū ʿAwānah > Muḥammad b. al-Munkadir > Jābir b. ʿAbdullāh

[Machine] The Jews said, "When a man approaches his wife from behind, it is as if he is sowing a seed." So Allah revealed, "Your wives are a tilth for you, so approach your tilth whenever you like." He (the Prophet) said (standing and sitting and also receiving marriage rewards) that this could be done after entering the mabāth (i.e., vagina).  

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٧٢أَخْبَرَنَا قُتَيْبَةُ بْنُ سَعِيدٍ حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو عَوَانَةَ عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ الْمُنْكَدِرِ عَنْ جَابِرِ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللهِ قَالَ

قَالَتِ الْيَهُودُ إِذَا أَتَى الرَّجُلُ امْرَأَتَهُ مِنْ قِبَلِ دُبُرِهَا كَانَ الْحَوَلُ مِنْ ذَلِكَ فَأَنْزَلَ اللهُ تَبَارَكَ وَتَعَالَى {نِسَاؤُكُمْ حَرْثٌ لَكُمْ فَأَتَوْا} [البقرة 223] قَالَ قَائِمًا وَقَاعِدًا وَبَارِكًا بَعْدَ أَنْ يَكُونَ فِي الْمَأْتَى  

nasai-kubra:10973Aḥmad b. al-Khalīl > Yūnus b. Muḥammad > Yaʿqūb > Jaʿfar > Saʿīd b. Jubayr > Ibn ʿAbbās

"'Umar came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and said: 'O Messenger of Allah! I am ruined!' He said: 'Why are you ruined?' He said: 'I turned my mount during the night (meaning that he went into his wife from behind).'" He said: "So the Messenger of Allah ﷺ did not say anything in reply to him. Then Allah revealed this Ayah to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ: 'Your wives are a tilth for you, so go to your tilth when or how you will (2:223).' From the front, the back, avoiding the anus, and menstruation." (Using translation from Tirmidhī 2980)   

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٧٣أَخْبَرَنَا أَحْمَدُ بْنُ الْخَلِيلِ حَدَّثَنَا يُونُسُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ حَدَّثَنَا يَعْقُوبٌ حَدَّثَنَا جَعْفَرٌ عَنْ سَعِيدِ بْنِ جُبَيْرٍ عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ قَالَ

جَاءَ عُمَرُ بْنُ الْخَطَّابِ إِلَى رَسُولِ اللهِ ﷺ فَقَالَ يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ هَلَكْتُ قَالَ «وَمَا الَّذِي أَهْلَكَكَ؟» قَالَ حَوَّلْتُ رَحْلِي اللَّيْلَةَ فَلَمْ يَرُدَّ عَلَيْهِ شَيْئًا قَالَ فَأُوحِيَ إِلَى رَسُولِ اللهِ ﷺ هَذِهِ الْآيَةَ {نِسَاؤُكُمْ حَرْثٌ لَكُمْ فَأْتُوا حَرْثَكُمْ أَنَّى شِئْتُمْ} [البقرة 223] يَقُولُ أَقْبِلْ وَأَدْبِرْ وَاتَّقِ الدَّبَرَ وَالْحَيْضَةَ  

54.2 Sūrat al-Baqarah

٥٤۔٢ سُورَةُ الْبَقَرَةِ

قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: {وَإِذَا طَلَّقْتُمُ النِّسَاءَ فَبَلَغْنَ أَجَلَهُنَّ فَلَا تَعْضُلُوهُنَّ} [البقرة: 232]

nasai-kubra:10974Sawwār b. ʿAbdullāh b. Sawwār > Abū Dāwud al-Ṭayālisī > ʿAbbād b. Rāshid > al-Ḥasan > Maʿqil b. Yasār > Kānat Lī Ukht Tukhṭab Faʾamnaʿuhā Fakhaṭabahā Ibn ʿAm Lī Fazawwajtuhā Iyyāh Fāṣṭaḥabā Mā Shāʾ Allāh

[Machine] That he should take her on a journey, then divorce her in a way that he can take her back, so he left her until her waiting period ended, and another suitor proposed to her. So I said, "You proposed to my sister, but I prevented her and chose you over her. You divorced her after her waiting period ended, and now you come to propose to her?" He said, "No, by Allah, whom there is no deity but Him, I will not marry both of you." Then this verse was revealed: "And when you divorce women and they have fulfilled their term, do not prevent them from remarrying their [former] husbands if they agree among themselves in an acceptable manner" [Surah Al-Baqarah 232]. So I said, "I accept and obey," and I married her.  

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٧٤أَخْبَرَنَا سَوَّارُ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللهِ بْنِ سَوَّارٍ حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو دَاوُدَ الطَّيَالِسِيُّ حَدَّثَنَا عَبَّادُ بْنُ رَاشِدٍ قَالَ سَمِعْتُ الْحَسَنَ يَقُولُ حَدَّثَنِي مَعْقِلُ بْنُ يَسَارٍ قَالَ كَانَتْ §لِي أُخْتٌ تُخْطَبُ فَأَمْنَعُهَا فَخَطَبَهَا ابْنُ عَمٍّ لِي فَزَوَّجْتُهَا إِيَّاهُ فَاصْطَحَبَا مَا شَاءَ اللهُ

