37. Sūrat al-Ṣāffāt

٣٧۔ سُورَةُ الصَّافات

37.2 Life in the Hereafter and the Day of Judgment are real.

٣٧۔٢ مقطع في سُورَةُ الصَّافات


But you wonder, while they mock,  

Nay, but (bal is for effecting a transition from one object to another, which in this case is to inform of his state and theirs) you marvel, (‘ajibta) addressing the Prophet (s), that is, ˹you marvel˺ that they deny you, while they engage in ridicule, at your marvelling,

بَلْ عَجِبْتَ وَيَسْخَرُونَ  

{بل} للانتقال من غرض إلى آخر وهو الإخبار بحاله وحالهم {عجبتَ} بفتح التاء خطابا للنبي ﷺ ، أي من تكذيبهم إياك {و} هم {يسخرون} من تعجبك.

And when they are reminded, they remember not.  

and ˹even˺ when they are reminded, ˹when˺ they are admonished with the Qur’ān, they are not mindful, they do not heed the admonition,

وَإِذَا ذُكِّرُوا لَا يَذْكُرُونَ  

{وإذا ذكروا} وعظوا بالقرآن {لا يذكرون} لا يتعظون.

And when they see a sign, they ridicule  

and when they see a sign, such as the splitting of the moon ˹cf. Q. 54:1˺, they make it an object of ridicule, they deride it.

وَإِذَا رَأَوْا آيَةً يَسْتَسْخِرُونَ  

{وإذا رأوْا آية} كانشقاق القمر {يستسخرون} يستهزئُون بها.

And say, "This is not but obvious magic.  

And they say, regarding it: ‘This is nothing but manifest sorcery — and they say in denial of the Resurrection —

وَقَالُوا إِنْ هَٰذَا إِلَّا سِحْرٌ مُبِينٌ  

{وقالوا} فيها {إن} ما {هذا إلا سحر مبين} بيّن وقالوا منكرين للبعث.

When we have died and become dust and bones, are we indeed to be resurrected?  

When we are dead and have become dust and bones, shall we indeed be resurrected? (In both places ˹sc. a-idhā and a-innā˺ either pronounce both hamzas, or read without pronouncing the second one and inserting an alif between them, in both cases).

أَإِذَا مِتْنَا وَكُنَّا تُرَابًا وَعِظَامًا أَإِنَّا لَمَبْعُوثُونَ  

{أئذا متنا وكنا ترابا وعظاما أئنا لمبعوثون} في الهمزتين في الموضوعين التحقيق وتسهيل الثانية وإدخال ألف بينهما على الوجهين.

And our forefathers ˹as well˺?"  

And our forefathers too?’ (read aw ābā’unā indicating a supplement; or read a-wa-ābā’unā as an interrogative, effecting the supplement with the wāw; so that what is being supplemented is either the inna together with its subject ˹sc. a-inna la-mab‘ūthūna˺, or the subject ˹of the verb˺ la-mab‘ūthūna, in which case the interrogative hamza is a separator).

أَوَآبَاؤُنَا الْأَوَّلُونَ  

{أوْ آباؤنا الأولون} بسكون الواو عطفا بأو، وبفتحها والهمزة للاستفهام والعطف بالواو والمعطوف عليه محل إن واسمها أو الضمير في لمبعوثون والفاصل همزة الاستفهام.

Say, "Yes, and you will be ˹rendered˺ contemptible."  

Say: ‘Yes, you will be resurrected, and you will be utterly humiliated!’

قُلْ نَعَمْ وَأَنْتُمْ دَاخِرُونَ  

{قل نعم} تبعثون {وأنتم داخرون} أي صاغرون.

It will be only one shout, and at once they will be observing.  

For it will be only (innamā hiya, this ˹hiya˺ is a demonstrative pronoun explained by ˹the following, zajratun) a single cry and, lo! they, all creatures, will be, alive, watching, ˹to see˺ what will be done with them.

فَإِنَّمَا هِيَ زَجْرَةٌ وَاحِدَةٌ فَإِذَا هُمْ يَنْظُرُونَ  

{فإنما هي} ضمير مبهم يفسره {زجرة} أي صيحة {واحدة فإذا هم} أي الخلائق أحياء {ينظرون} ما يفعل بهم.

They will say, "O woe to us! This is the Day of Recompense."  

And they, the disbelievers, will say, ‘O (yā is for calling attention) woe to us!’, ˹O˺ our destruction ˹is here˺ (waylanā is a verbal noun without any ˹regular˺ verbal conjugation). And the angels will say to them: ‘This is the Day of Retribution’, the Day of Reckoning and Requital.

وَقَالُوا يَا وَيْلَنَا هَٰذَا يَوْمُ الدِّينِ  

{وقالوا} أي الكفار {يا} للتنبيه {ويْلنا} هلاكنا، وهو مصدر لا فعل له من لفظه وتقول لهم الملائكة: {هذا يوم الدين} يوم الحساب والجزاء.

˹They will be told˺, "This is the Day of Judgement which you used to deny."  

‘This is the Day of Judgement, between ˹all˺ creatures, that you used to deny!’

هَٰذَا يَوْمُ الْفَصْلِ الَّذِي كُنْتُمْ بِهِ تُكَذِّبُونَ  

{هذا يوم الفصل} بين الخلائق {الذي كنتم به تكذبون} ويقال للملائكة.