8. Sūrat al-Anfāl (2/2)

٨۔ سُورَةُ الأنفَال ص ٢

The Spoils of War (Medinan)


That is for what your hands have put forth ˹of evil˺ and because Allah is not ever unjust to His servants."  

That, chastisement, is for what your hands have sent before you — He refers to this ˹their actions˺ exclusively with these ˹hands˺, because most actions are accomplished with them — and ˹know˺ that God is never unjust to His servants’, such that he would punish them for no sin.

ذَٰلِكَ بِمَا قَدَّمَتْ أَيْدِيكُمْ وَأَنَّ اللَّهَ لَيْسَ بِظَلَّامٍ لِلْعَبِيدِ  

{ذلك} التعذيب {بما قدَّمت أيديكم} عبَّر بها دون غيرها لأن أكثر الأفعال تزاول بها {وأن الله ليس بظلام} أي بذي ظلم {للعبيد} فيعذِّبهم بغير ذنب.

˹Theirs is˺ like the custom of the people of Pharaoh and of those before them. They disbelieved in the signs of Allah, so Allah seized them for their sins. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and severe in penalty.  

The way of these people is, like the way of Pharaoh’s folk and those before them: they disbelieved in God’s signs and so God seized them, with chastisement, because of their sins (the sentence beginning with kafarū, ‘they disbelieved’, explains the previous one). Truly, God is strong, in what He wills, severe in retribution.

كَدَأْبِ آلِ فِرْعَوْنَ ۙ وَالَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ ۚ كَفَرُوا بِآيَاتِ اللَّهِ فَأَخَذَهُمُ اللَّهُ بِذُنُوبِهِمْ ۗ إِنَّ اللَّهَ قَوِيٌّ شَدِيدُ الْعِقَابِ  

دأبُ هؤلاء {كدأب} كعادة {آل فرعون والذين من قبلهم كفروا بآيات الله فأخذهم الله} بالعقاب {بذنوبهم} جملة كفروا وما بعدها مفسِّرة لما قبلها {إن الله قويٌ} على ما يريده {شديد العقاب}.

That is because Allah would not change a favor which He had bestowed upon a people until they change what is within themselves. And indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing.  

That, chastisement of the disbelievers, is because God would never change a grace that He had conferred on a people, substituting it with affliction, until they have changed that which is in themselves, ˹until˺ they have exchanged the grace conferred upon them for unbelief, in the way that the Meccan disbelievers exchanged their being ‘fed against hunger’, their being made ‘safe from fear’ ˹cf. Q. 106:4˺ and the sending of the Prophet (s) to them, for unbelief, ˹for˺ barring against the way of God and ˹for˺ fighting Muslims; and ˹know˺ that God is Hearing, Knowing.

ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّ اللَّهَ لَمْ يَكُ مُغَيِّرًا نِعْمَةً أَنْعَمَهَا عَلَىٰ قَوْمٍ حَتَّىٰ يُغَيِّرُوا مَا بِأَنْفُسِهِمْ ۙ وَأَنَّ اللَّهَ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ  

{ذلك} أي تعذيب الكفرة {بأن} أي بسبب أن {الله لم يكُ مغيِّرا نعمة أنعمها على قوم} مبدلا لها بالنقمة {حتَّى يغيِّروا ما بأنفسهم} يبدلوا نعمتهم كفرا كتبديل كفار مكة إطعامهم من جوع وأمنُهم من خوف وبعْث النبي ﷺ إليهم بالكفر والصد عن سبيل الله وقتال المؤمنين {وأن الله سميع عليم}.

˹Theirs is˺ like the custom of the people of Pharaoh and of those before them. They denied the signs of their Lord, so We destroyed them for their sins, and We drowned the people of Pharaoh. And all ˹of them˺ were wrongdoers.  

Like the way of Pharaoh’s folk and those before them: they denied the signs of their Lord, so We destroyed them for their sins, and We drowned the folk of Pharaoh, his people together with him, and all, disbelieving communities, were evildoers.

