
muslim:144aMuḥammad b. ʿAbdullāh b. Numayr > Abū Khālid / Sulaymān b. Ḥayyān > Saʿd b. Ṭāriq > Ribʿī > Ḥudhayfah

We were sitting in the company of Umar and he said: Who amongst you has heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ talking about the turmoil? Some people said: It is we who heard it. Upon this be remarked: Perhaps by turmoil you presume the unrest of man in regard to his household or neighbour, they replied: Yes. He ('Umar) observed: Such (an unrest) would be done away with by prayer, fasting and charity. But who amongst you has heard from the Apostle ﷺ describing that turmoil which would come like the wave of the ocean. Hudhaifa said: The people hushed into silence, I replied: It is I. He ('Umar) said: Ye, well, your father was also very pious. Hudhaifa said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace be, upon him ) observing: Temptations will be presented to men's hearts as reed mat is woven stick by stick and any heart which is impregnated by them will have a black mark put into it, but any heart which rejects them will have a white mark put in it. The result is that there will become two types of hearts: one white like a white stone which will not be harmed by any turmoil or temptation, so long as the heavens and the earth endure; and the other black and dust-coloured like a vessel which is upset, not recognizing what is good or rejecting what is abominable, but being impregnated with passion.

Hudhaifa said: I narrated to him ('Umar): There is between you and that (turmoil) a closed door, but there is every likelihood of its being broken. 'Umar said: Would it be broken? You have, been rendered fatherless. Had it been opened, it would have been perhaps closed also. I said: No, it would be broken, and I narrated to him: Verily that door implies a person who would be killed or die. There is no mistake in this hadith. Abu Khalid narrated: I said to Sa'd, O Abu Malik, what do you mean by the term" Aswad Murbadda"? He replied: High degree of whiteness in blackness. I said: What is meant by" Alkoozu Mujakhiyyan"? He replied: A vessel turned upside down.  

مسلم:١٤٤aوَحَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ نُمَيْرٍ حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو خَالِدٍ يَعْنِي سُلَيْمَانَ بْنَ حَيَّانَ عَنْ سَعْدِ بْنِ طَارِقٍ عَنْ رِبْعِيٍّ عَنْ حُذَيْفَةَ قَالَ

كُنَّا عِنْدَ عُمَرَ فَقَالَ أَيُّكُمْ سَمِعَ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ﷺ يَذْكُرُ الْفِتَنَ فَقَالَ قَوْمٌ نَحْنُ سَمِعْنَاهُ فَقَالَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْنُونَ فِتْنَةَ الرَّجُلِ فِي أَهْلِهِ وَجَارِهِ قَالُوا أَجَلْ قَالَ تِلْكَ تُكَفِّرُهَا الصَّلاَةُ وَالصِّيَامُ وَالصَّدَقَةُ وَلَكِنْ أَيُّكُمْ سَمِعَ النَّبِيَّ ﷺ يَذْكُرُ الْفِتَنَ الَّتِي تَمُوجُ مَوْجَ الْبَحْرِ قَالَ حُذَيْفَةُ فَأَسْكَتَ الْقَوْمُ فَقُلْتُ أَنَا قَالَ أَنْتَ لِلَّهِ أَبُوكَ قَالَ حُذَيْفَةُ سَمِعْتُ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ﷺ يَقُولُ تُعْرَضُ الْفِتَنُ عَلَى الْقُلُوبِ كَالْحَصِيرِ عُودًا عُودًا فَأَىُّ قَلْبٍ أُشْرِبَهَا نُكِتَ فِيهِ نُكْتَةٌ سَوْدَاءُ وَأَىُّ قَلْبٍ أَنْكَرَهَا نُكِتَ فِيهِ نُكْتَةٌ بَيْضَاءُ حَتَّى تَصِيرَ عَلَى قَلْبَيْنِ عَلَى أَبْيَضَ مِثْلِ الصَّفَا فَلاَ تَضُرُّهُ فِتْنَةٌ مَا دَامَتِ السَّمَوَاتُ وَالأَرْضُ وَالآخَرُ أَسْوَدُ مُرْبَادًّا كَالْكُوزِ مُجَخِّيًا لاَ يَعْرِفُ مَعْرُوفًا وَلاَ يُنْكِرُ مُنْكَرًا إِلاَّ مَا أُشْرِبَ مِنْ هَوَاهُ

