14. Sūrat Ibrāhīm (2/2)

١٤۔ سُورَةُ إبراهِيم ص ٢

Abraham (Meccan)


So that Allah will recompense every soul for what it earned. Indeed, Allah is swift in account.  

that God may requite (li-yajziya is semantically connected to ˹the verb˺ barazū, ‘they shall come forth’) every soul for what it has earned, of good and evil. Truly God is swift at reckoning — He shall reckon with all creatures in about half a day of the days of this world, as one hadīth states to that effect.

لِيَجْزِيَ اللَّهُ كُلَّ نَفْسٍ مَا كَسَبَتْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ سَرِيعُ الْحِسَابِ  

{ليجزي} متعلق ببرزوا {الله كل نفس ما كسبت} من خير وشر {إن الله سريع الحساب} يحاسب جميع الخلق في قدر نصف نهار من أيام الدنيا لحديث بذلك.

This ˹Qur'an˺ is notification for the people that they may be warned thereby and that they may know that He is but one God and that those of understanding will be reminded.  

This, Qur’ān, is a Proclamation for mankind, in other words, it was revealed in order to proclaim to them, and so that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know, by way of the arguments contained in it, that He, namely, God, is One God, and that people of pith, possessors of intellect, may remember (yadhdhakkara: the original tā’ ˹of yatadhakkara˺ has been assimilated with the dhāl), ˹that they˺ may be admonished. Meccan, consisting of 99 verses.

هَٰذَا بَلَاغٌ لِلنَّاسِ وَلِيُنْذَرُوا بِهِ وَلِيَعْلَمُوا أَنَّمَا هُوَ إِلَٰهٌ وَاحِدٌ وَلِيَذَّكَّرَ أُولُو الْأَلْبَابِ  

{هذا} القرآن {بلاغ للناس} أي أنزل لتبليغهم {ولينذروا به وليعلموا} بما فيه من الحجج {أنما هو} أي الله {إله واحد وليذكّر} بإدغام التاء في الأصل في الذال يتعظ {أولوا الألباب} أصحاب العقول.