أَنْ يَصْطَحِبَا ثُمَّ طَلَّقَهَا طَلَاقًا لَهُ عَلَيْهَا رَجْعَةٌ فَتَرَكَهَا حَتَّى انْقَضَتْ عِدَّتُهَا وَخَطَبَهَا الْخُطَّابُ جَاءَ فَخَطَبَهَا فَقُلْتُ يَا لُكَعُ خُطِبَتْ أُخْتِي فَمَنَعْتُهَا النَّاسَ وَآثَرْتُكَ بِهَا طَلَّقْتَهَا فَلَمَّا انْقَضَتْ عِدَّتُهَا جِئْتَ تَخْطُبُهَا؟ لَا وَاللهِ الَّذِي لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ لَا أُزَوِّجُكُمَا فَفِيَّ نَزَلَتْ هَذِهِ الْآيَةُ {وَإِذَا طَلَّقْتُمُ النِّسَاءَ فَبَلَغْنَ أَجَلَهُنَّ فَلَا تَعْضُلُوهُنَّ أَنْ يَنْكِحْنَ أَزْوَاجَهُنَّ إِذَا تَرَاضَوْا} [البقرة 232] فَقُلْتُ سَمْعًا وَطَاعَةً كَفَّرْتُ عَنْ يَمِينِي وَأَنْكَحْتُهَا  

قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: {وَإِذَا طَلَّقْتُمُ النِّسَاءَ فَبَلَغْنَ أَجَلَهُنَّ فَلَا تَعْضُلُوهُنَّ} [البقرة: 232]

nasai-kubra:10975Abū Bakr b. ʿAlī > Surayj b. Yūnus > Hushaym > Yūnus > al-Ḥasan > Maʿqil b. Yasār

[Machine] I married my sister to one of us, but he divorced her. When her waiting period ended, he proposed to her and she accepted. So I said to him, "I married her to you and gave you preference, then you divorced her. She will not return to you." Then the verse was revealed: "And when you divorce women and they have fulfilled their term, do not prevent them from remarrying their [former] husbands if they agree among themselves on an acceptable basis." [Quran 2:232] So I said to him, "Certainly, she will return to you."  

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٧٥أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو بَكْرِ بْنُ عَلِيٍّ حَدَّثَنَا سُرَيْجُ بْنُ يُونُسَ عَنْ هُشَيْمٍ أَخْبَرَنَا يُونُسُ عَنِ الْحَسَنِ عَنْ مَعْقِلِ بْنِ يَسَارٍ قَالَ

زَوَّجْتُ أُخْتِي رَجُلًا مِنَّا فَطَلَّقَهَا فَلَمَّا انْقَضَتِ الْعِدَّةُ خَطَبَهَا إِلَيَّ وَوَافَقَهَا ذَلِكَ فَقُلْتُ لَهُ زَوَّجْتُكَ وَآثَرْتُكَ ثُمَّ طَلَّقْتَهَا مَا هِيَ بِالَّتِي تَعُودُ إِلَيْكَ فَنَزَلَتْ {وَإِذَا طَلَّقْتُمُ النِّسَاءَ فَبَلَغْنَ أَجَلَهُنَّ فَلَا تَعْضُلُوهُنَّ أَنْ يَنْكِحْنَ أَزْوَاجَهُنَّ إِذَا تَرَاضَوْا بَيْنَهُمْ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ} [البقرة 232] فَقُلْتُ لَمَّا نَزَلَتْ هَذِهِ الْآيَةُ أَمَا إِنَّهَا سَتَعُودُ إِلَيْكَ  

54.2.40 Subsection

٥٤۔٢۔٤٠ قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: {وَالَّذِينَ يُتَوَفَّوْنَ مِنْكُمْ وَيَذَرُونَ أَزْوَاجًا} [البقرة: 234]

nasai-kubra:10976Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al-Aʿlá > Khālid / Ibn al-Ḥārith > Ibn ʿAwn > Muḥammad

"I was sitting with some people in Al-Kufah in a large gathering of the Ansar, among whom was 'Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Laila. They spoke about the story of Subai'ah and I mentioned what 'Abdullah bin 'Utbah bin Mas'ud had said in meaning." (One of the narrators) Ibn 'Awn's saying was: "when she gives birth." Ibn Abi Layla said: 'But his (paternal) uncle did not say that.' I raised my voice and said: 'Would I dare to tell lies about 'Abdullah bin 'Utbah when he is in the vicinity of Al-Kufah?'" He said: "Then I met Malik and said: 'What did Ibn Mas'ud say about the story of Subai'ah?' He said: 'He said: "Are you going to be too strict with her and not allow her the concession (with regard to the 'Iddah)? The shorter Surah about women (At-Talaq) was revealed after the longer one (Al-Baqarah)."'" (Using translation from Nasāʾī 3521)  

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٧٦أَخْبَرَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الْأَعْلَى أَخْبَرَنَا خَالِدٌ يَعْنِي ابْنَ الْحَارِثِ أَخْبَرَنَا ابْنُ عَوْنٍ عَنْ مُحَمَّدٍ قَالَ لَقِيتُ مَالِكًا فَقُلْتُ كَيْفَ كَانَ ابْنُ مَسْعُودٍ يَقُولُ فِي شَأْنِ سُبَيْعَةَ؟ قَالَ