قَالَ حُذَيْفَةُ وَحَدَّثْتُهُ أَنَّ بَيْنَكَ وَبَيْنَهَا بَابًا مُغْلَقًا يُوشِكُ أَنْ يُكْسَرَ قَالَ عُمَرُ أَكَسْرًا لاَ أَبَا لَكَ فَلَوْ أَنَّهُ فُتِحَ لَعَلَّهُ كَانَ يُعَادُ قُلْتُ لاَ بَلْ يُكْسَرُ وَحَدَّثْتُهُ أَنَّ ذَلِكَ الْبَابَ رَجُلٌ يُقْتَلُ أَوْ يَمُوتُ حَدِيثًا لَيْسَ بِالأَغَالِيطِ قَالَ أَبُو خَالِدٍ فَقُلْتُ لِسَعْدٍ يَا أَبَا مَالِكٍ مَا أَسْوَدُ مُرْبَادًّا قَالَ شِدَّةُ الْبَيَاضِ فِي سَوَادٍ قَالَ قُلْتُ فَمَا الْكُوزُ مُجَخِّيًا قَالَ مَنْكُوسًا  

The story of ʿUmar secretly listening to the Prophet ﷺ reciting the Quran before his conversion

ahmad:107Abū al-Mughīrah > Ṣafwān > Shurayḥ b. ʿUbayd > ʿUmar b. al-Khaṭṭāb

I went out looking for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ before I became Muslim, and I found that he had reached the mosque before me. I stood behind him and he started to recite Sūrat al-Ḥāqqah, and I was amazed by the way in which the Quran was composed. I said: By Allah, this man is a poet as the Quraysh has said. Then he recited: "This is, verily, the word of an honored Messenger (Jibrīl or Muhammad ﷺ) and it is not the word of a poet, little is that you believe!” [Ḥāqqah 69:40-41]. I said: ˹He must be˺ a soothsayer (mind reader). He ˹recited˺: “Nor is it the word of a soothsayer, little is that you remember! This is the Revelation sent down from the Lord of the worlds. And if he (Muhammad ﷺ) had forged a false saying concerning Us, we surely would have seized him by his right hand, and then We certainly would have cut off his aorta, and none of you could have withheld us from ˹punishing˺ him...” [Ḥāqqah 69:42-47]. ˹ʿUmar˺ said: Then I felt an overwhelming attraction to Islam.  

أحمد:١٠٧حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو الْمُغِيرَةِ حَدَّثَنَا صَفْوَانُ حَدَّثَنَا شُرَيْحُ بْنُ عُبَيْدٍ قَالَ قَالَ عُمَرُ بْنُ الْخَطَّابِ

خَرَجْتُ أَتَعَرَّضُ رَسُولَ اللهِ ﷺ قَبْلَ أَنْ أُسْلِمَ فَوَجَدْتُهُ قَدْ سَبَقَنِي إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ فَقُمْتُ خَلْفَهُ فَاسْتَفْتَحَ سُورَةَ الْحَاقَّةِ فَجَعَلْتُ أَعْجَبُ مِنْ تَأْلِيفِ الْقُرْآنِ۔ قَالَ فَقُلْتُ: هَذَا وَاللهِ شَاعِرٌ كَمَا قَالَتْ قُرَيْشٌ۔ قَالَ: فَقَرَأَ {إِنَّهُ لَقَوْلُ رَسُولٍ كَرِيمٍ وَمَا هُوَ بِقَوْلِ شَاعِرٍ قَلِيلًا مَّا تُؤْمِنُونَ} قَالَ قُلْتُ: كَاهِنٌ قَالَ {وَلَا بِقَوْلِ كَاهِنٍ قَلِيلًا مَّا تَذَكَّرُونَ تَنْزِيلٌ مِّنْ رَّبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ وَلَوْ تَقَوَّلَ عَلَيْنَا بَعْضَ الْأَقَاوِيلِ لَأَخَذْنَا مِنْهُ بِالْيَمِينِ ثُمَّ لَقَطَعْنَا مِنْهُ الْوَتِينَ فَمَا مِنْكُمْ مِّنْ أَحَدٍ عَنْهُ حَاجِزِينَ} [الحاقة 42-47] إِلَى آخِرِ السُّورَةِ قَالَ: فَوَقَعَ الْإِسْلامُ فِي قَلْبِي كُلَّ مَوْقِعٍ  

