48. Virtues of the Companions

٤٨۔ كِتَابُ الْمَنَاقِبِ

48.5 [Machine] The virtues of Ali

٤٨۔٥ فَضَائِلُ عَلِيٍّ

nasai-kubra:8081Ismāʿīl b. Masʿūd > Khālid > Shuʿbah > ʿAmr b. Murrah > Abū Ḥamzah a freed slave of al-Anṣār > Zayd b. Arqam

[Machine] I heard Zaid ibn Arqam saying, "The first person who prayed with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and said in another place, 'The first person who embraced Islam was Ali.'"  

الكبرى للنسائي:٨٠٨١أَخْبَرَنَا إِسْمَاعِيلُ بْنُ مَسْعُودٍ عَنْ خَالِدٍ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا شُعْبَةُ عَنْ عَمْرِو بْنِ مُرَّةَ قَالَ سَمِعْتُ أَبَا حَمْزَةَ مَوْلَى الْأَنْصَارِ قَالَ

سَمِعْتُ زَيْدَ بْنَ أَرْقَمَ يَقُولُ أَوَّلُ مَنْ صَلَّى مَعَ رَسُولِ اللهِ ﷺ وَقَالَ فِي مَوْضِعٍ آخَرَ أَوَّلُ مَنْ أَسْلَمَ عَلِيٌّ  

nasai-kubra:8082Bishr b. Hilāl > Jaʿfar / Ibn Sulaymān > Ḥarb b. Shaddād > Qatādah > Saʿīd b. al-Musayyib > Saʿd b. Abū Waqqāṣ

[Machine] "When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ went for the Battle of Tabuk, he left Ali behind in Medina. People criticized Ali and disliked his company. So Ali followed the Prophet ﷺ until he caught up with him on the way. Ali said to the Messenger of Allah, 'O Messenger of Allah, you left me in Medina among the weak and the women until they criticized me and disliked my company.' The Prophet ﷺ said to him, 'O Ali, I left you to take care of my family. Are you not pleased to be to me like Aaron was to Moses, except that there is no prophet after me?'"  

الكبرى للنسائي:٨٠٨٢أَخْبَرَنَا بِشْرُ بْنُ هِلَالٍ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا جَعْفَرُ يَعْنِي ابْنَ سُلَيْمَانَ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا حَرْبُ بْنُ شَدَّادٍ عَنْ قَتَادَةَ عَنْ سَعِيدِ بْنِ الْمُسَيِّبِ عَنْ سَعْدِ بْنِ أَبِي وَقَّاصٍ قَالَ

«لَمَّا غَزَا رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ غَزْوَةَ تَبُوكَ خَلَّفَ عَلِيًّا بِالْمَدِينَةِ فَقَالُوا فِيهِ مَلَّهُ وَكَرِهَ صُحْبَتَهُ فَتَبِعَ عَلِيٌّ النَّبِيَّ ﷺ حَتَّى لَحِقَهُ بِالطَّرِيقِ» فَقَالَ يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ خَلَّفْتَنِي بِالْمَدِينَةِ مَعَ الذَّرَارِيِّ وَالنِّسَاءِ حَتَّى قَالُوا مَلَّهُ وَكَرِهَ صُحْبَتَهُ فَقَالَ لَهُ النَّبِيُّ ﷺ يَا عَلِيُّ «إِنَّمَا خَلَّفْتُكَ عَلَى أَهْلِي أَمَا تَرْضَى أَنْ تَكُونَ مِنِّي بِمَنْزِلَةِ هَارُونَ مِنْ مُوسَى غَيْرَ أَنَّهُ لَا نَبِيَّ بَعْدِي»  

nasai-kubra:8083al-Qāsim b. Zakariyyā b. Dīnār > Abū Nuʿaym > ʿAbd al-Salām > Yaḥyá b. Saʿīd > Saʿīd b. al-Musayyib > Saʿd b. Abū Waqqāṣ

And narrated Sad that the Prophet ﷺ said to 'Ali, "Will you not be pleased from this that you are to me like Aaron was to Moses?" (Using translation from Bukhārī 3706)   