قَالَ «أَتَجْعَلُونَ عَلَيْهَا التَّغْلِيظَ وَلَا تَجْعَلُونَ لَهَا الرُّخْصَةَ لَأُنْزِلَتْ سُورَةُ النِّسَاءِ الْقُصْرَى بَعْدَ الطُّولَى»  

nasai-kubra:10977Muḥammad b. Salamah > Ibn al-Qāsim > Mālik > Saʿd b. Isḥāq b. Kaʿb b. ʿUjrah > ʿAmmatih Zaynab b. Kaʿb b. ʿUjrah > al-Furayʿah b. Mālik b. Sinān And Hī Ukht Abū Saʿīd al-Khudrī

"Should I return to my people, for he did not leave any dwelling house of his own and maintenance for me? She said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ replied: Yes. She said: I came out, and when I was in the apartment or in the mosque, he called for me, or he commanded (someone to call me) and, therefore, I was called. He said: what did you say? So I repeated my story which I had already mentioned about my husband. Thereupon he said: Stay in your house till the term lapses. She said: So I passed my waiting period in it (her house) for four months and ten days. When Uthman ibn Affan became caliph, he sent for me and asked me about that; so I informed him, and he followed it and decided cases accordingly. (Using translation from Abū Dāʾūd 2300)   

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٧٧أَخْبَرَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ سَلَمَةَ أَخْبَرَنَا ابْنُ الْقَاسِمِ عَنْ مَالِكٍ عَنْ سَعْدِ بْنِ إِسْحَاقَ بْنِ كَعْبِ بْنِ عُجْرَةَ عَنْ عَمَّتِهِ زَيْنَبَ بِنْتِ كَعْبِ بْنِ عُجْرَةَ أَنَّ الْفُرَيْعَةَ بِنْتَ مَالِكِ بْنِ سِنَانٍ وَهِيَ أُخْتُ أَبِي سَعِيدٍ الْخُدْرِيِّ أَخْبَرَتْهَا

أَنَّهَا جَاءَتْ إِلَى رَسُولِ اللهِ ﷺ تَسْأَلُهُ أَتَرْجِعُ إِلَى أَهْلِهَا بَنِي خُدْرَةَ فَإِنَّ زَوْجَهَا خَرَجَ فِي طَلَبِ أَعْبُدٍ لَهُ أَبَقُوا حَتَّى إِذَا كَانُوا فِي طَرَفِ الْقَدُومِ لَحِقَهُمْ فَقَتَلُوهُ قَالَتْ فَسَأَلْتُ رَسُولَ اللهِ ﷺ أَنْ أَرْجِعَ إِلَى أَهْلِي فَإِنَّ زَوْجِي لَمْ يَتْرُكْنِي فِي مَسْكَنٍ يَمْلِكُهُ وَلَا نَفَقَةٍ قَالَتْ فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ «نَعَمْ» فَخَرَجْتُ حَتَّى إِذَا كُنْتُ فِي الْحُجْرَةِ أَوْ فِي الْمَسْجِدِ دَعَانِي أَوْ أَمْرَ بِي فَدُعِيتُ فَقَالَ «كَيْفَ قُلْتِ؟» قَالَتْ فَرَدَدْتُ عَلَيْهِ فَقَالَ «امْكُثِي فِي بَيْتِكِ حَتَّى يَبْلُغَ الْكِتَابُ أَجَلَهُ» فَاعْتَدَدْتُ أَرْبَعَةَ أَشْهُرٍ وَعَشْرًا فَلَمَّا كَانَ عُثْمَانُ أَرْسَلَ إِلَيَّ فَأَخْبَرْتُهُ فَاتَّبَعَهُ وَقَضَى بِهِ  

nasai-kubra:10978ʿAmr b. Manṣūr > ʿAbdullāh b. Yūsuf > Mālik > ʿAbdullāh b. Abū Bakr b. Ḥazm > Ḥumayd b. Nāfiʿ > Zaynab b. Abū Salamah

Zainab bint Abu Salama told me these three narrations: Zainab said: I went to Um Habiba, the wife of the Prophet ﷺ when her father, Abu- Sufyan bin Herb had died. Um ,Habiba asked for a perfume which contained yellow scent (Khaluq) or some other scent, and she first perfumed one of the girls with it and then rubbed her cheeks with it and said, "By Allah, I am not in need of perfume, but I have heard Messenger of Allah ﷺ saying, 'It is not lawful for a lady who believes in Allah and the Last Day to mourn for a dead person for more than three days unless he is her husband for whom she should mourn for four months and ten days.'" (Using translation from Bukhārī 5334)   

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٧٨عَنْ عَمْرِو بْنِ مَنْصُورٍ عَنْ عَبْدِ اللهِ بْنِ يُوسُفَ عَنْ مَالِكٍ عَنْ عَبْدِ اللهِ بْنِ أَبِي بَكْرِ بْنِ حَزْمٍ عَنْ حُمَيْدِ بْنِ نَافِعٍ عَنْ زَيْنَبَ بِنْتِ أَبِي سَلَمَةَ قَالَتْ

دَخَلْتُ عَلَى أُمِّ حَبِيبَةَ حِينَ تُوُفِّيَ أَبُوهَا أَبُو سُفْيَانَ فَدَعَتْ بِطِيبٍ فَدَهَنَتْ مِنْهُ جَارِيَةً ثُمَّ مَسَّتْ بِعَارِضَيْهَا ثُمَّ قَالَتْ وَاللهِ مَا لِي بِالطِّيبِ مِنْ حَاجَةٍ غَيْرَ أَنِّي سَمِعْتُ رَسُولَ اللهِ ﷺ يَقُولُ «لَا يَحِلُّ لِامْرَأَةٍ تُؤْمِنُ بِاللهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ أَنْ تُحِدَّ عَلَى مَيِّتٍ فَوْقَ ثَلَاثٍ إِلَّا عَلَى زَوْجٍ أَرْبَعَةَ أَشْهُرٍ وَعَشْرًا»  