ahmad:23280Yazīd b. Hārūn > Abū Mālik > Ribʿī b. Ḥirāsh > Ḥudhayfah

[Machine] He came from Umar and said, "When we sat with him yesterday, he asked the companions of Muhammad ﷺ , 'Which of you has heard a statement from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ about trials?' They said, 'We have heard it.' He said, 'Perhaps you mean the trial of a man with his family and wealth?' They said, 'Yes.' He said, 'I am not asking about that. As for that, prayer, fasting, and charity expiate it. But which of you has heard a statement from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ about the trials that toss about like waves of the sea?' The people remained silent, and I thought that he was addressing me. So I said, 'I have.' He said, 'You are a father to Allah.' He said, 'The trials are presented to the hearts - just like a reed mat. Any heart that rejects them will have a white spot placed in it, and any heart that agrees to them will have a black spot placed in it. Until the heart becomes like two white hearts, neither trial will harm it as long as the heavens and the earth remain. And the latter will be black and murky, like a boiling cauldron. And it will be filled with hopes, not knowing the good or rejecting the evil, except for what it has been made to drink from its whims.'"  

أحمد:٢٣٢٨٠حَدَّثَنَا يَزِيدُ بْنُ هَارُونَ حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو مَالِكٍ عَنْ رِبْعِيِّ بْنِ حِرَاشٍ عَنْ حُذَيْفَةَ

أَنَّهُ قَدِمَ مِنْ عِنْدِ عُمَرَ قَالَ لَمَّا جَلَسْنَا إِلَيْهِ أَمْسِ سَأَلَ أَصْحَابَ مُحَمَّدٍ ﷺ أَيُّكُمْ سَمِعَ قَوْلَ رَسُولِ اللهِ ﷺ فِي الْفِتَنِ؟ فَقَالُوا نَحْنُ سَمِعْنَاهُ قَالَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْنُونَ فِتْنَةَ الرَّجُلِ فِي أَهْلِهِ وَمَالِهِ؟ قَالُوا أَجَلْ قَالَ لَسْتُ عَنْ تِلْكَ أَسْأَلُ تِلْكَ يُكَفِّرُهَا الصَّلَاةُ وَالصِّيَامُ وَالصَّدَقَةُ وَلَكِنْ أَيُّكُمْ سَمِعَ قَوْلَ رَسُولِ اللهِ ﷺ فِي الْفِتَنِ الَّتِي تَمُوجُ مَوْجَ الْبَحْرِ؟ قَالَ فَأَسْكَتَ الْقَوْمُ وَظَنَنْتُ أَنَّهُ إِيَّايَ يُرِيدُ قُلْتُ أَنَا قَالَ لِي أَنْتَ لِلَّهِ أَبُوكَ قَالَ قُلْتُ تُعْرَضُ الْفِتَنُ عَلَى الْقُلُوبِ عَرْضَ الْحَصِيرِ فَأَيُّ قَلْبٍ أَنْكَرَهَا نُكِتَتْ فِيهِ نُكْتَةٌ بَيْضَاءُ وَأَيُّ قَلْبٍ أُشْرِبَهَا نُكِتَتْ فِيهِ نُكْتَةٌ سَوْدَاءُ حَتَّى يَصِيرَ الْقَلْبُ عَلَى قَلْبَيْنِ أَبْيَضَ مِثْلِ الصَّفَا لَا تَضُرُّهُ فِتْنَةٌ مَا دَامَتِ السَّمَاوَاتُ وَالْأَرْضُ وَالْآخَرِ أَسْوَدَ مُرْبَدٍّ كَالْكُوزِ مُجَخِّيًا وَأَمَالَ كَفَّهُ لَا يَعْرِفُ مَعْرُوفًا وَلَا يُنْكِرُ مُنْكَرًا إِلَّا مَا أُشْرِبَ مِنْ هَوَاهُ  

ahmad:23440Yazīd > Abū Mālik > Ribʿī b. Ḥirāsh > Ḥudhayfah

[Machine] that He came from Umar and said, "When we sat with him yesterday, Umar asked the companions of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ , "Which of you has heard the saying of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ about Fitnah (tribulations)?" They said, "We have heard it." He said, "Perhaps you are referring to the Fitnah of a man with his family and wealth?" They said, "Yes." He said, "I am not asking about that. I am asking about the Fitnah that causes waves like the waves of the sea." Then the people fell silent, and I thought that he meant me. I said, "I." He said, "You is to Allah as your father." I said, "I." He said, "Fitnah is presented to the hearts like a reed mat. Whichever heart rejects it, a white dot is made in it. Whichever heart accepts it, a black dot is made in it, until the hearts become two types: one white like a pure white stone, which will not be harmed by any Fitnah for as long as the heavens and earth exist; and the other dark and bulky, like a vessel that is turned over, and he does not know what Ma'ruf (good) is, nor does he reject Munkar (evil), except for that which his whims dictate."

