6. Two ʿĪd (Eid) Ṣalāhs

٦۔ كِتَابُ صَلَاةِ الْعِيدَيْنِ

6.44 Worship During the Night of the Two ʿĪds

٦۔٤٤ بَابُ عِبَادَةِ لَيْلَةِ الْعِيدَيْنِ

bayhaqi:6293Muḥammad b. Mūsá b. al-Faḍl > Abū al-ʿAbbās al-Aṣam > al-Rabīʿ > al-Shāfiʿī > Ibrāhīm b. Muḥammad > Thawr b. Yazīd > Khālid b. Maʿdān > Abū al-Dardāʾ

whoever stands during the two nights of ʿĪd ˹for night Ṣalāh˺ in repentance for the sake of Allah, his heart will not die when the hearts die (i.e. out of the fear of the Day of Judgement ).

Shāfiʿī said that it reached us that it has been said that the duʿāʾ (supplication) is answered during five nights: (1) the night of Friday, (2) the night ˹of the ʿĪd˺ of Aḍḥá, (3) the night ˹of the ʿĪd˺ of Fiṭr, (4) the first night of ˹the month of˺ Rajab, and (5) the night of the middle of ˹the month of˺ Shaʿbān. He also said that it has reached us that Ibn ʿUmar used to make the night of Jamʿ alive ˹with night Ṣalāh˺ where the night of Jamʿ is the night of ʿĪd because its morning is of sacrifice.   

البيهقي:٦٢٩٣أَخْبَرَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ مُوسَى بْنِ الْفَضْلِ؛ ثنا أَبُو الْعَبَّاسِ الْأَصَمُّ؛ أنبأ الرَّبِيعُ؛ أنبأ الشَّافِعِيُّ؛ أنبأ إِبْرَاهِيمُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ قَالَ؛ قَالَ ثَوْرُ بْنُ يَزِيدَ؛ عَنْ خَالِدِ بْنِ مَعْدَانَ؛ عَنْ أَبِي الدَّرْدَاءِ قَالَ

مَنْ قَامَ لَيْلَتَيِ الْعِيدِ لِلَّهِ مُحْتَسِبًا فَلَمْ يَمُتْ قَلْبُهُ حِينَ تَمُوتَ الْقُلُوبُ

قَالَ الشَّافِعِيُّ وَبَلَغَنَا أَنَّهُ كَانَ يُقَالُ إِنَّ الدُّعَاءَ يُسْتَجَابُ فِي خَمْسِ لَيَالٍ: (١) فِي لَيْلَةِ الْجُمُعَةِ، (٢) وَلَيْلَةِ الْأَضْحَى، (٣) وَلَيْلَةِ الْفِطْرِ، (٤) وَأَوَّلِ لَيْلَةٍ مِنْ رَجَبٍ، (٥) وَلَيْلَةِ النِّصْفِ مِنْ شَعْبَانَ۔ قَالَ وَبَلَغَنَا أَنَّ ابْنَ عُمَرَ كَانَ يُحْيِي لَيْلَةَ جَمْعٍ وَلَيْلَةُ جَمْعٍ هِيَ لَيْلَةُ الْعِيدِ؛ لِأَنَّ فِي صُبْحِهَا النَّحْرُ