4. Wudūʾ (Minor Ablution)

٤۔ كتاب الوضوء

4.37 The recitation of Quran or doing other invocations etc. after Hadath

٤۔٣٧ باب قِرَاءَةِ الْقُرْآنِ بَعْدَ الْحَدَثِ وَغَيْرِهِ

[Machine] "And Mansour said about Ibrahim, there is no harm in reading in the restroom, and in writing letters without light. And Hammad said about Ibrahim, if they are wearing a waist wrap, greet them, and if not, do not greet them."

وَقَالَ مَنْصُورٌ عَنْ إِبْرَاهِيمَ لاَ بَأْسَ بِالْقِرَاءَةِ فِي الْحَمَّامِ، وَبِكَتْبِ الرِّسَالَةِ عَلَى غَيْرِ وُضُوءٍ. وَقَالَ حَمَّادٌ عَنْ إِبْرَاهِيمَ إِنْ كَانَ عَلَيْهِمْ إِزَارٌ فَسَلِّمْ، وَإِلاَّ فَلاَ تُسَلِّمْ.

bukhari:183Ismāʿīl > Mālik > Makhramah b. Sulaymān > Kurayb a freed slave of Ibn ʿAbbās > ʿAbdullāh b. ʿAbbās

That he stayed overnight in the house of Maimuna the wife of the Prophet, his aunt. He added : I lay on the bed (cushion transversally) while Messenger of Allah ﷺ and his wife lay in the lengthwise direction of the cushion. Messenger of Allah ﷺ slept till the middle of the night, either a bit before or a bit after it and then woke up, rubbing the traces of sleep off his face with his hands. He then, recited the last ten verses of Sura Al-ʿImran, got up and went to a hanging water-skin. He then Performed the ablution from it and it was a perfect ablution, and then stood up to offer the prayer. I, too, got up and did as the Prophet had done. Then I went and stood by his side. He placed his right hand on my head and caught my right ear and twisted it. He prayed two rakʿat then two rakʿat and two rakʿat and then two rakʿat and then two rakʿat and then two rakʿat (separately six times), and finally one rakʿa (the witr). Then he lay down again in the bed till the Mu'adh-dhin came to him where upon the Prophet ﷺ got up, offered a two light rakʿat prayer and went out and led the Fajr prayer.  

البخاري:١٨٣حَدَّثَنَا إِسْمَاعِيلُ قَالَ حَدَّثَنِي مَالِكٌ عَنْ مَخْرَمَةَ بْنِ سُلَيْمَانَ عَنْ كُرَيْبٍ مَوْلَى ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ أَنَّ عَبْدَ اللَّهِ بْنَ عَبَّاسٍ

أَخْبَرَهُ أَنَّهُ بَاتَ لَيْلَةً عِنْدَ مَيْمُونَةَ زَوْجِ النَّبِيِّ ﷺ وَهِيَ خَالَتُهُ فَاضْطَجَعْتُ فِي عَرْضِ الْوِسَادَةِ وَاضْطَجَعَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ وَأَهْلُهُ فِي طُولِهَا فَنَامَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ حَتَّى إِذَا انْتَصَفَ اللَّيْلُ أَوْ قَبْلَهُ بِقَلِيلٍ أَوْ بَعْدَهُ بِقَلِيلٍ اسْتَيْقَظَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ فَجَلَسَ يَمْسَحُ النَّوْمَ عَنْ وَجْهِهِ بِيَدِهِ ثُمَّ قَرَأَ الْعَشْرَ الآيَاتِ الْخَوَاتِمَ مِنْ سُورَةِ آلِ عِمْرَانَ ثُمَّ قَامَ إِلَى شَنٍّ مُعَلَّقَةٍ فَتَوَضَّأَ مِنْهَا فَأَحْسَنَ وُضُوءَهُ ثُمَّ قَامَ يُصَلِّي قَالَ ابْنُ عَبَّاسٍ فَقُمْتُ فَصَنَعْتُ مِثْلَ مَا صَنَعَ ثُمَّ ذَهَبْتُ فَقُمْتُ إِلَى جَنْبِهِ فَوَضَعَ يَدَهُ الْيُمْنَى عَلَى رَأْسِي وَأَخَذَ بِأُذُنِي الْيُمْنَى يَفْتِلُهَا فَصَلَّى رَكْعَتَيْنِ ثُمَّ رَكْعَتَيْنِ ثُمَّ رَكْعَتَيْنِ ثُمَّ رَكْعَتَيْنِ ثُمَّ رَكْعَتَيْنِ ثُمَّ رَكْعَتَيْنِ ثُمَّ أَوْتَرَ ثُمَّ اضْطَجَعَ حَتَّى أَتَاهُ الْمُؤَذِّنُ فَقَامَ فَصَلَّى رَكْعَتَيْنِ خَفِيفَتَيْنِ ثُمَّ خَرَجَ فَصَلَّى الصُّبْحَ  

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