Caution: Translations of Quran and Ḥadīth may lead to possible misapplications and misinterpretations. This site is intended for students of sacred knowledge that are proficient in comprehending classical Arabic and have a strong foundation in Islamic sciences. Also note that religious injunctions rely on several aspects beyond what one may glean through reading individual aḥādīth.

عُمَارَةُ بْنُ عَمْرِو بْنِ حَزْمٍ، عَنْ عَبْدِ اللهِ بْنِ عَمْرٍو

tabarani:13659Muṭṭalib b. Shuʿayb al-Azdī > ʿAbdullāh b. Ṣāliḥ > Yaʿqūb b. ʿAbd al-Raḥman > Abū Ḥāzim > ʿUmārah b. ʿAmr b. Ḥazm > ʿAbdullāh b. ʿAmr b. al-ʿĀṣ

[Machine] The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, "How will you be in a time or a time will come when people will be sifted and the dregs of people will remain, as if their covenants and trusts have melted away and they have disagreed and become like this." And he interlaced his fingers. They said, "What will be our condition, O Messenger of Allah?" He said, "You will take what you know and leave what you reject, and you will attend to your specific matters and disregard the general affairs."  

الطبراني:١٣٦٥٩حَدَّثَنَا مُطَّلِبُ بْنُ شُعَيْبٍ الْأَزْدِيُّ قَالَ ثنا عَبْدُ اللهِ بنُ صَالِحٍ قَالَ ثنا يَعْقُوبُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ عَنْ أَبِي حَازِمٍ عَنْ عُمَارَةَ بْنِ عَمْرِو بْنِ حَزْمٍ عَنْ عَبْدِ اللهِ بْنِ عَمْرِو بْنِ الْعَاصِ

أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللهِ ﷺ قَالَ «كَيْفَ بِكُمْ فِي زَمَانٍ أَوْ يُوشِكُ أَنْ يَأْتِيَ زَمَانٌ يُغَرْبَلُ النَّاسُ فِيهِ غَرْبَلَةً وَتَبْقَى حُثَالَةٌ مِنَ النَّاسِ قَدْ مَرِجَتْ عُهُودُهُمْ وَأَمَانَاتُهُمْ وَاخْتَلَفُوا وَكَانُوا هَكَذَا» وَشَبَّكَ بَيْنَ أَصَابِعِهِ فَقَالُوا كَيْفَ بِنَا يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ؟ قَالَ «تَأْخُذُونَ مَا تَعْرِفُونَ وَتَذَرُونَ مَا تُنْكِرُونَ وَتُقْبِلُونَ عَلَى أَمْرِ خَاصَّتِكُمْ وَتَدَعُونَ أَمْرَ عَامَّتِكُمْ»  

See similar narrations below:

Collected by Abū Dāwūd, Ibn Mājah, Aḥmad, Ḥākim, Ṭabarānī, Suyūṭī
abudawud:4342al-Qaʿnabī > ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz b. Abū Ḥāzim from his father > ʿUmārah b. ʿAmr > ʿAbdullāh b. ʿAmr b. al-ʿĀṣ

The Prophet ﷺ said: How will you do when that time will come? Or he said: A time will soon come when the people are sifted and only dregs of mankind survive and their covenants and guarantees have been impaired and they have disagreed among themselves and become thus, interwining his fingers. They asked: What do you order us to do, Messenger of Allah? He replied: Accept what you approve, abandon what you disapprove, attend to your own affairs and leave alone the affairs of the generality. Abu dawud said: A similar tradition has been transmitted by 'Abd Allah bin 'Amr from the Prophet ﷺ through different chain.  