الكبرى للنسائي:٨٠٨٣أَخْبَرَنَا الْقَاسِمُ بْنُ زَكَرِيَّا بْنِ دِينَارٍ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو نُعَيْمٍ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ السَّلَامِ عَنْ يَحْيَى بْنِ سَعِيدٍ عَنْ سَعِيدِ بْنِ الْمُسَيِّبِ عَنْ سَعْدِ بْنِ أَبِي وَقَّاصٍ

أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ ﷺ قَالَ لِعَلِيٍّ «أَنْتَ مِنِّي بِمَنْزِلَةِ هَارُونَ مِنْ مُوسَى»  

nasai-kubra:8084ʿAlī b. Muslim > Yūsuf b. Yaʿqūb al-Mājishūn Abū Salamah > Muḥammad b. al-Munkadir > Saʿīd b. al-Musayyib > Saʾalt Saʿd b. Abū Waqqāṣ Fahal

[Machine] I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ saying to Ali, "You are to me like Harun (Aaron) was to Musa (Moses), except that there will be no prophet after me." He said, "Yes, I heard him." I said, "Did you see him put his fingers in his ears?" He said, "Yes, or else he covered them."  

الكبرى للنسائي:٨٠٨٤أَخْبَرَنَا عَلِيُّ بْنُ مُسْلِمٍ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا يُوسُفُ بْنُ يَعْقُوبَ الْمَاجِشُونُ أَبُو سَلَمَةَ قَالَ أَخْبَرَنِي مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الْمُنْكَدِرِ عَنْ سَعِيدِ بْنِ الْمُسَيِّبِ قَالَ سَأَلْتُ سَعْدَ بْنَ أَبِي وَقَّاصٍ فَهَلْ

سَمِعْتَ رَسُولَ اللهِ ﷺ يَقُولُ لِعَلِيٍّ «أَنْتَ مِنِّي بِمَنْزِلَةِ هَارُونَ مِنْ مُوسَى إِلَّا أَنَّهُ لَيْسَ مَعِي أَوْ بَعْدِي نَبِيٌّ»؟ قَالَ نَعَمْ سَمِعْتُهُ قُلْتُ «أَنْتَ سَمِعْتَهُ فَأَدْخَلَ إِصْبُعَيْهِ فِي أُذُنَيْهِ» قَالَ نَعَمْ وَإِلَّا فَاسْتَكَّتَا  

nasai-kubra:8085Muḥammad b. al-Muthanná And Muḥammad b. Bashhār > Muḥammad > Shuʿbah > al-Ḥakam > Muṣʿab b. Saʿd > Saʿd

Messenger of Allah, are you leaving me behind amongst women and children? Thereupon he (the Holy Prophet) said: Aren't you satisfied with being unto me what Aaron was unto Moses but with this exception that there would be no prophet after me? (Using translation from Muslim 2404b)  

الكبرى للنسائي:٨٠٨٥أَخْبَرَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الْمُثَنَّى وَمُحَمَّدُ بْنُ بَشَّارٍ قَالَا حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدٌ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا شُعْبَةُ عَنِ الْحَكَمِ عَنْ مُصْعَبِ بْنِ سَعْدٍ عَنْ سَعْدٍ قَالَ

خَلَّفَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ عَلِيَّ بْنَ أَبِي طَالِبٍ فِي غَزْوَةِ تَبُوكَ فَقَالَ يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ «تُخَلِّفُنِي فِي النِّسَاءِ وَالصِّبْيَانِ» فَقَالَ «أَمَا تَرْضَى أَنْ تَكُونَ مِنِّي بِمَنْزِلَةِ هَارُونَ مِنْ مُوسَى غَيْرَ أَنَّهُ لَا نَبِيَّ بَعْدِي»  

nasai-kubra:8086Muḥammad b. Bashhār > Muḥammad > Shuʿbah > Saʿd b. Ibrāhīm > Ibrāhīm b. Saʿd from his father

