57. Drinks

٥٧۔ كِتَابُ الْأَشْرِبَةِ وَالْحَدُّ فِيهَا

57.37 [Machine] The man finds another man with his wife, so he kills him.

٥٧۔٣٧ بَابُ: الرَّجُلُ يَجِدُ مَعَ امْرَأَتِهِ الرَّجُلَ فَيَقْتُلُهُ

bayhaqi:17644Abū Zakariyyā b. Abū Isḥāq > Abū al-ʿAbbās Muḥammad b. Yaʿqūb > al-Rabīʿ b. Sulaymān > al-Shāfiʿī > Mālik > Suhayl b. Abū Ṣāliḥ from his father > Abū Hurayrah > Saʿd

[Machine] "O Messenger of Allah, what if I find another man with my wife and I give him a chance until I bring forth four witnesses?" The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "Yes."  

البيهقي:١٧٦٤٤أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو زَكَرِيَّا بْنُ أَبِي إِسْحَاقَ ثنا أَبُو الْعَبَّاسِ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يَعْقُوبَ أنبأ الرَّبِيعُ بْنُ سُلَيْمَانَ أنبأ الشَّافِعِيُّ أنبأ مَالِكٌ عَنْ سُهَيْلِ بْنِ أَبِي صَالِحٍ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ أَنَّ سَعْدًا قَالَ

يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ أَرَأَيْتَ إِنْ وَجَدْتُ مَعَ امْرَأَتِي رَجُلًا أُمْهِلُهُ حَتَّى آتِيَ بِأَرْبَعَةِ شُهَدَاءَ؟ فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ نَعَمْ  

أَخْرَجَهُ مُسْلِمٌ فِي الصَّحِيحِ مِنْ حَدِيثِ مَالِكٍ كَمَا مَضَى
bayhaqi:17645Abū ʿAbdullāh al-Ḥāfiẓ > Abū al-Ḥusayn b. Yaʿqūb al-Ḥāfiẓ

That Sa'd b. 'Ubadah said: Messenger of Allah! If a man finds a man with his wife, should he kill him ? The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: No. Sa'd : Why not, by Him who has honoured you with truth ? The Prophet ﷺ said: Listen to what your chief is saying. The narrator 'Abd al-Wahhab said: (Listen) to what Sa'd is saying. (Using translation from Abū Dāʾūd 4532)   

البيهقي:١٧٦٤٥أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو عَبْدِ اللهِ الْحَافِظُ أَخْبَرَنِي أَبُو الْحُسَيْنِ بْنُ يَعْقُوبَ الْحَافِظُ ثنا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ إِسْحَاقَ الثَّقَفِيُّ ثنا قُتَيْبَةُ بْنُ سَعِيدٍ ثنا عَبْدُ الْعَزِيزِ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ عَنْ سُهَيْلٍ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ أَنَّ سَعْدَ بْنَ عُبَادَةَ الْأَنْصَارِيَّ قَالَ

يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ الرَّجُلُ يَجِدُ مَعَ امْرَأَتِهِ رَجُلًا أَيَقْتُلُهُ؟ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ لَا قَالَ سَعْدٌ بَلَى وَالَّذِي أَكْرَمَكَ بِالْحَقِّ فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ اسْمَعُوا إِلَى مَا يَقُولُ سَيِّدُكُمْ  

رَوَاهُ مُسْلِمٌ فِي الصَّحِيحِ عَنْ قُتَيْبَةَ بْنِ سَعِيدٍ
bayhaqi:17646Muḥammad b. ʿAbdullāh al-Ḥāfiẓ > Abū ʿAmr b. Abū Jaʿfar And ʾAbū Bakr b. ʿAbdullāh > al-Ḥasan b. Sufyān > Abū Bakr b. Abū Shaybah > ʿAbdah b. Sulaymān > Sulaymān al-Aʿmash > Ibrāhīm > ʿAlqamah > ʿAbdullāh

"We were in the mosque one Friday night when a man said: 'If a man finds a man with his wife and kills him, will you kill him, and if he speaks,will you flog him. By Allah I will mention that to the Prophet ﷺ. So he mentioned that to the Prophet ﷺ, and Allah revealed the Verses of Li'an. Then after that the man came and accused his wife, so the Prophet ﷺ told them to go through the procedure of Li'an and he said: 'Perhaps she will give birth to a black child.’ Then she gave birth to a black child with curly hair." (Using translation from Ibn Mājah 2068)   