أبو داود:٤٣٤٢حَدَّثَنَا الْقَعْنَبِيُّ أَنَّ عَبْدَ الْعَزِيزِ بْنَ أَبِي حَازِمٍ حَدَّثَهُمْ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنْ عُمَارَةَ بْنِ عَمْرٍو عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ عَمْرِو بْنِ الْعَاصِ

أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ﷺ قَالَ كَيْفَ بِكُمْ وَبِزَمَانٍ أَوْ يُوشِكُ أَنْ يَأْتِيَ زَمَانٌ يُغَرْبَلُ النَّاسُ فِيهِ غَرْبَلَةً تَبْقَى حُثَالَةٌ مِنَ النَّاسِ قَدْ مَرِجَتْ عُهُودُهُمْ وَأَمَانَاتُهُمْ وَاخْتَلَفُوا فَكَانُوا هَكَذَا وَشَبَّكَ بَيْنَ أَصَابِعِهِ فَقَالُوا وَكَيْفَ بِنَا يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ قَالَ تَأْخُذُونَ مَا تَعْرِفُونَ وَتَذَرُونَ مَا تُنْكِرُونَ وَتُقْبِلُونَ عَلَى أَمْرِ خَاصَّتِكُمْ وَتَذَرُونَ أَمْرَ عَامَّتِكُمْ  

قَالَ أَبُو دَاوُدَ هَكَذَا رُوِيَ عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ عَمْرٍو عَنِ النَّبِيِّ ﷺ مِنْ غَيْرِ وَجْهٍ
ibnmajah:3957Hishām b. ʿAmmār And Muḥammad b. al-Ṣabbāḥ > ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz b. Abū Ḥāzim from my father > ʿUmārah b. Ḥazm > ʿAbdullāh b. ʿAmr

“How will you be at a time that will soon come, when the good people will pass away and only the worst ones will be left, who will break their promises and betray their trusts, and they will differ while they were previously together like this,” – and he interlaced his fingers. They said: “What should we do, O Messenger of Allah, when that comes to pass?” He said: “Follow that which you know is true, and leave that which you dislike. Take care of your own affairs and turn away from the common folk.”  

ابن ماجة:٣٩٥٧حَدَّثَنَا هِشَامُ بْنُ عَمَّارٍ وَمُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الصَّبَّاحِ قَالاَ حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الْعَزِيزِ بْنُ أَبِي حَازِمٍ حَدَّثَنِي أَبِي عَنْ عُمَارَةَ بْنِ حَزْمٍ عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ عَمْرٍو

أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ﷺ قَالَ كَيْفَ بِكُمْ وَبِزَمَانٍ يُوشِكُ أَنْ يَأْتِيَ يُغَرْبَلُ النَّاسُ فِيهِ غَرْبَلَةً وَتَبْقَى حُثَالَةٌ مِنَ النَّاسِ قَدْ مَرِجَتْ عُهُودُهُمْ وَأَمَانَاتُهُمْ فَاخْتَلَفُوا وَكَانُوا هَكَذَا وَشَبَّكَ بَيْنَ أَصَابِعِهِ قَالُوا كَيْفَ بِنَا يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ إِذَا كَانَ ذَلِكَ قَالَ تَأْخُذُونَ بِمَا تَعْرِفُونَ وَتَدَعُونَ مَا تُنْكِرُونَ وَتُقْبِلُونَ عَلَى خَاصَّتِكُمْ وَتَذَرُونَ أَمْرَ عَوَامِّكُمْ  

ahmad:7049Ḥusayn b. Muḥammad > Muḥammad b. Muṭarrif > Abū Ḥāzim > ʿAmr b. Shuʿayb from his father from his grandfather

[Machine] From the Prophet ﷺ , that he said: A time will come upon people where they will go through a period of tribulation, in which only the refuse of them will remain. Their promises and trusts will be violated, and they will differ among themselves. They asked, "O Messenger of Allah, what is the way out from this?" He said, "You shall hold onto what you know and renounce what you deny. You shall concern yourselves with your own affairs and leave the affairs of the public."  

أحمد:٧٠٤٩حَدَّثَنَا حُسَيْنُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ مُطَرِّفٍ عَنْ أَبِي حَازِمٍ عَنْ عَمْرِو بْنِ شُعَيْبٍ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنْ جَدِّهِ