And narrated Sad that the Prophet ﷺ said to 'Ali, "Will you not be pleased from this that you are to me like Aaron was to Moses?" (Using translation from Bukhārī 3706)  

الكبرى للنسائي:٨٠٨٦أَخْبَرَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ بَشَّارٍ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدٌ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا شُعْبَةُ عَنْ سَعْدِ بْنِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ قَالَ سَمِعْتُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ بْنَ سَعْدٍ يُحَدِّثُ عَنْ أَبِيهِ

عَنِ النَّبِيِّ ﷺ أَنَّهُ قَالَ لِعَلِيٍّ «أَمَا تَرْضَى أَنْ تَكُونَ مِنِّي بِمَنْزِلَةِ هَارُونَ مِنْ مُوسَى»  

nasai-kubra:8087ʿAmr b. ʿAlī > Yaḥyá b. Saʿīd > Mūsá al-Juhanī

that the Prophet ﷺ said to 'Ali: "You are to me in the position that Harun was to Musa, except that there is no Prophet after me." (Using translation from Tirmidhī 3730)  

الكبرى للنسائي:٨٠٨٧أَخْبَرَنَا عَمْرُو بْنُ عَلِيٍّ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا يَحْيَى بْنُ سَعِيدٍ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا مُوسَى الْجُهَنِيُّ قَالَ دَخَلْتُ عَلَى فَاطِمَةَ بِنْتِ عَلِيٍّ فَقَالَ لَهَا رَفِيقِي عِنْدِكَ شَيْءٌ عَنْ وَالِدِكَ مُثْبَتٌ قَالَتْ حَدَّثَتْنِي أَسْمَاءُ بِنْتُ عُمَيْسٍ

أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللهِ ﷺ قَالَ لِعَلِيٍّ «أَنْتَ مِنِّي بِمَنْزِلَةِ هَارُونَ مِنْ مُوسَى إِلَّا أَنَّهُ لَا نَبِيَّ بَعْدِي»  

nasai-kubra:8088Muḥammad b. al-ʿAlāʾ > Abū Muʿāwiyah > al-Aʿmash > Saʿd > Ibn Buraydah from his father

[Machine] The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "Whoever I am his guardian, Ali is his guardian."  

الكبرى للنسائي:٨٠٨٨أَخْبَرَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الْعَلَاءِ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو مُعَاوِيَةَ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا الْأَعْمَشُ عَنْ سَعْدٍ عَنِ ابْنِ بُرَيْدَةَ عَنْ أَبِيهِ قَالَ

قَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ «مَنْ كُنْتُ وَلِيَّهُ فَعَلِيٌّ وَلِيُّهُ»  

nasai-kubra:8089Abū Dāwud Sulaymān b. Sayf > Abū Nuʿaym > ʿAbd al-Malik b. Abū Ghaniyyah > al-Ḥakam > Saʿīd b. Jubayr > Ibn ʿAbbās > Buraydah

[Machine] "I went with Ali to Yemen, and I saw from him signs of exhaustion. So, I went to the Prophet ﷺ and mentioned Ali to him, but I belittled him. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ became furious, and his face changed. He said, 'O Buraida, am I not more deserving of the believers than themselves?' I said, 'Yes, Messenger of Allah.' He said, 'Whoever I am his master, then Ali is his master.'"  

الكبرى للنسائي:٨٠٨٩أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو دَاوُدَ سُلَيْمَانُ بْنُ سَيْفٍ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو نُعَيْمٍ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الْمَلِكِ بْنُ أَبِي غَنِيَّةَ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا الْحَكَمُ عَنْ سَعِيدِ بْنِ جُبَيْرٍ عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ عَنْ بُرَيْدَةَ قَالَ