كَدَأْبِ آلِ فِرْعَوْنَ ۙ وَالَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ ۚ كَذَّبُوا بِآيَاتِ رَبِّهِمْ فَأَهْلَكْنَاهُمْ بِذُنُوبِهِمْ وَأَغْرَقْنَا آلَ فِرْعَوْنَ ۚ وَكُلٌّ كَانُوا ظَالِمِينَ  

{كدأب آل فرعون والذين من قبلهم كذَّبوا بآيات ربهم فأهلكناهم بذنوبهم وأغرقنا آل فرعون} قومه معه {وكلّ} من الأمم المكذبة {كانوا ظالمين}.

Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are those who have disbelieved, and they will not ˹ever˺ believe -  

The following was revealed regarding ˹Banū˺ Qurayza: Surely the worst of beasts in God’s sight are the ungrateful who will not believe,

إِنَّ شَرَّ الدَّوَابِّ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا فَهُمْ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ  

ونزل في قريظة: {إن شرَّ الدواب عند الله الذين كفروا فهم لا يؤمنون}.

The ones with whom you made a treaty but then they break their pledge every time, and they do not fear Allah.  

those of them with whom you have made a pact, not to support the idolaters, and then break their pact every time, they conclude one, and they are not fearful, of God, in their treachery.

الَّذِينَ عَاهَدْتَ مِنْهُمْ ثُمَّ يَنْقُضُونَ عَهْدَهُمْ فِي كُلِّ مَرَّةٍ وَهُمْ لَا يَتَّقُونَ  

{الذين عاهدت منهم} ألا يعينوا المشركين {ثم ينقضون عهدهم في كل مرة} عاهدوا فيها {وهم لا يتقون} الله في غدرهم.

So if you, ˹O Muhammad˺, gain dominance over them in war, disperse by ˹means of˺ them those behind them that perhaps they will be reminded.  

So if (fa-immā: here the letter nūn of the conditional particle in, ‘if’, has been assimilated with the extra mā) you come upon them, ˹if˺ you find them, anywhere in the war, ˹deal with them so as to˺ cause those, fighters, behind them to scatter, to disperse, by making an example of them and punishing them, so that they, the ones behind them, might remember, ˹that they might˺ take heed from their example.

فَإِمَّا تَثْقَفَنَّهُمْ فِي الْحَرْبِ فَشَرِّدْ بِهِمْ مَنْ خَلْفَهُمْ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَذَّكَّرُونَ  

{فإما} فيه إدغام نون إن الشرطية في ما المزيدة {تثقفنَّهم} تجدنهم {في الحرب فشرِّد} فرق {بهم من خلفهم} من المحاربين بالتنكيل بهم والعقوبة {لعلَّهم} أي الذين خلفهم {يذَّكرون} يتعظون بهم.

If you ˹have reason to˺ fear from a people betrayal, throw ˹their treaty˺ back to them, ˹putting you˺ on equal terms. Indeed, Allah does not like traitors.  

And if you fear, from any folk, who have concluded a pact with you, some treachery, in a pact, through some indication that comes to you, then cast it back to them, dissolve their pact, with fairness (‘alā sawā’ is a circumstantial qualifier), that is to say, while you and they have equal knowledge that the pact has been broken, by your apprising them thereof, lest they accuse you of treachery. Truly God does not love the treacherous.

وَإِمَّا تَخَافَنَّ مِنْ قَوْمٍ خِيَانَةً فَانْبِذْ إِلَيْهِمْ عَلَىٰ سَوَاءٍ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُحِبُّ الْخَائِنِينَ  

{وإما تخافن من قوم} عاهدوك {خيانة} في عهد بأمارةٍ تلوح لك {فانبذ} اطرح عهدهم {إليهم على سواء} حال أي مستويا أنت وهم في العلم بنقض العهد بأن تعلمهم به لئلا يتهموك بالغدر {إن الله لا يحب الخائنين}.

And let not those who disbelieve think they will escape. Indeed, they will not cause failure ˹to Allah˺.  

The following was revealed regarding those who escaped capture on the day of Badr: And do not, O Muhammad (s), let those who disbelieve suppose that they have outstripped, God, that is, ˹that˺ they have eluded Him: indeed they cannot escape, they cannot elude Him (a variant reading has wa-lā yahsabanna, ‘and do not let them suppose’, so that the first direct object is omitted, actually being ˹an implied˺ anfusahum, ‘themselves’ ˹sc. ‘and do not let them suppose themselves to have outstripped’˺; and according to another ˹variant reading˺ anna is read ˹instead of inna˺ with an implicit lām ˹sc. ‘because they cannot escape’˺).

