65. Prophetic Commentary on the Quran

٦٥۔ كتاب التفسير

65.86 Surat at-Tariq (The Nightly Star)

٦٥۔٨٦ سورة الطَّارِقِ

[Machine] He is the star, and what has come to you at night is the brilliant one. Al-Najm al-Thāqib means the illuminating one, as said by Mujāhid, and al-Thāqib means the one that shines brightly. Mujāhid also said that al-Rajʿ refers to a cloud that returns with rain. "Dhāt al-Sadʿ" cracks with vegetation. Ibn ʿAbbās said that "liqawl fasl" means to coincide. "Lamā ʿalayhā ḥāfiẓ" except for the one who guards it.

هو النجم، وما أتاك ليلا فهو طارق. {النجم الثاقب}: المضيء، وقال مجاهد: {الثاقب} الذي يتوهج. وقال مجاهد: {ذات الرجع}: سحاب يرجع بالمطر. {ذَاتِ الصَّدْعِ} تَتَصَدَّعُ بِالنَّبَاتِ . وقال ابن عباس: {لقول فصل}: لحق. {لما عليها حافظ}: إلا عليها حافظ.

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