“Let one of you eat with his right hand and drink with his right hand, and take with his right hand and give with his right hand, for Satan eats with his left hand, drinks with his left hand, gives with his left hand and takes with his left hand.” (Using translation from Ibn Mājah 3266)
"إذا أخذَ أحدُكم فليأخذْ بيمينه، وإذَا أعطى فَليُعطْ بيمينه، وإذا اكلَ فليأكلْ بيمينه، وإذا شرب فليشرب بيمينه، فإن الشيطانَ يأخذ بشِماله، ويُعطى بشماله، ويأكل بشماله، وبشربُ بِشِماله".