وَلَا يَحْسَبَنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا سَبَقُوا ۚ إِنَّهُمْ لَا يُعْجِزُونَ  

ونزل فيمن أفلت يوم بدر {ولا تحسبنَّ} يا محمد {الذين كفروا سبقوا} الله أي فأتوه {إنهم لا يعجزون} لا يفوتونه وفي قراءة بالتحتانية فالمفعول الأول محذوف أي أنفسهم وفي أخرى بفتح إن على تقدير اللام.

And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know ˹but˺ whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.  

Make ready for them, for fighting them, whatever force you can, the Prophet (s) said that this refers to ‘archers’, as reported by Muslim, and of horses tethered (ribāt is a verbal noun, meaning, ‘restraining them ˹for use˺ in the way of God’) that thereby you may dismay, terrify, the enemy of God and your enemy, namely, the disbelievers of Mecca, and others besides them, that is, other than those — namely, the hypocrites or the Jews, whom you know not: God knows them. And whatever thing you expend in the way of God, its requital, shall be repaid to you in full, and you will not be wronged, ˹you will not˺ be diminished anything thereof.

وَأَعِدُّوا لَهُمْ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُمْ مِنْ قُوَّةٍ وَمِنْ رِبَاطِ الْخَيْلِ تُرْهِبُونَ بِهِ عَدُوَّ اللَّهِ وَعَدُوَّكُمْ وَآخَرِينَ مِنْ دُونِهِمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَهُمُ اللَّهُ يَعْلَمُهُمْ ۚ وَمَا تُنْفِقُوا مِنْ شَيْءٍ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ يُوَفَّ إِلَيْكُمْ وَأَنْتُمْ لَا تُظْلَمُونَ  

(وأعدوا لهم) لقتالهم (ما استطعتم من قوة) قال ﷺ "" هي الرمي "" رواه مسلم (ومن رباط الخيل) مصدر بمعنى حبسها في سبيل الله (ترهبون) تخوفون (به عدو الله وعدوكم) أي كفار مكة (وآخرين من دونهم) أي غيرهم وهم المنافقون أو اليهود (لا تعلمونهم الله يعلمهم وما تنفقوا من شيء في سبيل الله يوف إليكم) جزاؤه (وأنتم لا تظلمون) تنقصون منه شيئا.

And if they incline to peace, then incline to it ˹also˺ and rely upon Allah. Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing.  

And if they incline to peace (read silm or salm, meaning, ‘settlement’), then incline to it, and conclude a pact with them: Ibn ‘Abbās said, ‘This has been abrogated by the “sword verse” ˹Q. 9:5˺’; Mujāhid said, ‘This ˹stipulation˺ applies exclusively in the context of the People of the Scripture, for it was revealed regarding the Banū Qurayza; and rely on God, put your trust in Him; truly He is the Hearer, of words, the Knower, of actions.

وَإِنْ جَنَحُوا لِلسَّلْمِ فَاجْنَحْ لَهَا وَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ ۚ إِنَّهُ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ  

{وإن جنحوا} مالوا {للسَّلْم} بكسر السين وفتحها: الصلح {فاجنح لها} وعاهدهم، وقال ابن عباس: هذا منسوخ بآية السيف وقال مجاهد: مخصوص بأهل الكتاب إذ نزلت في بني قريظة {وتوكل على الله} ثق به {إنه هو السميع} للقول {العليم} بالفعل.

But if they intend to deceive you - then sufficient for you is Allah. It is He who supported you with His help and with the believers  

And if they desire to trick you, by making a ˹peace˺ settlement in order to make preparations ˹for war˺ against you, then God is sufficient for you. He it is Who strengthened you with His help and with the believers;

وَإِنْ يُرِيدُوا أَنْ يَخْدَعُوكَ فَإِنَّ حَسْبَكَ اللَّهُ ۚ هُوَ الَّذِي أَيَّدَكَ بِنَصْرِهِ وَبِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ  

{وإن يريدوا أن يخدعوك} بالصلح ليستعدوا لك {فإن حسبك} كافيك {اللهُ هو الذي أيَّدك بنصره وبالمؤمنين}.