البيهقي:١٧٦٤٦أَخْبَرَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللهِ الْحَافِظُ أَخْبَرَنِي أَبُو عَمْرِو بْنُ أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ وَأَبُو بَكْرِ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللهِ قَالَا أنبأ الْحَسَنُ بْنُ سُفْيَانَ ثنا أَبُو بَكْرِ بْنُ أَبِي شَيْبَةَ ثنا عَبْدَةُ بْنُ سُلَيْمَانَ عَنْ سُلَيْمَانَ الْأَعْمَشِ عَنْ إِبْرَاهِيمَ عَنْ عَلْقَمَةَ عَنْ عَبْدِ اللهِ قَالَ بَيْنَمَا نَحْنُ فِي الْمَسْجِدِ لَيْلَةَ الْجُمُعَةِ إِذْ قَالَ رَجُلٌ لَوْ

أَنَّ رَجُلًا وَجَدَ مَعَ امْرَأَتِهِ رَجُلًا فَقَتَلَهُ قَتَلْتُمُوهُ وَإِنْ تَكَلَّمَ بِهِ جَلَدْتُمُوهُ لَأَذْكُرَنَّ ذَلِكَ لِرَسُولِ اللهِ ﷺ قَالَ فَذَكَرَهُ لِلنَّبِيِّ ﷺ فَأَنْزَلَ اللهُ ﷻ آيَاتِ اللِّعَانِ ثُمَّ جَاءَ الرَّجُلُ فَقَذَفَ امْرَأَتَهُ فَلَاعَنَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ بَيْنَهُمَا وَقَالَ عَسَى أَنْ تَجِيءَ بِهِ أَسْوَدَ جَعْدًا فَجَاءَتْ بِهِ أَسْوَدَ جَعْدًا  

رَوَاهُ مُسْلِمٌ فِي الصَّحِيحِ عَنْ أَبِي بَكْرِ بْنِ أَبِي شَيْبَةَ
bayhaqi:17647Abū Aḥmad al-Mihrijānī > Abū Bakr b. Jaʿfar al-Muzakkī > Muḥammad b. Ibrāhīm > Ibn Bukayr > Mālik > Yaḥyá b. Saʿīd > Saʿīd b. al-Musayyib > a man from Ahl al-Shām Yuqāl Lah Ibn Khaybarī And Jad Maʿ Āmraʾatih a man Faqatalah or Faqatalahumā Faʾushkil > Muʿāwiyah al-Qaḍāʾ Fakatab Muʿāwiyah > Abū Mūsá al-Ashʿarī Yasʾal Lah ʿAlī b. Abū Ṭālib > Dhalik Fasaʾal Abū Mūsá > Dhalik ʿAlī b. Abū Ṭālib > ʿAlī

[Machine] Ali, indeed, this is something that has never happened on my land. I have resolved to inform you of it. So Abu Musa wrote to Muawiya bin Abi Sufyan about it. Then Ali said, "I am Abu Hassan. If he does not bring four witnesses, then he should be punished according to his confession."  

البيهقي:١٧٦٤٧أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو أَحْمَدَ الْمِهْرِجَانِيُّ أنبأ أَبُو بَكْرِ بْنُ جَعْفَرٍ الْمُزَكِّي ثنا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ ثنا ابْنُ بُكَيْرٍ ثنا مَالِكٌ عَنْ يَحْيَى بْنِ سَعِيدٍ عَنْ سَعِيدِ بْنِ الْمُسَيِّبِ أَنَّ رَجُلًا مِنْ أَهْلِ الشَّامِ يُقَالُ لَهُ ابْنُ خَيْبَرِيٍّ وَجَدَ مَعَ امْرَأَتِهِ رَجُلًا فَقَتَلَهُ أَوْ فَقَتَلَهُمَا فَأُشْكِلَ عَلَى مُعَاوِيَةَ الْقَضَاءُ فَكَتَبَ مُعَاوِيَةُ إِلَى أَبِي مُوسَى الْأَشْعَرِيِّ يَسْأَلُ لَهُ عَلِيَّ بْنَ أَبِي طَالِبٍ ؓ عَنْ ذَلِكَ فَسَأَلَ أَبُو مُوسَى عَنْ ذَلِكَ عَلِيَّ بْنَ أَبِي طَالِبٍ قَالَ