عَنِ النَّبِيِّ ﷺ أَنَّهُ قَالَ يَأْتِي عَلَى النَّاسِ زَمَانٌيُغَرْبَلُونَ فِيهِ غَرْبَلَةً يَبْقَى مِنْهُمْ حُثَالَةٌ قَدْ مَرِجَتْ عُهُودُهُمْ وَأَمَانَاتُهُمْ وَاخْتَلَفُوا فَكَانُوا هَكَذَا وَشَبَّكَ بَيْنَ أَصَابِعِهِ قَالُوا يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ فَمَا الْمَخْرَجُ مِنْ ذَلِكَ؟ قَالَ تَأْخُذُونَ مَا تَعْرِفُونَ وَتَدَعُونَ مَا تُنْكِرُونَ وَتُقْبِلُونَ عَلَى أَمْرِ خَاصَّتِكُمْ وَتَدَعُونَ أَمْرَ عَامَّتِكُمْ  

ahmad:7063Saʿīd b. Manṣūr > Yaʿqūb b. ʿAbd al-Raḥman > Abū Ḥāzim > ʿUmārah b. ʿAmr b. Ḥazm > ʿAbdullāh b. ʿAmr

[Machine] The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "The people will soon be sifted like barley, and only the refuse will remain from among the people, as their covenants and trusts have been violated. They will say, 'So how should we act, O Messenger of Allah, in such a situation?' He replied, 'You should hold on to what you know and reject what you deny, and you should act according to your own circumstances and call upon your own people.' Qutaybah ibn Sa'id narrated this with a chain of transmission whose meaning is the same, except that he said, 'And only the refuse will remain from among the people, and you will call upon the affairs of your people.'"  

أحمد:٧٠٦٣حَدَّثَنَا سَعِيدُ بْنُ مَنْصُورٍ حَدَّثَنَا يَعْقُوبُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ عَنْ أَبِي حَازِمٍ عَنْ عُمَارَةَ بْنِ عَمْرِو بْنِ حَزْمٍ عَنْ عَبْدِ اللهِ بْنِ عَمْرٍو قَالَ

قَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ يُوشِكُ أَنْ يُغَرْبَلَ النَّاسُ غَرْبَلَةً وَتَبْقَى حُثَالَةٌ مِنَ النَّاسِ قَدْ مَرِجَتْ عُهُودُهُمْوَأَمَانَاتُهُمْ وَكَانُوا هَكَذَا وَشَبَّكَ بَيْنَ أَصَابِعِهِ قَالُوا فَكَيْفَ نَصْنَعُ يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ إِذَا كَانَ ذَلِكَ؟ قَالَ تَأْخُذُونَ مَا تَعْرِفُونَ وَتَذَرُونَ مَا تُنْكِرُونَ وَتُقْبِلُونَ عَلَى خَاصَّتِكُمْ وَتَدَعُونَ عَامَّتَكُمْ حَدَّثَنَاهُ قُتَيْبَةُ بْنُ سَعِيدٍ بِإِسْنَادِهِ وَمَعْنَاهُ إِلَّا أَنَّهُ قَالَ وَتَبْقَى حُثَالَةٌ مِنَ النَّاسِ وَتَدَعُونَ أَمْرَ عَامَّتِكُمْ  

hakim:8340Abū ʿAwn Muḥammad b. Aḥmad b. Māhān al-Jazzār Bimakkah Ḥarasahā Allāh Taʿālá > al-Ṣafā Imlāʾ > Abū ʿAbdullāh Muḥammad b. ʿAlī b. Zayd al-Ṣāʾigh al-Makkī > Saʿīd b. Manṣūr al-Makkī > Yaʿqūb b. ʿAbd al-Raḥman > Abū Ḥāzim > ʿUmārah b. Ḥazm b. ʿAmr b. Ḥazm > ʿAbdullāh b. ʿAmr

[Machine] The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "The time will come when people will be sifted and only the refuse of people will remain; their covenants and trusts will be broken, and they will differ and be like this." And he interlaced his fingers. They said, "So, how should we act, O Messenger of Allah?" He said, "You should take what you know and leave what you deny, and you should adhere to your own affairs and leave the general matters." Sa'id bin Mansur said, "The refuse of people is their despicability, and the meaning of his statement 'their covenants will be broken' is that they will not fulfill them."  