خَرَجْتُ مَعَ عَلِيٍّ إِلَى الْيَمَنِ فَرَأَيْتُ مِنْهُ جَفْوَةً فَقَدِمْتُ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ ﷺ فَذَكَرْتُ عَلِيًّا فَتَنَقَّصْتُهُ فَجَعَلَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ يَتَغَيَّرُ وَجْهُهُ قَالَ يَا بُرَيْدَةُ «أَلَسْتُ أَوْلَى بِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ مِنْ أَنْفُسِهِمْ» قُلْتُ بَلَى يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ قَالَ «مَنْ كُنْتُ مَوْلَاهُ فَعَلِيٌّ مَوْلَاهُ»  

nasai-kubra:8090Qutaybah b. Saʿīd > Jaʿfar / Ibn Sulaymān > Yazīd al-Rishk > Muṭarrif b. ʿAbdullāh > ʿImrān b. Ḥaṣīn

[Machine] The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "Verily, Ali is from me and I am from him, and he is the guardian of every believer after me."  

الكبرى للنسائي:٨٠٩٠أَخْبَرَنَا قُتَيْبَةُ بْنُ سَعِيدٍ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا جَعْفَرٌ وَهُوَ ابْنُ سُلَيْمَانَ عَنْ يَزِيدَ الرِّشْكِ عَنْ مُطَرِّفِ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللهِ عَنْ عِمْرَانَ بْنِ حَصِينٍ قَالَ

قَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ «إِنَّ عَلِيًّا مِنِّي وَأَنَا مِنْهُ وَهُوَ وَلِيُّ كُلِّ مُؤْمِنٍ مِنْ بَعْدِي»  

nasai-kubra:8091Aḥmad b. Sulaymān > Yaḥyá b. Ādam > Isrāʾīl > Abū Isḥāq > Ḥabashī b. Junādah al-Salūlī

"I heard the Messenger of Allah say: ''Ali is part of me and I am part of him, and no one will represent me except 'Ali.'" (Using translation from Ibn Mājah 119)   

الكبرى للنسائي:٨٠٩١أَخْبَرَنَا أَحْمَدُ بْنُ سُلَيْمَانَ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا يَحْيَى بْنُ آدَمَ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا إِسْرَائِيلُ عَنْ أَبِي إِسْحَاقَ قَالَ حَدَّثَنِي حَبَشِيُّ بْنُ جُنَادَةَ السَّلُولِيُّ قَالَ

قَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ «عَلِيٌّ مِنِّي وَأَنَا مِنْهُ وَلَا يُؤَدِّي عَنِّي إِلَّا أَنَا أَوْ عَلِيٌّ»  

nasai-kubra:8092Muḥammad b. al-Muthanná > Yaḥyá b. Ḥammād > Abū ʿAwānah > Sulaymān > Ḥabīb b. Abū Thābit > Abū al-Ṭufayl > Zayd b. Arqam

[Machine] When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ returned from the Farewell Pilgrimage and stayed at Ghadir Khumm, he ordered for a platform to be prepared. Then, he said, "It seems that I have been summoned, so I have responded. I have left among you two weighty things; one of them is greater than the other: the Book of Allah and my progeny, my Ahlul-Bayt. Look how you will treat them after me. Verily, they will not part from each other until they return to me at the Pond (of Al-Kawthar)." Then he said, "Indeed, Allah is my Master and I am the guardian of every believer." He took the hand of Ali and said, "Whoever I am his master, then Ali is his master. O Allah, be a friend to his friends and an enemy to his enemies." I said to Zaid, "Did you hear this from the Messenger of Allah?" He replied, "There was no man present at Ghadir except that he saw and heard this with his own eyes and ears."  

الكبرى للنسائي:٨٠٩٢أَخْبَرَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الْمُثَنَّى قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا يَحْيَى بْنُ حَمَّادٍ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو عَوَانَةَ عَنْ سُلَيْمَانَ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا حَبِيبُ بْنُ أَبِي ثَابِتٍ عَنْ أَبِي الطُّفَيْلِ عَنْ زَيْدِ بْنِ أَرْقَمَ قَالَ