And brought together their hearts. If you had spent all that is in the earth, you could not have brought their hearts together; but Allah brought them together. Indeed, He is Exalted in Might and Wise.  

and reconciled, brought together, their hearts, after old feuds ˹had divided them˺. Had you expended all that is in the earth, you could not have reconciled their hearts, but God reconciled their hearts, through His power. Truly He is Mighty, His way prevailing, Wise, nothing being beyond ˹the scope of˺ His wisdom.

وَأَلَّفَ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِهِمْ ۚ لَوْ أَنْفَقْتَ مَا فِي الْأَرْضِ جَمِيعًا مَا أَلَّفْتَ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِهِمْ وَلَٰكِنَّ اللَّهَ أَلَّفَ بَيْنَهُمْ ۚ إِنَّهُ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ  

{وألَّف} جمع {بين قلوبهم} بعد الإحن {لو أنفقت ما في الأرض جميعا ما ألَّفت بين قلوبهم ولكنَّ الله ألف بينهم} بقدرته {إنه عزيز} غالب على أمره {حكيم} لا يخرج شيء عن حكمته.

O Prophet, sufficient for you is Allah and for whoever follows you of the believers.  

O Prophet, God suffices you, and the believers who follow you, suffice you.

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ حَسْبُكَ اللَّهُ وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَكَ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ  

{يا أيها النبي حسبُك اللهُ و} حسبك {من اتبعك من المؤمنين}.

O Prophet, urge the believers to battle. If there are among you twenty ˹who are˺ steadfast, they will overcome two hundred. And if there are among you one hundred ˹who are˺ steadfast, they will overcome a thousand of those who have disbelieved because they are a people who do not understand.  

O Prophet, urge on, exhort, the believers to fight, the disbelievers. If there be twenty of you, steadfast, they will overcome two hundred, of them. If there be (read as yakun or takun) a hundred of you, they will overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, for they are a people who do not understand (this ˹sentence˺ is predicative, but functions as an imperative, in other words, let the twenty of you fight the two hundred ˹of them˺, and the hundred ˹of you˺, the thousand ˹of them˺, and let them stand firm against them; but when they became numerous this was abrogated by God’s saying):

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ حَرِّضِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ عَلَى الْقِتَالِ ۚ إِنْ يَكُنْ مِنْكُمْ عِشْرُونَ صَابِرُونَ يَغْلِبُوا مِائَتَيْنِ ۚ وَإِنْ يَكُنْ مِنْكُمْ مِائَةٌ يَغْلِبُوا أَلْفًا مِنَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا بِأَنَّهُمْ قَوْمٌ لَا يَفْقَهُونَ  

{يا أيها النبي حرِّض} حث {المؤمنين على القتال} للكفار {إن يكن منكم عشرون صابرون يغلبوا مائتين} منهم {وإنْ يكن} بالياء والتاء {منكم مائة يغلبوا ألفا من الذين كفروا بأنهم} أي بسبب أنهم {قوم لا يفقهون} وهذا خبر بمعنى الأمر أي ليقاتل العشرون منكم المائتين والمائة الألف ويثبتوا لهم ثم نُسخ لما كثروا بقوله.

Now, Allah has lightened ˹the hardship˺ for you, and He knows that among you is weakness. So if there are from you one hundred ˹who are˺ steadfast, they will overcome two hundred. And if there are among you a thousand, they will overcome two thousand by permission of Allah. And Allah is with the steadfast.  

Now God has lightened ˹the burden˺ for you, for He knows that there is weakness (read du‘fan or da‘fan) in you, ˹making you unable˺ to fight ten times your number. So if there be (read as yakun or takun) a hundred of you, steadfast, they will overcome two hundred, of them; and if there be a thousand of you, they will overcome two thousand by the leave of God, by His will (this is predicative, functioning as an imperative, in other words: fight twice your number and stand firm against them). And God is with the steadfast, by His support ˹of them˺.