الحاكم:٨٣٤٠حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو عَوْنٍ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ مَاهَانَ الْجَزَّارُ بِمَكَّةَ حَرَسَهَا اللَّهُ تَعَالَى عَلَى الصَّفَا إِمْلَاءً ثَنَا أَبُو عَبْدِ اللَّهِ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ عَلِيِّ بْنِ زَيْدٍ الصَّائِغُ الْمَكِّيُّ ثَنَا سَعِيدُ بْنُ مَنْصُورٍ الْمَكِّيُّ ثَنَا يَعْقُوبُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ عَنْ أَبِي حَازِمٍ عَنْ عُمَارَةَ بْنِ حَزْمِ بْنِ عَمْرِو بْنِ حَزْمٍ عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ عَمْرٍو

أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ﷺ قَالَ «يُوشِكُ أَنْ يَأْتِيَ زَمَانٌ يُغَرْبَلُ النَّاسُ فِيهِ غَرْبَلَةً وَيَبْقَى حُثَالَةٌ مِنَ النَّاسِ قَدْ مَرِجَتْ عُهُودُهُمْ وَأَمَانَاتُهُمْ وَاخْتَلَفُوا وَكَانُوا هَكَذَا» وَشَبَّكَ بَيْنَ أَصَابِعِهِ قَالُوا فَكَيْفَ تَأْمُرُنَا يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ؟ قَالَ «تَأْخُذُونَ مَا تَعْرِفُونَ وَتَدَعُونَ مَا تُنْكِرُونَ وَتُقْبِلُونَ عَلَى أَمْرِ خَاصَّتِكُمْ وَتَدَعُونَ أَمْرَ عَامَّتِكُمْ» قَالَ سَعِيدُ بْنُ مَنْصُورٍ حُثَالَةُ النَّاسِ رَدَاءَتَهُمْ وَمَعْنَى قَوْلِهِ مَرِجَتْ عُهُودُهُمْ إِذْ لَمْ يَفُوا بِهَا  

«هَذَا حَدِيثٌ صَحِيحُ الْإِسْنَادِ وَلَمْ يُخْرِجَاهُ» صحيح
hakim:2671Abū al-ʿAbbās Muḥammad b. Yaʿqūb > Baḥr b. Naṣr b. Sābiq al-Khawlānī > ʿAbdullāh b. Wahb > Yaʿqūb b. ʿAbd al-Raḥman > ʿUmārah b. Ḥazm > ʿAbdullāh b. ʿAmr b. al-ʿĀṣ

The Prophet ﷺ said: How will you do when that time will come? Or he said: A time will soon come when the people are sifted and only dregs of mankind survive and their covenants and guarantees have been impaired and they have disagreed among themselves and become thus, interwining his fingers. They asked: What do you order us to do, Messenger of Allah? He replied: Accept what you approve, abandon what you disapprove, attend to your own affairs and leave alone the affairs of the generality. Abu dawud said: A similar tradition has been transmitted by 'Abd Allah bin 'Amr from the Prophet ﷺ through different chain. (Using translation from Abū Dāʾūd 4342)   

الحاكم:٢٦٧١حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو الْعَبَّاسِ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يَعْقُوبَ ثنا بَحْرُ بْنُ نَصْرِ بْنِ سَابِقٍ الْخَوْلَانِيُّ ثنا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ وَهْبٍ حَدَّثَنِي يَعْقُوبُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ عَنْ عُمَارَةَ بْنِ حَزْمٍ عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ عَمْرِو بْنِ الْعَاصِ

أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ﷺ قَالَ «يُوشِكُ أَنْ يَأْتِيَ زَمَانٌ يُغَرْبَلُ النَّاسُ غَرْبَلَةً وَيَبْقَى حُثَالَةٌ مِنَ النَّاسِ قَدْ مَرِجَتْ عُهُودُهُمْ وَأَمَانَاتُهُمْ وَاخْتَلَفُوا فَكَانُوا هَكَذَا» وَشَبَّكَ بَيْنَ أَصَابِعِهِ قَالُوا فَكَيْفَ بِنَا يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ؟ قَالَ «تَأْخُذُونَ مَا تَعْرِفُونَ وَتَذَرُونَ مَا تُنْكِرُونَ وَتُقْبِلُونَ عَلَى أَمْرِ خَاصَّتِكُمْ وَتَدَعُونَ أَمْرَ عَامَّتِكُمْ»  

