91. Interpretation of Dreams

٩١۔ كتاب التعبير

91.35 The feeling of security and the disappearance of fear in dream

٩١۔٣٥ باب الأَمْنِ وَذَهَابِ الرَّوْعِ فِي الْمَنَامِ

bukhari:7028ʿUbaydullāh b. Saʿīd > ʿAffān b. Muslim > Ṣakhr b. Jūwayriyah > Nāfiʿ > Ibn ʿUmar

Men from the companions of Messenger of Allah ﷺ used to see dreams during the lifetime of Messenger of Allah ﷺ and they used to narrate those dreams to Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Messenger of Allah ﷺ would interpret them as Allah wished. I was a young man and used to stay in the mosque before my wedlock. I said to myself, "If there were any good in myself, I too would see what these people see." So when I went to bed one night, I said, "O Allah! If you see any good in me, show me a good dream." So while I was in that state, there came to me (in a dream) two angels. In the hand of each of them, there was a mace of iron, and both of them were taking me to Hell, and I was between them, invoking Allah, "O Allah! I seek refuge with You from Hell." Then I saw myself being confronted by another angel holding a mace of iron in his hand. He said to me, "Do not be afraid, you will be an excellent man if you only pray more often." So they took me till they stopped me at the edge of Hell, and behold, it was built inside like a well and it had side posts like those of a well, and beside each post there was an angel carrying an iron mace. I saw therein many people hanging upside down with iron chains, and I recognized therein some men from the Quraish. Then (the angels) took me to the right side. I narrated this dream to (my sister) Hafsa and she told it to Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "No doubt, ʿAbdullah is a good man." (Nafiʿ said, "Since then ʿAbdullah bin ʿUmar used to pray much.)  

البخاري:٧٠٢٨حَدَّثَنِي عُبَيْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ سَعِيدٍ حَدَّثَنَا عَفَّانُ بْنُ مُسْلِمٍ حَدَّثَنَا صَخْرُ بْنُ جُوَيْرِيَةَ حَدَّثَنَا نَافِعٌ أَنَّ ابْنَ عُمَرَ قَالَ

إِنَّ رِجَالاً مِنْ أَصْحَابِ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ ﷺ كَانُوا يَرَوْنَ الرُّؤْيَا عَلَى عَهْدِ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ ﷺ فَيَقُصُّونَهَا عَلَى رَسُولِ اللَّهِ ﷺ فَيَقُولُ فِيهَا رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ وَأَنَا غُلاَمٌ حَدِيثُ السِّنِّ وَبَيْتِي الْمَسْجِدُ قَبْلَ أَنْ أَنْكِحَ فَقُلْتُ فِي نَفْسِي لَوْ كَانَ فِيكَ خَيْرٌ لَرَأَيْتَ مِثْلَ مَا يَرَى هَؤُلاَءِ فَلَمَّا اضْطَجَعْتُ لَيْلَةً قُلْتُ اللَّهُمَّ إِنْ كُنْتَ تَعْلَمُ فِيَّ خَيْرًا فَأَرِنِي رُؤْيَا فَبَيْنَمَا أَنَا كَذَلِكَ إِذْ جَاءَنِي مَلَكَانِ فِي يَدِ كُلِّ وَاحِدٍ مِنْهُمَا مَقْمَعَةٌ مِنْ حَدِيدٍ يُقْبِلاَ بِي إِلَى جَهَنَّمَ وَأَنَا بَيْنَهُمَا أَدْعُو اللَّهَ اللَّهُمَّ أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ جَهَنَّمَ ثُمَّ أُرَانِي لَقِيَنِي مَلَكٌ فِي يَدِهِ مِقْمَعَةٌ مِنْ حَدِيدٍ فَقَالَ لَنْ تُرَاعَ نِعْمَ الرَّجُلُ أَنْتَ لَوْ تُكْثِرُ الصَّلاَةَ فَانْطَلَقُوا بِي حَتَّى وَقَفُوا بِي عَلَى شَفِيرِ جَهَنَّمَ فَإِذَا هِيَ مَطْوِيَّةٌ كَطَىِّ الْبِئْرِ لَهُ قُرُونٌ كَقَرْنِ الْبِئْرِ بَيْنَ كُلِّ قَرْنَيْنِ مَلَكٌ بِيَدِهِ مِقْمَعَةٌ مِنْ حَدِيدٍ وَأَرَى فِيهَا رِجَالاً مُعَلَّقِينَ بِالسَّلاَسِلِ رُءُوسُهُمْ أَسْفَلَهُمْ عَرَفْتُ فِيهَا رِجَالاً مِنْ قُرَيْشٍ فَانْصَرَفُوا بِي عَنْ ذَاتِ الْيَمِينِ فَقَصَصْتُهَا عَلَى حَفْصَةَ فَقَصَّتْهَا حَفْصَةُ عَلَى رَسُولِ اللَّهِ ﷺ فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ إِنَّ عَبْدَ اللَّهِ رَجُلٌ صَالِحٌ فَقَالَ نَافِعٌ لَمْ يَزَلْ بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ يُكْثِرُ الصَّلاَةَ