الْآنَ خَفَّفَ اللَّهُ عَنْكُمْ وَعَلِمَ أَنَّ فِيكُمْ ضَعْفًا ۚ فَإِنْ يَكُنْ مِنْكُمْ مِائَةٌ صَابِرَةٌ يَغْلِبُوا مِائَتَيْنِ ۚ وَإِنْ يَكُنْ مِنْكُمْ أَلْفٌ يَغْلِبُوا أَلْفَيْنِ بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ مَعَ الصَّابِرِينَ  

{الآن خفف الله عنكم وعلم أن فيكم ضُعفا} بضم الضاد وفتحها عن قتال عشرة أمثالكم {فإن يكن} بالياء والتاء {منكم مائة صابرة يغلبوا مائتين} منهم {وإن يكن منكم ألف يغلبوا ألفين بإذن الله} بإرادته وهو خبر بمعنى الأمر أي لتقاتلوا مثليكم وتثبتوا لهم {والله مع الصابرين} بعونه.

It is not for a prophet to have captives ˹of war˺ until he inflicts a massacre ˹upon Allah 's enemies˺ in the land. Some Muslims desire the commodities of this world, but Allah desires ˹for you˺ the Hereafter. And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.  

The following was revealed when they ransomed those taken captive at Badr: It is not for any Prophet to have (read as an takūna lahu or an yakūna lahu) prisoners until he has made slaughter in the land, going all the way in fighting disbelievers. You, O believers, desire the transient things of this world, its ephemeral gains, by ransoming, while God desires, for you, the Hereafter, that is, its reward, through your killing them; and God is Mighty, Wise: this was abrogated by His words ˹and set them free˺ afterward either with grace or by ransom ˹Q. 47:4˺.

مَا كَانَ لِنَبِيٍّ أَنْ يَكُونَ لَهُ أَسْرَىٰ حَتَّىٰ يُثْخِنَ فِي الْأَرْضِ ۚ تُرِيدُونَ عَرَضَ الدُّنْيَا وَاللَّهُ يُرِيدُ الْآخِرَةَ ۗ وَاللَّهُ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ  

ونزل لما أخذوا الفداء من أسرى بدر {ما كان لنبي أن تكون} بالتاء والياء {له أسرى حتى يثخن في الأرض} يبالغ في قتل الكفار {تريدون} أيها المؤمنون {عَرَض الدنيا} حطامها بأخذ الفداء {والله يريد} لكم {الآخرة} أي ثوابها بقتلهم {والله عزيز حكيم} وهذا منسوخ بقوله (فإما منّا بعد وإما فداءً).

If not for a decree from Allah that preceded, you would have been touched for what you took by a great punishment.  

Had it not been for an ordinance from God which had preceded, making spoils and the taking of captives lawful for you, an awful chastisement would have afflicted you for what you took, as ransom.

لَوْلَا كِتَابٌ مِنَ اللَّهِ سَبَقَ لَمَسَّكُمْ فِيمَا أَخَذْتُمْ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ  

{لولا كتاب من الله سبق} بإحلال الغنائم والأسرى لكم {لمسَّكم فيما أخذتم} من الفداء {عذاب عظيم}.

So consume what you have taken of war booty ˹as being˺ lawful and good, and fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.  

Now eat of what you have plundered, as lawful and good, and fear God. Truly God is Forgiving, Merciful.

فَكُلُوا مِمَّا غَنِمْتُمْ حَلَالًا طَيِّبًا ۚ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ  

{فكلوا مما غنمتم حلالا طيبا واتقوا الله إن الله غفور رحيم}.

O Prophet, say to whoever is in your hands of the captives, "If Allah knows ˹any˺ good in your hearts, He will give you ˹something˺ better than what was taken from you, and He will forgive you; and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."  

O Prophet, say to those captives who are in your hands: (asrā, may also be read as asārā) ‘If God knows of any good, any faith or sincere devotion, in your hearts He will give you better than that which has been taken from you, by way of ransom, by His multiplying it for you in this world and rewarding you in the Hereafter, and will forgive you, your sins. Truly God is Forgiving, Merciful’.

