Caution: Translations of Quran and Ḥadīth may lead to possible misapplications and misinterpretations. This site is intended for students of sacred knowledge that are proficient in comprehending classical Arabic and have a strong foundation in Islamic sciences. Also note that religious injunctions rely on several aspects beyond what one may glean through reading individual aḥādīth.
abudawud:2516Abū Tawbah al-Rabīʿ b. Nāfiʿ > Ibn al-Mubārak > Ibn Abū Dhiʾb > al-Qāsim > Bukayr b. ʿAbdullāh b. al-Ashaj > Ibn Mikraz a man from Ahl al-Shām > Abū Hurayrah > a man

A man said: Messenger of Allah, a man wishes to take part in jihad in Allah's path desiring some worldly advantage? The Prophet ﷺ said: He will have not reward. The people thought it terrible, and they said to the man: Go back to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, for you might not have made him understand well. He, therefore, (went and again) asked: Messenger of Allah, a man wishes to take part in jihad in Allah's path desiring some worldly advantage? He replied: There is no reward for him. They again said to the man: Return to the Messenger of Allah. He, therefore, said to him third time. He replied: There is no reward for him.  

أبو داود:٢٥١٦حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو تَوْبَةَ الرَّبِيعُ بْنُ نَافِعٍ عَنِ ابْنِ الْمُبَارَكِ عَنِ ابْنِ أَبِي ذِئْبٍ عَنِ الْقَاسِمِ عَنْ بُكَيْرِ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ الأَشَجِّ عَنِ ابْنِ مِكْرَزٍ رَجُلٍ مِنْ أَهْلِ الشَّامِ عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ أَنَّ رَجُلاً قَالَ

يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ رَجُلٌ يُرِيدُ الْجِهَادَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَهُوَ يَبْتَغِي عَرَضًا مِنْ عَرَضِ الدُّنْيَا فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ لاَ أَجْرَ لَهُ فَأَعْظَمَ ذَلِكَ النَّاسُ وَقَالُوا لِلرَّجُلِ عُدْ لِرَسُولِ اللَّهِ ﷺ فَلَعَلَّكَ لَمْ تُفَهِّمْهُ فَقَالَ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ رَجُلٌ يُرِيدُ الْجِهَادَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَهُوَ يَبْتَغِي عَرَضًا مِنْ عَرَضِ الدُّنْيَا فَقَالَ لاَ أَجْرَ لَهُ فَقَالُوا لِلرَّجُلِ عُدْ لِرَسُولِ اللَّهِ ﷺ فَقَالَ لَهُ الثَّالِثَةَ فَقَالَ لَهُ لاَ أَجْرَ لَهُ  

See similar narrations below:

Collected by Aḥmad, Ibn Ḥibbān, Suyūṭī
ahmad:7900Yazīd > Ibn Abū Dhiʾb > al-Qāsim b. ʿAbbās > Bukayr b. ʿAbdullāh b. al-Ashaj > Ibn Mikraz > Abū Hurayrah > a man

A man said: Messenger of Allah, a man wishes to take part in jihad in Allah's path desiring some worldly advantage? The Prophet ﷺ said: He will have not reward. The people thought it terrible, and they said to the man: Go back to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, for you might not have made him understand well. He, therefore, (went and again) asked: Messenger of Allah, a man wishes to take part in jihad in Allah's path desiring some worldly advantage? He replied: There is no reward for him. They again said to the man: Return to the Messenger of Allah. He, therefore, said to him third time. He replied: There is no reward for him. (Using translation from Abū Dāʾūd 2516)   

أحمد:٧٩٠٠حَدَّثَنَا يَزِيدُ أَخْبَرَنَا ابْنُ أَبِي ذِئْبٍ عَنِ الْقَاسِمِ بْنِ عَبَّاسٍ عَنْ بُكَيْرِ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللهِ بْنِ الْأَشَجِّ عَنِ ابْنِ مِكْرَزٍ عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ أَنَّ رَجُلًا قَالَ

يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ الرَّجُلُ يُرِيدُ الْجِهَادَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللهِ وَهُوَ يَبْتَغِي عَرَضَ الدُّنْيَا؟ فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ لَا أَجْرَ لَهُ فَأَعْظَمَ النَّاسُ ذَلِكَ وَقَالُوا لِلرَّجُلِ عُدْ لِرَسُولِ اللهِ ﷺ لَعَلَّهُ لَمْ يَفْهَمْ فَعَادَ فَقَالَ يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ الرَّجُلُ يُرِيدُ الْجِهَادَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللهِ وَهُوَ يَبْتَغِي عَرَضَ الدُّنْيَا؟ فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ لَا أَجْرَ لَهُ ثُمَّ عَادَ الثَّالِثَةَ فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ لَا أَجْرَ لَهُ  

ahmad:8793Ḥusayn b. Muḥammad > Ibn Abū Dhiʾb > al-Qāsim b. ʿAbbās > Bukayr b. ʿAbdullāh b. al-Ashaj > Yazīd b. Mikraz > Abū Hurayrah > a man

[Machine] "O Messenger of Allah, there is a man who desires to engage in jihad for the sake of Allah, seeking from the worldly possessions. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, 'He shall have no reward.' The people considered this to be the greatest thing, and they said to the man, 'Return to the Messenger of Allah, for perhaps he did not understand.' The man returned three times, and each time the Messenger of Allah repeated, 'He shall have no reward.'"  