عَلِيٌّ إِنَّ هَذَا لَشَيْءٌ لَمْ يَكُنْ بِأَرْضِي عَزَمْتُ عَلَيْكَ لَتُخْبِرَنِّي فَقَالَ أَبُو مُوسَى كَتَبَ إِلِيَّ مُعَاوِيَةُ بْنُ أَبِي سُفْيَانَ فِي ذَلِكَ فَقَالَ عَلِيٌّ ؓ أَنَا أَبُو حَسَنٍ إِنْ لَمْ يَأْتِ بِأَرْبَعَةِ شُهَدَاءَ فَلْيُعْطَ بِرُمَّتِهِ  

bayhaqi:17648Abū al-Ḥusayn b. Bishrān> Abū Jaʿfar Muḥammad b. ʿAmr al-Razzāz > Jaʿfar b. Muḥammad b. Shākir > ʿAffān b. Muslim > Ḥammād b. Salamah > Thābit And Ḥumayd Wamaṭar Waʿabbād b. Manṣūr > ʿAbdullāh b. ʿUbayd b. ʿUmayr > a man

[Machine] Once, there was a man among the Arabs who had some guests, so he slaughtered a sheep for them. He had two daughters, and he told one of them, "Go and bring me something." She left, and when she was far away, one of the guests followed her and tried to seduce her. She said to him, "Fear God," and she pleaded with him, but he did not listen to her. So she said to him, "Wait until I ask permission for you." She went away and slept. Then she came back with a rock and struck him in the head, killing him. She went to her father and informed him of what had happened. Her father told her, "Keep silent and don't tell anyone." He prepared the food and placed it in front of his guests, telling them to eat. They replied, "We will wait until our companion comes." But the father said, "Eat, for he will come to you." When they finished eating, they praised and thanked God, saying, "He was cunning and deceptive." They said to the father, "O enemy of Allah, you have killed our companion. By Allah, we will kill you with it (referring to the rock)." They went to Umar and said, "What was the name of your companion?" They replied, "He was absentminded." Umar said, "That is his name, and his blood is invalid. This is a matter sent to me."  

البيهقي:١٧٦٤٨وَأَمَّا الْأَثَرُ الَّذِي أَخْبَرَنَاهُ أَبُو الْحُسَيْنِ بْنُ بِشْرَانَ بِبَغْدَادَ أنبأ أَبُو جَعْفَرٍ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ عَمْرٍو الرَّزَّازُ ثنا جَعْفَرُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ شَاكِرٍ ثنا عَفَّانُ بْنُ مُسْلِمٍ ثنا حَمَّادُ بْنُ سَلَمَةَ ثنا ثَابِتٌ وَحُمَيْدٌ وَمَطَرٌ وَعَبَّادُ بْنُ مَنْصُورٍ عَنْ عَبْدِ اللهِ بْنِ عُبَيْدِ بْنِ عُمَيْرٍ