لَمَّا رَجَعَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ عَنْ حَجَّةِ الْوَدَاعِ وَنَزَلَ غَدِيرَ خُمٍّ أَمَرَ بَدَوْحَاتٍ فَقُمِمْنَ ثُمَّ قَالَ كَأَنِّي قَدْ دُعِيتُ فَأَجَبْتُ إِنِّي قَدْ تَرَكْتُ فِيكُمُ الثَّقَلَيْنِ أَحَدُهُمَا أَكْبَرُ مِنَ الْآخِرِ كِتَابَ اللهِ وَعِتْرَتِي أَهْلَ بَيْتِي فَانْظُرُوا كَيْفَ تَخْلُفُونِي فِيهِمَا؟ فَإِنَّهُمَا لَنْ يَتَفَرَّقَا حَتَّى يَرِدَا عَلَيَّ الْحَوْضَ ثُمَّ قَالَ «إِنَّ اللهَ مَوْلَايَ وَأَنَا وَلِيُّ كُلِّ مُؤْمِنٍ» ثُمَّ أَخَذَ بِيَدِ عَلِيٍّ فَقَالَ «مَنْ كُنْتُ وَلِيُّهُ فَهَذَا وَلِيُّهُ اللهُمَّ وَالِ مَنْ وَالَاهُ وَعَادِ مَنْ عَادَاهُ» فَقُلْتُ لِزَيْدٍ سَمِعْتَهُ مِنْ رَسُولِ اللهِ ﷺ قَالَ «مَا كَانَ فِي الدَّوْحَاتِ رَجُلٌ إِلَّا رَآهُ بِعَيْنِهِ وَسَمِعَ بِأُذُنِهِ»  

nasai-kubra:8093Qutaybah b. Saʿīd > Yaʿqūb > Abū Ḥāzim > Sahl b. Saʿd

On the day of Khaibar, Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "Tomorrow I will give this flag to a man through whose hands Allah will give us victory. He loves Allah and His Apostle, and he is loved by Allah and His Apostle." The people remained that night, wondering as to who would be given it. In the morning the people went to Messenger of Allah ﷺ and everyone of them was hopeful to receive it (i.e. the flag). The Prophet said, "Where is ʿAli bin Abi Talib?" It was said, "He is suffering from eye trouble O Allah's Apostle." He said, "Send for him." ʿAli was brought and Messenger of Allah ﷺ spat in his eye and invoked good upon him. So ʿAli was cured as if he never had any trouble. Then the Prophet ﷺ gave him the flag. ʿAli said "O Messenger of Allah ﷺ! I will fight with them till they become like us." Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "Proceed and do not hurry. When you enter their territory, call them to embrace Islam and inform them of Allah's Rights which they should observe, for by Allah, even if a single man is led on the right path (of Islam) by Allah through you, then that will be better for you than the nice red camels. (Using translation from Bukhārī 4210)  

الكبرى للنسائي:٨٠٩٣أَخْبَرَنَا قُتَيْبَةُ بْنُ سَعِيدٍ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا يَعْقُوبُ عَنْ أَبِي حَازِمٍ قَالَ أَخْبَرَنَا سَهْلُ بْنُ سَعْدٍ

أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللهِ ﷺ قَالَ يَوْمَ خَيْبَرَ لَأُعْطِيَنَّ هَذِهِ الرَّايَةَ غَدَا رَجُلًا يَفْتَحُ اللهُ عَلَى يَدَيْهِ يُحِبُّ اللهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَيُحِبُّهُ اللهُ وَرَسُولُهُ فَلَمَّا أَصْبَحَ النَّاسُ غَدَوْا عَلَى رَسُولِ اللهِ ﷺ «كُلُّهُمْ يَرْجُو أَنْ يُعْطَاهَا» قَالَ أَيْنَ عَلِيُّ بْنُ أَبِي طَالِبٍ فَقَالُوا هُوَ يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ يَشْتَكِي عَيْنَيْهِ قَالَ «فَأَرْسِلُوا إِلَيْهِ» فَأُتِيَ بِهِ فَبَصَقَ فِي عَيْنَيْهِ وَدَعَا لَهُ فَبَرَأَ حَتَّى كَأَنْ لَمْ يَكُنْ بِهِ وَجَعٌ فَأَعْطَاهُ الرَّايَةَ فَقَالَ عَلِيٌّ يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ أُقَاتِلُهُمْ حَتَّى يَكُونُوا مِثْلَنَا قَالَ «انْفُذْ عَلَى رِسْلِكَ حَتَّى تَنْزِلَ بِسَاحَتِهِمْ ثُمَّ ادْعُهُمْ إِلَى الْإِسْلَامِ فَوَاللهِ لَأَنْ يَهْدِيَ اللهُ بِكَ رَجُلًا خَيْرٌ لَكَ مِنْ أَنْ يَكُونَ لَكَ حُمْرُ النَّعَمِ»  