54.2 Sūrat al-Baqarah

٥٤۔٢ سُورَةُ الْبَقَرَةِ

قَوْلُهُ جَلَّ ثَنَاؤُهُ: {حَافِظُوا عَلَى الصَّلَوَاتِ وَالصَّلَاةِ الْوُسْطَى} [البقرة: 238]

nasai-kubra:10979Isḥāq b. Ibrāhīm > ʿĪsá > al-Aʿmash > Muslim > Shutayr b. Shakal > ʿAlī ʿAlayh al-Salām

[Machine] The Prophet ﷺ was occupied and did not pray Asr until he prayed it between Maghrib and Isha prayers, so he said, "They have occupied us from performing the mid-afternoon prayer, may Allah fill their homes and graves with fire."  

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٧٩أَخْبَرَنَا إِسْحَاقُ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ أَخْبَرَنَا عِيسَى عَنِ الْأَعْمَشِ عَنْ مُسْلِمٍ عَنْ شُتَيْرِ بْنِ شَكَلٍ عَنْ عَلِيٍّ عَلَيْهِ السَّلَامُ قَالَ

شَغَلُوا النَّبِيَّ ﷺ عَنْ صَلَاةِ الْعَصْرِ حَتَّى صَلَّاهَا بَيْنَ صَلَاتَيِ الْعِشَاءِ فَقَالَ «شَغَلُونَا عَنْ صَلَاةِ الْوُسْطَى مَلَأَ اللهُ بُيُوتَهُمْ وَقُبُورَهُمْ نَارًا»  

قَوْلُهُ جَلَّ ثَنَاؤُهُ: {حَافِظُوا عَلَى الصَّلَوَاتِ وَالصَّلَاةِ الْوُسْطَى} [البقرة: 238]

nasai-kubra:10980Qutaybah b. Saʿīd > Mālik And al-Ḥārith b. Miskīn > Ibn al-Qāsim > Ḥaddath Mālik > Zayd b. Aslam > al-Qaʿqāʿ b. Ḥakīm

"Aishah told me to copy a Mushaf for her, and she said: 'When you reach this verse, call my attention: Guard strictly the Salawat especially the middle (Al-Wusta) Salah. [1] When I reached it, I called her attention and she dictated to me: 'Guard strictly the Salawat expecially the middle (Al-Wusta) Salah and the 'Asr prayer, and stand before Allah with obedience.' Then she said: 'I heard it from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.'" [1] Al-Baqarah 2:238. (Using translation from Nasāʾī 472)  

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٨٠أَخْبَرَنَا قُتَيْبَةُ بْنُ سَعِيدٍ عَنْ مَالِكٍ وَالْحَارِثِ بْنِ مِسْكِينٍ قِرَاءَةً عَلَيْهِ وَأَنَا أَسْمَعُ عَنِ ابْنِ الْقَاسِمِ قَالَ حَدَّثَ مَالِكٌ عَنْ زَيْدِ بْنِ أَسْلَمَ عَنِ الْقَعْقَاعِ بْنِ حَكِيمٍ

عَنْ أَبِي يُونُسَ مَوْلَى عَائِشَةَ زَوْجِ النَّبِيِّ ﷺ أَنَّهُ قَالَ أَمَرَتْنِي عَائِشَةُ أَنْ أَكْتُبَ لَهَا مُصْحَفًا وَقَالَتْ إِذَا بَلَغْتَ هَذِهِ الْآيَةَ فَآذِنِّي {حَافِظُوا عَلَى الصَّلَوَاتِ وَالصَّلَاةِ الْوُسْطَى} [البقرة 238] فَلَمَّا بَلَغْتُهَا آذَنْتُهَا فَأَمْلَتْ عَلَيَّ حَافِظُوا عَلَى الصَّلَوَاتِ وَالصَّلَاةِ الْوُسْطَى وَصَلَاةِ الْعَصْرِ وَقُومُوا لِلَّهِ قَانِتِينَ ثُمَّ قَالَتْ سَمِعْتُهَا مِنْ رَسُولِ اللهِ ﷺ  

قَوْلُهُ جَلَّ ثَنَاؤُهُ: {وَقُومُوا لِلَّهِ قَانِتِينَ} [البقرة: 238]

nasai-kubra:10981Sūwayd b. Naṣr > ʿAbdullāh > Ismāʿīl b. Abū Khālid > al-Ḥārith / Ibn Shubayl > Abū ʿAmr al-Shaybānī > Zayd b. Arqam

We used to speak while in prayer. One of us used to speak to his brother (while in prayer) about his need, till the Verse was revealed:-- "Guard strictly the (five obligatory) prayers, especially the middle (the Best) (ʿAsr) Prayer and stand before Allah with obedience (and not to speak to others during the prayers)." Then we were ordered not to speak in the prayers. (Using translation from Bukhārī 4534)   