أحمد:٨٧٩٣حَدَّثَنَا حُسَيْنُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ قَالَ أَخْبَرَنَا ابْنُ أَبِي ذِئْبٍ عَنِ الْقَاسِمِ بْنِ عَبَّاسٍ عَنْ بُكَيْرِ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللهِ بْنِ الْأَشَجِّ عَنْ يَزِيدَ بْنِ مِكْرَزٍ عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ أَنَّ رَجُلًا قَالَ

يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ رَجُلٌ يُرِيدُ الْجِهَادَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللهِ وَهُوَ يَبْتَغِي مِنْ عَرَضِ الدُّنْيَا فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ لَا أَجْرَ لَهُ فَأَعْظَمَ النَّاسُ ذَلِكَ وَقَالُوا لِلرَّجُلِ عُدْ إِلَى رَسُولِ اللهِ ﷺ لَعَلَّهُ لَمْ يَفْقَهْ فَأَعَادَ ذَلِكَ عَلَيْهِ ثَلَاثَ مَرَّاتٍ كُلَّ ذَلِكَ يَقُولُ لَا أَجْرَ لَهُ  

ذِكْرُ الْإِخْبَارِ عَنْ نَفْيِ كَتْبَةِ اللَّهِ الْأَجْرَ لِمَنْ غَزَا فِي سَبِيلِهِ يُرِيدُ بِهِ شَيْئًا مِنْ عَرَضِ هَذِهِ الدُّنْيَا الْفَانِيَةِ الزَّائِلَةِ

ibnhibban:4637al-Ḥasan b. Sufyān > Ḥabbān b. Mūsá > ʿAbdullāh > Ibn Abū Dhiʾb > al-Qāsim b. ʿAbbās > Bukayr b. ʿAbdullāh b. al-Ashaj > Mikraz a man from Ahl al-Shām from Banī ʿĀmir b. Luʾay b. Ghālib > Abū Hurayrah > a man

A man said: Messenger of Allah, a man wishes to take part in jihad in Allah's path desiring some worldly advantage? The Prophet ﷺ said: He will have not reward. The people thought it terrible, and they said to the man: Go back to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, for you might not have made him understand well. He, therefore, (went and again) asked: Messenger of Allah, a man wishes to take part in jihad in Allah's path desiring some worldly advantage? He replied: There is no reward for him. They again said to the man: Return to the Messenger of Allah. He, therefore, said to him third time. He replied: There is no reward for him. (Using translation from Abū Dāʾūd 2516)   

ابن حبّان:٤٦٣٧أَخْبَرَنَا الْحَسَنُ بْنُ سُفْيَانَ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا حَبَّانُ بْنُ مُوسَى قَالَ أَخْبَرَنَا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ قَالَ أَخْبَرَنَا ابْنُ أَبِي ذِئْبٍ عَنِ الْقَاسِمِ بْنِ عَبَّاسٍ عَنْ بُكَيْرِ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ الْأَشَجِّ عَنْ مِكْرَزٍ رَجُلٍ مِنْ أَهْلِ الشَّامِ مِنْ بَنِي عَامِرِ بْنِ لُؤَيِّ بْنِ غَالِبٍ عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ أَنَّ رَجُلًا قَالَ

يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ رَجُلُ يُرِيدُ الْجِهَادَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَهُوَ يَبْتَغِي مِنْ عَرَضِ الدُّنْيَا؟ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ «لَا أَجْرَ لَهُ» فَأَعْظَمَ ذَلِكَ النَّاسُ وَقَالُوا لِلرَّجُلِ عُدْ لِرَسُولِ اللَّهِ ﷺ فَلَعَلَّكَ لَمْ تُفَهِمْهُ قَالَ فَقَالَ الرَّجُلُ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ رَجُلُ يُرِيدُ الْجِهَادَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَهُوَ يَبْتَغِي مِنْ عَرَضِ الدُّنْيَا؟ قَالَ «لَا أَجْرَ لَهُ» فَأَعْظَمَ ذَلِكَ النَّاسُ وَقَالُوا لِلرَّجُلِ عُدْ لِرَسُولِ اللَّهِ فَقَالَ لَهُ الثَّالِثَةَ رَجُلٌ يُرِيدُ الْجِهَادَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَهُوَ يَبْتَغِي مِنْ عَرَضِ الدُّنْيَا؟ قَالَ «لَا أَجْرَ لَهُ»  

suyuti:651-168bIbn Abiá Dhʾb > al-Qāsim b. ʿAbbās > Bkyr b. ʿAbdullāh b. al-Shaj > Ibn Makriz a man from al-Shām > Abiá Hurayrah > a man
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"عَن ابْنِ أَبِى ذئب، عَنْ القَاسِم بْنِ عَبَّاسٍ، عَنْ بكير بْنِ عَبْدِ الله بْنِ الأشَجِّ عَن ابْنِ مَكْرِز، رَجُلٍ مِن الشَّامِ، عَنْ أَبِى هُرَيْرَةَ أَنَّ رَجُلًا قَالَ: يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ ﷺ ! رَجُلٌ يُرِيدُ الجِهَادَ في سَبِيلِ اللهِ يَبْتَغى عَرَضًا مِن الدُّنْيا، فَقَالَ: لَا أَجْرَ لَهُ فَأَعْظَمَ النَّاسُ ذَلِكَ، فَقَالُوا لِلرَّجُلِ: عُدْ إلى رَسُولِ اللهِ ﷺ فَقَالَ لَهُ الثَّالِثَةَ: رَجُلٌ يُرِيدُ الجِهَادَ في سَبِيلِ اللهِ، وَهُوَ يَبْتَغى عَرَضًا مِن الدُّنْيَا، فَقَالَ: لَا أجْرَ لَهُ".  

. . . . (*) وقال : قال ابن المدينى بن مكرز مجهول، ولم يرُغبه غير أبى الأشَجِّ وَالقَاسِم مجهول لم يرو عنه غير ابن أبى ذئب
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