ʿAbdullah said, "Whenever we prayed behind the Prophet ﷺ we used to recite (in sitting) 'Peace be on Gabriel, Michael, peace be on so and so. Once Messenger of Allah ﷺ looked back at us and said, 'Allah Himself is As-Salam (Peace), and if anyone of you prays then he should say, at-Tahiyatu li l-lahi wa ssalawatu wa t-taiyibat. As-salamu ʿalalika aiyuha n-Nabiyu wa rahmatu l-lahi wa barakatuh. Assalamu ʿalaina wa ʿala ʿibadi l-lahi s-salihin. (All the compliments, prayers and good things are due to Allah; peace be on you, O Prophet, and Allah's mercy and blessings [be on you]. Peace be on us an on the pious subjects of Allah). (If you say that, it will reach all the subjects in the heaven and the earth). Ash-hadu al-la ilaha illa l-lah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ʿAbduhu wa Rasuluh. (I testify that there is no Deity [worthy of worship] but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and His Apostle). (Using translation from Bukhārī 831)
"إِن الله هُو السَّلامُ، فإِذا قَعَدَ أَحدُكم في الصلاةِ فَلْيَقُل: التحياتُ لله، والصلواتُ والطيباتُ السلامُ عليكَ أَيُّهَا النبيُّ ورحمةُ الله وبركاتُه، السلام علينا وعلى عبادِ الله الصالحين، فَإِنَّكم إِذا قُلْتُموها أَصابت كلَّ عبدٍ لله صالح في السَّماءِ والأَرض - أَشهدُ أَن لا إِله إِلا الله، وأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمدا عبدُهُ ورسولُه، ثم ليَتَخَيَّرْ منَ المسأَلة ما شاءَ".