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ قُلْ لِمَنْ فِي أَيْدِيكُمْ مِنَ الْأَسْرَىٰ إِنْ يَعْلَمِ اللَّهُ فِي قُلُوبِكُمْ خَيْرًا يُؤْتِكُمْ خَيْرًا مِمَّا أُخِذَ مِنْكُمْ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ۗ وَاللَّهُ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ  

يا أيها النبي قل لمن في أيديكم من الأسارى} وفي قراءة الأسرى {إن يعلم الله في قلوبكم خيرا} إيمانا وإخلاصا {يؤتكم خيرا مما أخذ منكم} من الفداء بأن يضعِّفه لكم في الدنيا ويثيبكم في الآخرة {ويغفر لكم} ذنوبكم {والله غفور رحيم}.

But if they intend to betray you - then they have already betrayed Allah before, and He empowered ˹you˺ over them. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.  

And if they, the captives, desire to betray you, through words which they speak ˹to you˺, they have betrayed God before, before Badr, through unbelief; but He has given ˹you˺ power over them, at Badr, through slaying and capture, so let them anticipate the like if they return ˹to betrayal˺; and God is Knower, of His creatures, Wise, in His actions.

وَإِنْ يُرِيدُوا خِيَانَتَكَ فَقَدْ خَانُوا اللَّهَ مِنْ قَبْلُ فَأَمْكَنَ مِنْهُمْ ۗ وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ  

{وإن يريدوا} أي الأسرى {خيانتك} بما أظهروا من القول {فقد خانوا الله من قبل} قبل بدر بالكفر {فأمكن منهم} ببدر قتلا وأسرا فليتوقعوا مثل ذلك إن عادوا {والله عليم} بخلقه {حكيم} في صنعه.

Indeed, those who have believed and emigrated and fought with their wealth and lives in the cause of Allah and those who gave shelter and aided - they are allies of one another. But those who believed and did not emigrate - for you there is no guardianship of them until they emigrate. And if they seek help of you for the religion, then you must help, except against a people between yourselves and whom is a treaty. And Allah is Seeing of what you do.  

Truly those who believed and emigrated and strove with their wealth and their lives in the way of God, these being the Emigrants, and those who provided refuge, for the Prophet (s), and assisted, these being the Helpers, those are allies of one another, in terms of ˹mutual˺ support and inheritance. And those who believed but did not emigrate — you have no duty to make an alliance (read wilāya or walāya) with them, and so there is no inheriting between you and them and no share of the spoils for them, until they emigrate, this was abrogated by the end of this sūra; but if they ask you for assistance in the matter of religion then it is your duty to assist, them against the disbelievers, except against a folk between whom and you there is a covenant, a pact: in which case, do not assist them against these others and so break your pact; and God sees what you do.

إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَهَاجَرُوا وَجَاهَدُوا بِأَمْوَالِهِمْ وَأَنْفُسِهِمْ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَالَّذِينَ آوَوْا وَنَصَرُوا أُولَٰئِكَ بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلِيَاءُ بَعْضٍ ۚ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَلَمْ يُهَاجِرُوا مَا لَكُمْ مِنْ وَلَايَتِهِمْ مِنْ شَيْءٍ حَتَّىٰ يُهَاجِرُوا ۚ وَإِنِ اسْتَنْصَرُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ فَعَلَيْكُمُ النَّصْرُ إِلَّا عَلَىٰ قَوْمٍ بَيْنَكُمْ وَبَيْنَهُمْ مِيثَاقٌ ۗ وَاللَّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ بَصِيرٌ  

{إن الذين آمنوا وهاجروا وجاهدوا بأموالهم وأنفسهم في سبيل الله} وهم المهاجرون {والذين آوَوْا} النبي ﷺ {ونصروا} وهم الأنصار {أولئك بعضهم أولياء بعض} في النصرة والإرث {والذين آمنوا ولم يُهاجروا مالكم من ولايَتِهِمْ} بكسر الواو وفتحها {من شيء} فلا إرث بينكم وبينهم ولا نصيب لهم في الغنيمة {حتى يهاجروا} وهذا منسوخ بآخر السورة {وإن استنصروكم في الدين فعليكم النصر} لهم على الكفار {إلا على قوم بينكم وبينهم ميثاق} عهد فلا تنصروهم عليهم وتنقضوا عهدهم {والله بما تعملون بصير}.