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٨١أَخْبَرَنَا سُوَيْدُ بْنُ نَصْرٍ أَخْبَرَنَا عَبْدُ اللهِ عَنْ إِسْمَاعِيلَ بْنِ أَبِي خَالِدٍ عَنِ الْحَارِثِ وَهُو ابْنُ شُبَيْلٍ عَنْ أَبِي عَمْرٍو الشَّيْبَانِيِّ عَنْ زَيْدِ بْنِ أَرْقَمَ قَالَ

كُنَّا فِي عَهْدِ النَّبِيِّ ﷺ يُكَلِّمُ أَحَدُنَا صَاحِبَهُ فِي الصَّلَاةِ فِي حَاجَتِهِ حَتَّى نَزَلَتْ هَذِهِ الْآيَةُ {حَافِظُوا عَلَى الصَّلَوَاتِ وَالصَّلَاةِ الْوُسْطَى وَقُومُوا لِلَّهِ قَانِتِينَ} [البقرة 238] فَأُمِرْنَا حِينَئِذٍ بِالسُّكُوتِ  

قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: {لَا إِكْرَاهَ فِي الدِّينِ} [البقرة: 256]

nasai-kubra:10982Ibrāhīm b. Yūnus b. Muḥammad > ʿUthmān b. ʿUmar > Shuʿbah > Abū Bishr > Saʿīd b. Jubayr > Ibn ʿAbbās

[Machine] The woman from the Ansar had no children, so she made a vow that if she had a child, she would dedicate them to worship. When the Ansar embraced Islam, they asked, "What should we do with our children?" Then this verse was revealed: "There is no compulsion in religion." [Surah Al-Baqarah: 256]  

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٨٢أَخْبَرَنَا إِبْرَاهِيمُ بْنُ يُونُسَ بْنِ مُحَمَّدٍ أَخْبَرَنَا عُثْمَانُ بْنُ عُمَرَ أَخْبَرَنَا شُعْبَةُ عَنْ أَبِي بِشْرٍ عَنْ سَعِيدِ بْنِ جُبَيْرٍ عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ قَالَ

كَانَتِ الْمَرْأَةُ مِنَ الْأَنْصَارِ لَا يَكُونُ لَهَا وَلَدٌ تَجْعَلُ عَلَى نَفْسِهَا لَئِنْ كَانَ لَهَا وَلَدٌ لَتُهَوِّدَنَّهُ فَلَمَّا أَسْلَمَتِ الْأَنْصَارُ قَالُوا كَيْفَ نَصْنَعُ بِأَبْنَائِنَا؟ فَنَزَلَتْ هَذِهِ الْآيَةُ {لَا إِكْرَاهَ فِي الدِّينِ} [البقرة 256]  

قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: {قَدْ تَبَيَّنَ الرُّشْدُ مِنَ الْغَيِّ} [البقرة: 256]

nasai-kubra:10983Muḥammad b. Bashhār Fī Ḥadīthih > Ibn Abū ʿAdī > Shuʿbah > Abū Bishr > Saʿīd b. Jubayr > Ibn ʿAbbās

When the children of a woman (in pre-Islamic days) did not survive, she took a vow on herself that if her child survives, she would convert it a Jew. When Banu an-Nadir were expelled (from Arabia), there were some children of the Ansar (Helpers) among them. They said: We shall not leave our children. So Allah the Exalted revealed; "Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from error." Abu Dawud said: Muqlat means a woman whose children do not survive. (Using translation from Abū Dāʾūd 2682)  

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٨٣أَخْبَرَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ بَشَّارٍ فِي حَدِيثِهِ عَنِ ابْنِ أَبِي عَدِيٍّ عَنْ شُعْبَةَ عَنْ أَبِي بِشْرٍ عَنْ سَعِيدِ بْنِ جُبَيْرٍ عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ قَالَ

كَانَتِ الْمَرْأَةُ تَجْعَلُ عَلَى نَفْسِهَا إِنْ عَاشَ لَهَا وَلَدٌ أَنْ تُهَوِّدَهُ فَلَمَّا أُجْلِيَتْ بَنُو النَّضِيرِ كَانَ فِيهِمْ مِنْ أَبْنَاءِ الْأَنْصَارِ قَالُوا لَا نَدَعُ أَبْنَاءَنَا فَأَنْزَلَ اللهُ ﷻ {لَا إِكْرَاهَ فِي الدِّينِ قَدْ تَبَيَّنَ الرُّشْدُ مِنَ الْغَيِّ} [البقرة 256]  

قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: {وَإِذْ قَالَ إِبْرَاهِيمُ رَبِّ أَرِنِي كَيْفَ تُحْيِي الْمَوْتَى} [البقرة: 260]

nasai-kubra:10984ʿAmr b. Manṣūr > ʿAbdullāh b. Muḥammad > Jūwayriyah > Mālik b. Anas > al-Zuhrī > Saʿīd b. al-Musayyib And ʾAbā ʿUbayd > Abū Hurayrah

Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "We are more liable to be in doubt than Abraham when he said, 'My Lord! Show me how You give life to the dead." . He (i.e. Allah) slid: 'Don't you believe then?' He (i.e. Abraham) said: "Yes, but (I ask) in order to be stronger in Faith." (2.260) And may Allah send His Mercy on Lot! He wished to have a powerful support. If I were to stay in prison for such a long time as Joseph did I would have accepted the offer (of freedom without insisting on having my guiltless less declared). (Using translation from Bukhārī 3372)   