nasai-kubra:8094al-ʿAbbās b. ʿAbd al-ʿAẓīm > ʿUmar b. ʿAbd al-Wahhāb > Muʿtamir b. Sulaymān from his father > Manṣūr > Ribʿī > ʿImrān b. Ḥaṣīn

[Machine] "The Prophet ﷺ said, 'I will give the flag to a man who loves Allah and His Messenger, or Allah and His Messenger love him.' So, he called for Ali while he was blind in both eyes, and Allah opened his eyes."  

الكبرى للنسائي:٨٠٩٤أَخْبَرَنَا الْعَبَّاسُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الْعَظِيمِ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا عُمَرُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الْوَهَّابِ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا مُعْتَمِرُ بْنُ سُلَيْمَانَ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنْ مَنْصُورٍ عَنْ رِبْعِيٍّ عَنْ عِمْرَانَ بْنِ حَصِينٍ

أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ ﷺ قَالَ لَأُعْطِيَنَّ الرَّايَةَ رَجُلًا يُحِبُّ اللهَ وَرَسُولَهُ أَوْ قَالَ «يُحِبُّهُ اللهُ وَرَسُولُهُ» فَدَعَا عَلِيًّا وَهُوَ أَرْمَدُ فَفَتَحَ اللهُ عَلَى يَعْنِي يَدَيْهِ  

nasai-kubra:8095Aḥmad b. Sulaymān > Yaʿlá b. ʿUbayd > Yazīd b. Kaysān > Abū Ḥāzim > Abū Hurayrah

[Machine] The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "Today, I will give the flag to a man who loves Allah and His Messenger, and whom Allah and His Messenger love." The people became eager and asked, "Where is Ali?" They were told that he was suffering from eye pain. The Prophet called for him and spat in his hands. Then, he wiped Ali's eyes with his blessed hands and handed him the flag. On that day, Allah granted Ali victory.  

الكبرى للنسائي:٨٠٩٥أَخْبَرَنَا أَحْمَدُ بْنُ سُلَيْمَانَ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا يَعْلَى بْنُ عُبَيْدٍ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا يَزِيدُ بْنُ كَيْسَانَ عَنْ أَبِي حَازِمٍ عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ قَالَ

قَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ «لَأَدْفَعَنَّ الرَّايَةَ الْيَوْمَ إِلَى رَجُلٍ يُحِبُّ اللهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَيُحِبُّهُ اللهُ وَرَسُولُهُ» فَتَطَاوَلَ الْقَوْمُ فَقَالَ «أَيْنَ عَلِيٌّ؟» قَالُوا يَشْتَكِي عَيْنَيْهِ فَدَعَا بِهِ فَبَزَقَ نَبِيُّ اللهِ ﷺ فِي كَفَّيْهِ ثُمَّ مَسَحَ بِهِمَا عَيْنِي عَلِيٍّ وَدَفَعَ إِلَيْهِ الرَّايَةَ فَفَتَحَ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ يَوْمَئِذٍ  

nasai-kubra:8096Muḥammad b. Sulaymān > Ibn ʿUyaynah > ʿAmr b. Dīnār > Abū Jaʿfar Muḥammad b. ʿAlī > Ibrāhīm b. Saʿd b. Abū Waqqāṣ > Abīh Walam Yaqul Marrah from his father

[Machine] We were with the Prophet ﷺ and there were people sitting with him. Ali entered, and when he entered, they left. And when they left, they muttered to one another, saying, "By Allah, he did not make us leave and bring him in." So they returned and entered again. The Prophet ﷺ then said, "By Allah, I did not bring him in and make you leave. Rather, Allah brought him in and made you leave."  

