23. Janāʾiz (Funerals)

٢٣۔ كتاب الجنائز

23.75 Who should be put first in the Lahd (a side extension of a grave)

٢٣۔٧٥ باب مَنْ يُقَدَّمُ فِي اللَّحْدِ

[Machine] "And it was named 'the edge' because it is on one side, and every transgressor is an atheist. (He is) inclined (to be) moderate, and even if he were straight he would be a tomb."

وَسُمِّيَ اللَّحْدَ لأَنَّهُ فِي نَاحِيَةٍ، وَكُلُّ جَائِرٍ مُلْحِدٌ. {مُلْتَحَدًا} مَعْدِلاً، وَلَوْ كَانَ مُسْتَقِيمًا كَانَ ضَرِيحًا.

bukhari:1347Ibn Muqātil > ʿAbdullāh > Layth b. Saʿd > Ibn Shihāb > ʿAbd al-Raḥman b. Kaʿb b. Mālik > Jābir b. ʿAbdullāh > Rasūl Allāh

Messenger of Allah ﷺ shrouded every two martyrs of Uhud in one piece of cloth and then he would ask, "Which of them knew more Qur'an?" When one of them was pointed out he would put him first in the grave. He said, "I am a witness on these." Then he ordered them to be buried with blood on their bodies. Neither did he offer their funeral prayer nor did he get them washed. (Jabir bin ʿAbdullah added): Messenger of Allah ﷺ used to ask about the martyrs of Uhud as to which of them knew more of the Qur'an." And when one of them was pointed out as having more of it he would put him first in the grave and then his companions. (Jabir added): My father and my uncle were shrouded in one sheet.  

البخاري:١٣٤٧حَدَّثَنَا ابْنُ مُقَاتِلٍ أَخْبَرَنَا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ أَخْبَرَنَا لَيْثُ بْنُ سَعْدٍ حَدَّثَنِي ابْنُ شِهَابٍ عَنْ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنِ كَعْبِ بْنِ مَالِكٍ عَنْ جَابِرِ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ؓ

أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ﷺ كَانَ يَجْمَعُ بَيْنَ الرَّجُلَيْنِ مِنْ قَتْلَى أُحُدٍ فِي ثَوْبٍ وَاحِدٍ ثُمَّ يَقُولُ أَيُّهُمْ أَكْثَرُ أَخْذًا لِلْقُرْآنِ فَإِذَا أُشِيرَ لَهُ إِلَى أَحَدِهِمَا قَدَّمَهُ فِي اللَّحْدِ وَقَالَ أَنَا شَهِيدٌ عَلَى هَؤُلاَءِ وَأَمَرَ بِدَفْنِهِمْ بِدِمَائِهِمْ وَلَمْ يُصَلِّ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَمْ يُغَسِّلْهُمْ وَأَخْبَرَنَا الأَوْزَاعِيُّ عَنِ الزُّهْرِيِّ عَنْ جَابِرِ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ؓ كَانَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ يَقُولُ لِقَتْلَى أُحُدٍ أَىُّ هَؤُلاَءِ أَكْثَرُ أَخْذًا لِلْقُرْآنِ فَإِذَا أُشِيرَ لَهُ إِلَى رَجُلٍ قَدَّمَهُ فِي اللَّحْدِ قَبْلَ صَاحِبِهِ وَقَالَ جَابِرٌ فَكُفِّنَ أَبِي وَعَمِّي فِي نَمِرَةٍ وَاحِدَةٍ وَقَالَ سُلَيْمَانُ بْنُ كَثِيرٍ حَدَّثَنِي الزُّهْرِيُّ حَدَّثَنَا مَنْ سَمِعَ جَابِرًا ؓ