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٨٤أَخْبَرَنَا عَمْرُو بْنُ مَنْصُورٍ حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ اللهِ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ حَدَّثَنَا جُوَيْرِيَةُ عَنْ مَالِكِ بْنِ أَنَسٍ عَنِ الزُّهْرِيِّ أَنَّ سَعِيدَ بْنَ الْمُسَيِّبِ وَأَبَا عُبَيْدٍ أَخْبَرَاهُ عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ

أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ ﷺ قَالَ رَحِمَ اللهُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ نَحْنُ أَحَقُّ بِالشَّكِّ مِنْهُ قَالَ {رَبِّ أَرِنِي كَيْفَ تُحْيِي الْمَوْتَى قَالَ أَوَلَمْ تُؤْمِنْ قَالَ بَلَى وَلَكِنْ لِيَطْمَئِنَّ قَلْبِي} [البقرة 260] فَذَكَرَ الْآيَةَ «وَيَرْحَمُ اللهُ لُوطًا كَانَ يَأْوِي إِلَى رُكْنٍ شَدِيدٍ وَلَوْ لَبِثْتُ فِي السِّجْنِ مَا لَبِثَ يُوسُفُ ثُمَّ جَاءَنِي الدَّاعِي لَأَجَبْتُهُ»  

قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: {الشَّيْطَانُ يَعِدُكُمُ الْفَقْرَ} [البقرة: 268]

nasai-kubra:10985Hannād b. al-Sarī > Abū al-Aḥwaṣ > ʿAṭāʾ > Murrah > ʿAbdullāh

that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "Indeed the Shaitan has an effect on the son of Adam, and the angel also has en effect. As for the Shaitan, it is by threatening evil repercussions and rejecting the truth. As for the effect of the angel, it is by his promise of a good end and believing in the truth. Whoever finds that, let him know that it is from Allah, and let him praise Allah for it. Whoever finds the other then let him seek refuge with Allah from the Shaitan (the outcast) then recite: Shaitan threatens you with poverty and orders you to commit Fahisha (2:268)." (Using translation from Tirmidhī 2988)   

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٨٥أَخْبَرَنَا هَنَّادُ بْنُ السَّرِيِّ عَنْ أَبِي الْأَحْوَصِ عَنْ عَطَاءٍ عَنْ مُرَّةَ عَنْ عَبْدِ اللهِ قَالَ

قَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ إِنَّ لِلشَّيْطَانِ لِمَّةً وَلِلْمَلَكِ لِمَّةً فَأَمَّا لِمَّةُ الشَّيْطَانِ فَإِيعَادٌ بِالشَّرِّ وَتَكْذِيبٌ بِالْحَقِّ وَأَمَّا لِمَّةُ الْمَلَكِ فَإِيعَادٌ بِالْخَيْرِ وَتَصْدِيقٌ بِالْحَقِّ فَمَنْ وَجَدَ مِنْ ذَلِكَ فَلْيَعْلَمْ أَنَّهُ مِنَ اللهِ فَلْيَحْمَدِ اللهَ وَمَنْ وَجَدَ مِنَ الْآخَرِ فَلْيَتَعَوَّذْ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ ثُمَّ قَرَأَ {الشَّيْطَانُ يَعِدُكُمُ الْفَقْرَ وَيَأْمُرُكُمْ بِالْفَحْشَاءِ وَاللهُ يَعِدُكُمْ مَغْفِرَةً مِنْهُ وَفَضْلًا} [البقرة 268]  

قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: {لَيْسَ عَلَيْكَ هَدَاهُمْ} [البقرة: 272]

nasai-kubra:10986Muḥammad b. ʿAbdullāh b. ʿAbd al-Raḥīm > al-Firyābī > Sufyān > al-Aʿmash > Jaʿfar b. Iyās > Saʿīd b. Jubayr > Ibn ʿAbbās > Kānūā Yakrahūn

Not upon you, [O Muhammad], is [responsibility for] their guidance, but Allah guides whom He wills. And whatever good you [believers] spend is for yourselves, and you do not spend except seeking the countenance of Allah. And whatever you spend of good - it will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged. (Using translation from Qurʾān 2:272)   

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٨٦أَخْبَرَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللهِ بْنِ عَبْدِ الرَّحِيمِ حَدَّثَنَا الْفِرْيَابِيُّ حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ عَنِ الْأَعْمَشِ عَنْ جَعْفَرِ بْنِ إِيَاسٍ عَنْ سَعِيدِ بْنِ جُبَيْرٍ عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ قَالَ كَانُوا §يَكْرَهُونَ

أَنْ يَرْضَخُوا لِأَنْسِبَائِهِمْ مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ فَسَأَلُوا فَرَضَخَ لَهُمْ فَنَزَلَتْ هَذِهِ الْآيَةُ {لَيْسَ عَلَيْكَ هَدَاهُمْ وَلَكِنَّ اللهَ يَهْدِي مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَمَا تُنْفِقُوا مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَلِأَنْفُسِكُمْ وَمَا تُنْفِقُونَ إِلَّا ابْتِغَاءَ وَجْهِ اللهِ وَمَا تُنْفِقُوا مِنْ خَيْرٍ يُوَفَ إِلَيْكُمْ وَأَنْتُمْ لَا تُظْلَمُونَ} [البقرة 272]  

قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: {لَا يَسْأَلُونَ النَّاسَ إِلْحَافًا} [البقرة: 273]

nasai-kubra:10987ʿAlī b. Ḥujr > Ismāʿīl > Sharīk > ʿAṭāʾ b. Yasār > Abū Hurayrah

Miskin is not he who is dismissed with one or two dates, and with one morsel or two morsels. (In fact) miskin is he who abstains (from begging). Read if you so desire (the verse):" They beg not of men importunately)" (ii. 273). (Using translation from Muslim 1039b)  

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٨٧أَخْبَرَنَا عَلِيُّ بْنُ حُجْرٍ حَدَّثَنَا إِسْمَاعِيلُ حَدَّثَنَا شَرِيكٌ عَنْ عَطَاءِ بْنِ يَسَارٍ عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ

أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللهِ ﷺ قَالَ لَيْسَ الْمِسْكِينُ الَّذِي تَرُدُّهُ التَّمْرَةُ وَالتَّمْرَتَانِ وَاللُّقْمَةُ وَاللُّقْمَتَانِ إِنَّ الْمِسْكِينَ الْمُتَعَفِّفُ اقْرَءُوا إِنْ شِئْتُمْ {لَا يَسْأَلُونَ النَّاسَ إِلْحَافًا} [البقرة 273]  

قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: {الَّذِينَ يَأْكُلُونَ الرِّبَا} [البقرة: 275]

nasai-kubra:10988Abū Bakr b. Ḥafṣ > al-Muʿtamir / Ibn Sulaymān from his father > Mughīrah > Ibrāhīm > Liʿalqamah Aqāl ʿAbdullāh

[Machine] Did the Prophet ﷺ curse the eater of usury, its organizer, its witnesses, and its writer? He said, "Yes, the eater of usury and its organizer." I said, "And its witnesses and its writer?" He said, "We only speak of what we have heard."  

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٨٨أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو بَكْرِ بْنِ حَفْصٍ عَنِ الْمُعْتَمِرِ وَهُو ابْنُ سُلَيْمَانَ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنْ مُغِيرَةَ عَنْ إِبْرَاهِيمَ قَالَ قُلْتُ لِعَلْقَمَةَ أَقَالَ عَبْدُ اللهِ

لَعَنَ النَّبِيُّ ﷺ آكِلَ الرِّبَا وَمُوكِلَهُ وَشَاهِدَيْهِ وَكَاتِبَهُ؟ قَالَ آكِلَ الرِّبَا وَمُوكِلَهُ قُلْتُ وَشَاهِدَيْهِ وَكَاتِبَهُ؟ قَالَ إِنَّمَا نُحَدِّثُ بِمَا سَمِعْنَا  

قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: {وَأَحَلَّ اللهُ الْبَيْعَ وَحَرَّمَ الرِّبَا} [البقرة: 275]

nasai-kubra:10989Maḥmūd b. Ghaylān > Abū Dāwud > Shuʿbah > al-Aʿmash > Bishr b. Khālid > Ghundar > Shuʿbah > Sulaymān > Abū al-Ḍuḥá > Masrūq > ʿĀʾishah

[Machine] "When the later verses of Surah Al-Baqarah were revealed, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ went to the mosque and recited them there, and also prohibited trade in alcohol." The wording is attributed to Mahmood.  

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٨٩أَخْبَرَنَا مَحْمُودُ بْنُ غَيْلَانَ حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو دَاوُدَ أَخْبَرَنَا شُعْبَةُ عَنِ الْأَعْمَشِ وَأَخْبَرَنَا بِشْرُ بْنُ خَالِدٍ أَخْبَرَنَا غُنْدَرٌ عَنْ شُعْبَةَ عَنْ سُلَيْمَانَ قَالَ سَمِعْتُ أَبَا الضُّحَى عَنْ مَسْرُوقٍ عَنْ عَائِشَةَ قَالَتْ

«لَمَّا نَزَلَتِ الْآيَاتُ الْأَوَاخِرُ مِنْ سُورَةِ الْبَقَرَةِ خَرَجَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ فَقَرَأَهُنَّ فِي الْمَسْجِدِ وَحَرَّمَ التِّجَارَةَ فِي الْخَمْرِ» وَاللَّفْظُ لِمَحْمُودٍ  

قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: {يَمْحَقُ اللهُ الرِّبَا} [البقرة: 276]

nasai-kubra:10990Maḥmūd b. Ghaylān > Wakīʿ > Sufyān > Manṣūr > Abū al-Ḍuḥá > Masrūq

"When the Verses of Riba were revealed, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ stood up on the Minbar and recited them to the people, then he forbade dealing in wine." (Using translation from Nasāʾī 4665)  

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٩٠أَخْبَرَنَا مَحْمُودُ بْنُ غَيْلَانَ حَدَّثَنَا وَكِيعٌ حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ عَنْ مَنْصُورٍ عَنْ أَبِي الضُّحَى عَنْ مَسْرُوقٍ

عَنْ عَائِشَةَ «لَمَّا نَزَلَتْ آيَاتُ الرِّبَا قَامَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ عَلَى الْمِنْبَرِ فَتَلَاهُنَّ عَلَى النَّاسِ ثُمَّ حَرَّمَ التِّجَارَةَ فِي الْخَمْرِ»  

قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: {وَاتَّقُوا يَوْمًا تُرْجَعُونَ فِيهِ إِلَى اللهِ} [البقرة: 281]

nasai-kubra:10991al-Ḥusayn b. Ḥurayth > al-Faḍl b. Mūsá > al-Ḥusayn b. Wāqid > Yazīd > ʿIkrimah > Ibn ʿAbbās

[Machine] The last thing revealed from the Quran is "And fear a Day when you will be returned to Allah" [Surah Al-Baqarah 281].  