أَنَّ رَجُلًا كَانَ مِنَ الْعَرَبِ نَزَلَ عَلَيْهِ نَفَرٌ فَذَبَحَ لَهُمْ شَاةً وَلَهُ ابْنَتَانِ فَقَالَ لِإِحْدَاهُمَا اذْهَبِي فَاحْتَطِبِي قَالَ فَذَهَبَتْ فَلَمَّا تَبَاعَدَتْ تَبِعَهَا أَحَدُهُمْ فَرَاوَدَهَا عَنْ نَفْسِهَا فَقَالَتِ اتَّقِ اللهَ وَنَاشَدَتْهُ فَأَبَى عَلَيْهَا فَقَالَتْ رُوَيْدَكَ حَتَّى أَسْتَصْلِحَ لَكَ فَذَهَبَتْ وَنَامَ فَجَاءَتْ بِصَخْرَةٍ فَفَلَقَتْ رَأْسَهُ فَقَتَلَتْهُ فَجَاءَتْ إِلَى أَبِيهَا فَأَخْبَرَتْهُ الْخَبَرَ فَقَالَ اسْكُتِي لَا تُخْبِرِي أَحَدًا فَهَيَّأَ الطَّعَامَ فَوَضَعَهُ بَيْنَ يَدَيْ أَصْحَابِهِ فَقَالَ لِأَصْحَابِهِ كُلُوا فَقَالُوا حَتَّى يَجِيءَ صَاحِبُنَا فَقَالَ كُلُوا فَإِنَّهُ سَيَأْتِيكُمْ فَلَمَّا أَكَلُوا حَمِدَ اللهَ وَأَثْنَى عَلَيْهِ وَقَالَ إِنَّهُ كَانَ مِنَ الْأَمْرِ كَيْتَ وَكَيْتَ فَقَالُوا يَا عَدُوَّ اللهِ قَتَلْتَ صَاحِبَنَا وَاللهِ لَنَقْتُلَنَّكَ بِهِ فَارْتَفَعُوا إِلَى عُمَرَ ؓ فَقَالَ مَا كَانَ اسْمُ صَاحِبِكُمْ؟ فَقَالُوا غَفَلٌ قَالَ هُوَ كَاسْمِهِ وَأَبْطَلَ دَمَهُ فَهَذَا مُرْسَلٌ  

bayhaqi:17649Abū al-Ḥusayn b. Bishrān> Abū Jaʿfar al-Razzāz And ʾIsmāʿīl b. Muḥammad al-Ṣaffār > Saʿdān b. Naṣr > Sufyān b. ʿUyaynah > al-Zuhrī > al-Qāsim b. Muḥammad > ʿUbayd b. ʿUmayr > a man Aḍāf

[Machine] A man added people from these two, and his wife went to store for them. Then, a man from them desired her for himself, so she hit him with a tool and killed him. This matter was brought to Umar and he said, "That is a victim, by Allah, and he will never be harmed." It was reported to us by Abu Sa'id bin Abi Amr, narrated by Abu al-Abbas al-Amm, informed by Rabee'. He said, according to Shafi'i, "This is from Umar's actions, that the burden of proof is on the one who killed the victim. Or that the guardian of the victim acknowledged in front of him what obligates him to kill the victim."  

البيهقي:١٧٦٤٩وَقَدْ أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو الْحُسَيْنِ بْنُ بِشْرَانَ بِبَغْدَادَ أنبأ أَبُو جَعْفَرٍ الرَّزَّازُ وَإِسْمَاعِيلُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ الصَّفَّارُ قَالَا ثنا سَعْدَانُ بْنُ نَصْرٍ ثنا سُفْيَانُ بْنُ عُيَيْنَةَ عَنِ الزُّهْرِيِّ عَنِ الْقَاسِمِ بْنِ مُحَمَّدٍ عَنْ عُبَيْدِ بْنِ عُمَيْرٍ

أَنَّ رَجُلًا أَضَافَ نَاسًا مِنْ هُذَيْلٍ فَذَهَبَتْ جَارِيَةٌ لَهُمْ تَحْتَطِبُ فَأَرَادَهَا رَجُلٌ مِنْهُمْ عَنْ نَفْسِهَا فَرَمَتْهُ بِفِهْرٍ فَقَتَلَتْهُ فَرُفِعَ ذَلِكَ إِلَى عُمَرَ ؓ قَالَ ذَاكَ قَتِيلٌ اللهِ وَاللهِ لَا يُودَى أَبَدًا 17650 أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو سَعِيدِ بْنُ أَبِي عَمْرٍو ثنا أَبُو الْعَبَّاسِ الْأَصَمُّ أنبأ الرَّبِيعُ قَالَ قَالَ الشَّافِعِيُّ هَذَا عِنْدَنَا مِنْ عُمَرَ ؓ أَنَّ الْبَيِّنَةَ قَامَتْ عِنْدَهُ عَلَى الْمَقْتُولِ أَوْ عَلَى أَنَّ وَلِيَّ الْمَقْتُولِ أَقَرَّ عِنْدَهُ بِمَا يُوجِبُ لَهُ أَنْ يَقْتُلَ الْمَقْتُولَ