"And I told him that there was a closed door between him and I, which was about to be broken. Umar said, "There is no barrier for you." I said, "Yes." He said, "If it were opened, perhaps it would be closed again." I said, "No, it will be broken." He said, "And I told him that behind that door was a man who would be killed or die, in a matter that is not a trivial one."  

أحمد:٢٣٤٤٠حَدَّثَنَا يَزِيدُ أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو مَالِكٍ عَنْ رِبْعِيِّ بْنِ حِرَاشٍ عَنْ حُذَيْفَةَ

أَنَّهُ قَدِمَ مِنْ عِنْدِ عُمَرَ قَالَ لَمَّا جَلَسْنَا إِلَيْهِ أَمْسُ سَأَلَ أَصْحَابَ النَّبِيِّ ﷺ أَيُّكُمْ سَمِعَ قَوْلَ رَسُولِ اللهِ ﷺ فِي الْفِتَنِ؟ قَالُوا نَحْنُ سَمِعْنَاهُ قَالَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْنُونَ فِتْنَةَ الرَّجُلِ فِي أَهْلِهِ وَمَالِهِ قَالُوا أَجَلْ قَالَ لَسْتُ عَنْ تِلْكَ أَسْأَلُ تِلْكَ تُكَفِّرُهَا الصَّلَاةُ وَالصَّوْمُ وَالصَّدَقَةُ وَلَكِنْ أَيُّكُمْ سَمِعَ قَوْلَ رَسُولِ اللهِ ﷺ فِي الْفِتَنِ الَّتِي تَمُوجُ مَوْجَ الْبَحْرِ؟ قَالَ فَأَسْكَتَ الْقَوْمُ فَظَنَنْتُ أَنَّهُ إِيَّايَ يُرِيدُ قَالَ قُلْتُ أَنَا قَالَ أَنْتَ لِلَّهِ أَبُوكَ قَالَ قُلْتُ تُعْرَضُ الْفِتَنُ عَلَى الْقُلُوبِ عَرْضَ الْحَصِيرِ فَأَيُّ قَلْبٍ أَنْكَرَهَا نُكِتَتْ فِيهِ نُكْتَةٌ بَيْضَاءُ وَأَيُّ قَلْبٍ أُشْرِبُهَا نُكِتَتْ فِيهِ نُكْتَةٌ سَوْدَاءُ حَتَّى تَصِيرَ الْقُلُوبُ عَلَى قَلْبَيْنِ أَبْيَضُ مِثْلُ الصَّفَا لَا يَضُرُّهُ فِتْنَةٌ مَا دَامَتِ السَّمَوَاتُ وَالْأَرْضُ وَالْآخَرُ أَسْوَدُ مُرْبَدٌّ كَالْكُوزِ مُجَخِّيًا وَأَمَالَ كَفَّهُ لَا يَعْرِفُ مَعْرُوفًا وَلَا يُنْكِرُ مُنْكَرًا إِلَّا مَا أُشْرِبَ مِنْ هَوَاهُ

وَحَدَّثْتُهُ أَنَّ بَيْنَهُ وَبَيْنَهَا بَابًا مُغْلَقًا يُوشِكُ أَنْ يُكْسَرَ كَسْرًا قَالَ عُمَرُ كَسْرًا لَا أَبَا لَكَ قَالَ قُلْتُ نَعَمْ قَالَ فَلَوْ أَنَّهُ فُتِحَ كَانَ لَعَلَّهُ أَنْ يُعَادَ فَيُغْلَقَ قَالَ قُلْتُ لَا بَلْ كَسْرًا قَالَ وَحَدَّثْتُهُ أَنَّذَلِكَ الْبَابَ رَجُلٌ يُقْتَلُ أَوْ يَمُوتُ حَدِيثًا لَيْسَ بِالْأَغَالِيطِ  

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