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٩١أَخْبَرَنَا الْحُسَيْنُ بْنُ حُرَيْثٍ أَخْبَرَنَا الْفَضْلُ بْنُ مُوسَى عَنِ الْحُسَيْنِ بْنِ وَاقِدٍ عَنْ يَزِيدَ عَنْ عِكْرِمَةَ عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ قَالَ

آخِرُ شَيْءٍ نَزَلَ مِنَ الْقُرْآنِ {وَاتَّقُوا يَوْمًا تُرْجَعُونَ فِيهِ إِلَى اللهِ} [البقرة 281]  

قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: {وَاتَّقُوا يَوْمًا تُرْجَعُونَ فِيهِ إِلَى اللهِ} [البقرة: 281]

nasai-kubra:10992Muḥammad b. ʿUqayl > ʿAlī b. al-Ḥusayn from my father > Yazīd > ʿIkrimah

[Machine] "From Ibn Abbas regarding his saying: 'And fear a Day when you will be returned to Allah. Then every soul will be compensated for what it earned, and they will not be wronged.' [Quran 2:281] Indeed, it is the last verse revealed to the Messenger of Allah."  

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٩٢أَخْبَرَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ عُقَيْلٍ أَخْبَرَنَا عَلِيُّ بْنُ الْحُسَيْنِ حَدَّثَنِي أَبِي حَدَّثَنِي يَزِيدُ عَنْ عِكْرِمَةَ

عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ فِي قَوْلِهِ {وَاتَّقُوا يَوْمًا تُرْجَعُونَ فِيهِ إِلَى اللهِ ثُمَّ تُوَفَّى كُلُّ نَفْسٍ مَا كَسَبَتْ وَهُمْ لَا يُظْلَمُونَ} [البقرة 281] إِنَّهَا آخِرُ آيَةٍ أُنْزِلَتْ عَلَى رَسُولِ اللهِ ﷺ  

قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى {وَإِنْ تُبْدُوا مَا فِي أَنْفُسِكُمْ أَوْ تُخْفُوهُ} [البقرة: 284]

nasai-kubra:10993Maḥmūd b. Ghaylān > Wakīʿ > Sufyān > Ādam b. Sulaymān > Saʿīd b. Jubayr > Ibn ʿAbbās

When this verse:" Whether you disclose that which is in your mind or conceal it, Allah will call you to account according to it" (ii 284), there entered in their minds something (of that fear) such as had never entered their hearts (before). The Apostle ﷺ observed: Say: We have heard and obeyed and submitted ourselves. He (the reporter) said: Allah instilled faith in their hearts and He revealed this verse:" Allah burdens not a soul beyond its capacity. It gets every good that it earns and it suffers every ill that it earns. Our Lord, call us not to account if we forget or make a mistake. He the (Lord) said: I indeed did it. Our Lord! do not lay on us a burden as Thou didst lay on those before us. He (our Lord) said: I indeed did it. And pardon us, have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector" (ii. 286). He said: I indeed did it. (Using translation from Muslim 126)   

الكبرى للنسائي:١٠٩٩٣أَخْبَرَنَا مَحْمُودُ بْنُ غَيْلَانَ أَخْبَرَنَا وَكِيعٌ حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ عَنْ آدَمَ بْنِ سُلَيْمَانَ عَنْ سَعِيدِ بْنِ جُبَيْرٍ عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ قَالَ

لَمَّا نَزَلَتْ هَذِهِ الْآيَةُ {وَإِنْ تُبْدُوا مَا فِي أَنْفُسِكُمْ أَوْ تُخْفُوهُ يُحَاسِبْكُمْ بِهِ اللهُ} [البقرة 284] دَخَلَ قُلُوبَهُمْ مِنْهَا شَيْءٌ لَمْ يَدْخُلْهُ مِنْ شَيْءٍ فَقَالَ النَّبِيُّ ﷺ قُولُوا سَمِعْنَا وَأَطَعْنَا وَسَلَّمْنَا فَأَلْقَى اللهُ الْإِيمَانَ فِي قُلُوبِهِمْ فَأَنْزَلَ اللهُ ﷻ {آمَنَ الرَّسُولُ بِمَا أُنْزِلَ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ رَبِّهِ وَالْمُؤْمِنُونَ} [البقرة 285] الْآيَةُ {لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا لَهَا مَا كَسَبَتْ وَعَلَيْهَا مَا اكْتَسَبَتْ رَبَّنَا لَا تُؤَاخِذْنَا إِنْ نَسِينَا أَوْ أَخْطَأْنَا} [البقرة 286] قَالَ قَدْ فَعَلْتُ {رَبَّنَا وَلَا تَحْمِلْ عَلَيْنَا إِصْرًا كَمَا حَمَلْتَهُ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِنَا} [البقرة 286] قَالَ قَدْ فَعَلْتُ {رَبَّنَا وَلَا تُحَمِّلْنَا مَا لَا طَاقَةَ لَنَا بِهِ وَاعْفُ عَنَّا وَاغْفِرْ لَنَا وَارْحَمْنَا أَنْتَ مَوْلَانَا فَانْصُرْنَا عَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْكَافِرِينَ} [البقرة 286] قَالَ قَدْ فَعَلْتُ