And those who disbelieved are allies of one another. If you do not do so, there will be fitnah on earth and great corruption.  

And those who disbelieve are allies of one another, in terms of ˹mutual˺ support and inheritance, and so there is no inheriting between you and them. Unless you do this, ˹unless˺ you ally yourselves with the believers and sever relations with the disbelievers, there will be sedition in the land and great corruption, with disbelief gaining power and Islam becoming weak.

وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلِيَاءُ بَعْضٍ ۚ إِلَّا تَفْعَلُوهُ تَكُنْ فِتْنَةٌ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَفَسَادٌ كَبِيرٌ  

{والذين كفروا بعضهم أولياء بعض} في النصرة والإرث فلا إرث بينكم وبينهم {إلا تفعلوه} أي تولي المسلمين وقمع الكفار {تكن فتنة في الأرض وفساد كبير} بقوة الكفر وضعف الإسلام.

But those who have believed and emigrated and fought in the cause of Allah and those who gave shelter and aided - it is they who are the believers, truly. For them is forgiveness and noble provision.  

And those who believed and emigrated and strove for the way of God, and those who provided refuge and assisted — those are the true believers, and for them is forgiveness and a generous provision, in Paradise.

وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَهَاجَرُوا وَجَاهَدُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَالَّذِينَ آوَوْا وَنَصَرُوا أُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ حَقًّا ۚ لَهُمْ مَغْفِرَةٌ وَرِزْقٌ كَرِيمٌ  

{والذين آمنوا وهاجروا وجاهدوا في سبيل الله والذين آوَوْا ونصروا أولئك هم المؤمنون حقا لهم مغفرة ورزق كريم} في الجنة.

And those who believed after ˹the initial emigration˺ and emigrated and fought with you - they are of you. But those of ˹blood˺ relationship are more entitled ˹to inheritance˺ in the decree of Allah. Indeed, Allah is Knowing of all things.  

And those who believed afterwards, that is, after the first believers and emigrants, and emigrated and strove with you — they are of you, O Muhājirūn and Ansār; and those related by blood, kinsmen, are nearer to one another, in terms of inheritance, than ˹those who share˺ inheritance on account of ˹their common˺ faith and emigration mentioned in the previous verse, according to the Book of God, the Preserved Tablet (al-lawh almahfūz). Truly God is Knower of all things, including the wisdom regarding ˹the rules of˺ inheritance. Medinese ˹entirely˺, or ˹Medinese˺ except for the last two verses ending with verse 130 ˹which are Meccan˺, or ˹Medinese˺ except for one verse. The basmala, ‘In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful’, does not preface this ˹sūra˺ because the Prophet (s) was not commanded to ˹recite˺ it ˹in this way˺, as may be understood from a hadīth reported by al-Hākim, in which he states ˹by way of an isnād˺ from ‘Alī that the basmala is ˹invoked˺ for ‘security’ (amān), whereas this ˹sūra˺ was revealed to remove security by way of the sword. According to ˹a hadīth related˺ by Hudhayfa ˹b. al-Yamān˺: ‘You call it the sūra of Repentance, but it is actually the sūra of Chastisement (al-‘adhāb)’. Al-Bukhārī reported ˹by way of an isnād˺ from al-Barā’ ˹b. ‘Āzib˺ that this was the last sūra to be revealed.

وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنْ بَعْدُ وَهَاجَرُوا وَجَاهَدُوا مَعَكُمْ فَأُولَٰئِكَ مِنْكُمْ ۚ وَأُولُو الْأَرْحَامِ بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلَىٰ بِبَعْضٍ فِي كِتَابِ اللَّهِ ۗ إِنَّ اللَّهَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ  

{والذين آمنوا من بعد} أي بعد السابقين إلى الإيمان والهجرة {وهاجروا وجاهدوا معكم فأولئك منكم} أيها المهاجرون والأنصار {وأولو الأرحام} ذوو القرابات {بعضهم أوْلى ببعض} في الإرث من التوارث في الإيمان والهجرة المذكورة في الآية السابقة {في كتاب الله} اللوح المحفوظ {إن الله بكل شيء عليم} ومنه حكمة الميراث.