هَذَا حَدِيثٌ صَحِيحٌ عَلَى شَرْطِ الشَّيْخَيْنِ وَلَمْ يُخَرِّجَاهُ بِهَذِهِ السِّيَاقَةِعلى شرط البخاري ومسلم
tabarani:5868Muḥammad b. Ruzayq > Abū al-Ṭāhir b. al-Sarḥ > Bakr b. Sulaym > Abū Ḥāzim > Sahl b. Saʿd

[Machine] The Messenger of Allah ﷺ came out to us one day while we were sitting in a gathering that included 'Amr ibn al-'As and his son. He said, "How do you see if you delay in a time when the lowly among the people, whose covenants and oaths have become mixed up and entangled, start to conflict and become like this?" And he interlaced his fingers. They said, "Allah and His Messenger know best." He said, "You take what you know and leave what you disagree with, and each of you indulges in his own personal matters while ignoring the affairs of the general public."  

الطبراني:٥٨٦٨حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ رُزَيْقٍ ثنا أَبُو الطَّاهِرِ بْنُ السَّرْحِ ثنا بَكْرُ بْنُ سُلَيْمٍ حَدَّثَنِي أَبُو حَازِمٍ عَنْ سَهْلِ بْنِ سَعْدٍ قَالَ

خَرَجَ عَلَيْنَا رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ يَوْمًا وَنَحْنُ فِي مَجْلِسٍ فِيهِ عَمْرُو بْنُ الْعَاصِ وَابْنُهُ فَقَالَ «كَيْفَ تَرَوْنَ إِذَا أُخِّرْتُمْ فِي زَمَانِ حُثَالَةٍ مِنَ النَّاسِ قَدْ مُزِجَتْ عُهُودُهُمْ ونُذُورُهُمْ فاشْتَبَكُوا فَكَانُوا هَكَذَا؟» وَشَبَّكَ بَيْنَ أَصَابِعِهِ قَالُوا اللهُ وَرَسُولُهُ أَعْلَمُ قَالَ «تَأْخُذُونَ مَا تَعْرِفُونَ وَتَدَعُونَ مَا تُنْكِرُونَ وَيُقْبِلُ أَحَدُكُمْ عَلَى خَاصَّةِ نَفْسِهِ وَيَذَرُ أَمْرَ الْعَامَّةِ»  

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"يُوشِكُ أَنْ يَأتِى زَمَانٌ يُغَرْبَلُ فِيهِ النَّاسُ غَرْبَلَةً، وَتَبْقَى حُثَالَةٌ مِنَ النَّاسِ قَدْ مَرِجَتْ عُهُودُهُمْ وَأَمَانَاتُهُمْ وَاخْتَلَفُوا فَكَانُوا هَكَذَا -وَشَبَّكَ بَيْنَ أَصَابِعِهِ- قَالُوا: كَيْفَ بِنَا يَا رَسُولَ اللَّه؟ قَالَ: تَأخُذُونَ مَا تَعْرِفُونَ، وَتَدَعُونَ مَا تُنْكِرُونَ، وَتُقْبِلُونَ عَلَى أمْرِ خَاصَّتِكُمْ، وَتَذَرُونَ أمْرَ عَامَّتِكُمْ".  

[حم] أحمد [د] أبو داود [ك] الحاكم في المستدرك وابن عساكر عن ابن عمرو
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"كَيفَ بِكُم بِزَمَانٍ يُوشِكُ أنْ يَأتِيَ، يُغَربلُ النَّاسُ فِيهِ غَرْبَلَةً، وَيَبْقَى حُثَالةٌ منَ الناسِ قَد مَرَجَت عُهُودُهُمْ وأمَانَاتهُمْ واخْتَلَفُوا وكَانوا هَكَذا؟ وَشَبَّكَ بَينَ أصَابعه، قالوا: كيفَ بِنَا يَا رسولَ الله إِذَا كَانَ ذَلِكَ؟ قَال: تَأخْذُونَ بِمَا تَغرفْون، وَتدَعُونَ مَا تُنكرُونَ وَتُقبِلُونَ عَلَى أمرِ خَاصَّتِكُمْ، وَتَذَرُونَ أمر عَامَّتِكُمْ".  

[هـ] ابن ماجة ونعيم بن حماد في الفتن، [طب] الطبرانى في الكبير عن ابن عمرو
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