8.30 Virtue of Jumuah (Friday) Prayer
٨۔٣٠ باب فضل يوم الجمعة
and its obligation, and the necessity of performing ablution for it, and wearing nice clothes and hastening towards it, and making supplications on Friday, and sending blessings upon the Prophet ﷺ and in it is an explanation of the hour of acceptance and the recommendation to increase the remembrance of Allah Almighty after Friday.
ووجوبها والاغتسال لها، والطيب والتبكير إليها والدعاء يوم الجمعة، والصلاة على النبي، ﷺ ، وفيه بيان ساعة الإجابة واستحباب إكثار ذكر الله تعالى بعد الجمعة