93. Judgments

٩٣۔ كتاب الأحكام

93.3 The reward of judging according to Al-Hikmah

٩٣۔٣ باب أَجْرِ مَنْ قَضَى بِالْحِكْمَةِ

[Machine] According to His saying: "And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, then it is those who are the defiantly disobedient."

لِقَوْلِهِ تَعَالَى: {وَمَنْ لَمْ يَحْكُمْ بِمَا أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ فَأُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ}.

bukhari:7141Shihāb b. ʿAbbād > Ibrāhīm b. Ḥumayd > Ismāʿīl > Qays > ʿAbdullāh

Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "Do not wish to be like anyone, except in two cases: (1) A man whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it righteously. (2) A man whom Allah has given wisdom (knowledge of the Qur'an and the Hadith) and he acts according to it and teaches it to others."  

البخاري:٧١٤١حَدَّثَنَا شِهَابُ بْنُ عَبَّادٍ حَدَّثَنَا إِبْرَاهِيمُ بْنُ حُمَيْدٍ عَنْ إِسْمَاعِيلَ عَنْ قَيْسٍ عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ قَالَ

قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ لاَ حَسَدَ إِلاَّ فِي اثْنَتَيْنِ رَجُلٌ آتَاهُ اللَّهُ مَالاً فَسَلَّطَهُ عَلَى هَلَكَتِهِ فِي الْحَقِّ وَآخَرُ آتَاهُ اللَّهُ حِكْمَةً فَهْوَ يَقْضِي بِهَا وَيُعَلِّمُهَا