الكبرى للنسائي:٨٠٩٦قَرَأْتُ عَلَى مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ سُلَيْمَانَ عَنِ ابْنِ عُيَيْنَةَ عَنْ عَمْرِو بْنِ دِينَارٍ عَنْ أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ عَلِيٍّ عَنْ إِبْرَاهِيمَ بْنِ سَعْدِ بْنِ أَبِي وَقَّاصٍ عَنْ أَبِيهِ وَلَمْ يَقُلْ مَرَّةً عَنْ أَبِيهِ قَالَ

كُنَّا عِنْدَ النَّبِيِّ ﷺ وَعِنْدَهُ قَوْمٌ جُلُوسٌ فَدَخَلَ عَلِيٌّ فَلَمَّا دَخَلَ خَرَجُوا فَلَمَّا خَرَجُوا تَلَاوَمُوا فَقَالُوا وَاللهِ مَا أَخَرَجَنَا وَأَدْخَلَهُ فَرَجَعُوا فَدَخَلُوا فَقَالَ «وَاللهِ مَا أَنَا أَدْخَلْتُهُ وَأَخْرَجْتُكُمْ بَلِ اللهِ أَدْخَلَهُ وَأَخَرَجَكُمْ»  

nasai-kubra:8097Muḥammad b. al-ʿAlāʾ > Abū Muʿāwiyah > al-Aʿmash > ʿAdī b. Thābit > Zir b. Ḥubaysh > ʿAlī

'Ali observed: By Him Who split up the seed and created something living, the Apostle (may peace and blessings be upon him) gave me a promise that no one but a believer would love me, and none but a hypocrite would nurse grudge against me. (Using translation from Muslim 78)  

الكبرى للنسائي:٨٠٩٧أَخْبَرَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الْعَلَاءِ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو مُعَاوِيَةَ عَنِ الْأَعْمَشِ عَنْ عَدِيِّ بْنِ ثَابِتٍ عَنْ زِرِّ بْنِ حُبَيْشٍ عَنْ عَلِيٍّ قَالَ

«وَالَّذِي فَلَقَ الْحَبَّةَ وَبَرَأَ النَّسَمَةَ إِنَّهُ لَعَهْدُ النَّبِيِّ الْأُمِّيِّ إِلَيَّ أَنْ لَا يُحِبَّنِي إِلَّا مُؤْمِنٌ وَلَا يَبْغَضَنِي إِلَّا مُنَافِقٌ»  

nasai-kubra:8098Hushaym > Abū Hāshim > Abū Mijlaz > Qays b. ʿUbād > Abū Dhar Yuqsim Qasam

I heard Abu Dhar swearing that the following Holy verse:-- "These two opponents (believers and disbelievers) disputing with each other about their Lord," (22.19) was revealed concerning those men who fought on the day of Badr, namely, Hamza, ʿAli, Ubaida bin Al-Harith, ʿUtba and Shaiba----the two sons of Rabiʿa-- and Al-Walid bin ʿUtba. (Using translation from Bukhārī 3969)   

الكبرى للنسائي:٨٠٩٨وَفِيمَا قَرَأَ عَلَيْنَا أَحْمَدُ بْنُ مَنِيعٍ عَنْ هُشَيْمٍ عَنْ أَبِي هَاشِمٍ عَنْ أَبِي مِجْلَزٍ عَنْ قَيْسِ بْنِ عُبَادٍ قَالَ سَمِعْتُ أَبَا ذَرٍّ §يُقْسِمُ قَسَمًا

أَنَّ هَذِهِ الْآيَةَ نَزَلَتْ فِي الَّذِينَ تَبَارَزُوا يَوْمَ بَدْرٍ حَمْزَةَ وَعَلِيٍّ وَعُبَيْدَةَ بْنِ الْحَارِثِ وَعُتْبَةَ وَشَيْبَةَ ابْنَا رَبِيعَةَ وَالْوَلِيدِ بْنِ عُتْبَةَ