Caution: Translations of Quran and Ḥadīth may lead to possible misapplications and misinterpretations. This site is intended for students of sacred knowledge that are proficient in comprehending classical Arabic and have a strong foundation in Islamic sciences. Also note that religious injunctions rely on several aspects beyond what one may glean through reading individual aḥādīth.
tabarani:19457ʿAlī b. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz > al-Zubayr b. Bakkār > Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan b. Zabālah al-Makhzūmī > ʿAbd al-Raḥman b. Abū al-Zinād > Hishām b. ʿUrwah from his father > ʿĀʾishah

[Machine] When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ emigrated, he left behind his daughters. When he settled in Medina, he sent Zaid ibn Harithah and Abu Rafi' with them, giving them two camels and five hundred dirhams, which he had taken from Abu Bakr. They were to buy what they needed for their livelihood. Abu Bakr also sent with them Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr, along with two or three camels. He wrote to Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr to bring his family, including Umm Abi Bakr, Umm Rumman, myself, my brother, and Asma' the wife of Az-Zubayr. They set out together until they reached Qudaid, where Zaid ibn Harithah bought three camels with the five hundred dirhams. They all then entered Makkah together and met Talhah ibn Ubayd Allah, who wanted to migrate. So we all left and Zaid and Abu Rafi' also left with Fatimah and Umm Kulthum, Suhdah bint Zam'ah, and Zaid taking Umm Ayman and her son Ayman, as well as Usamah. They accompanied us until we reached Al-Bayd and one of our camels ran off while I was on it with my mother. My mother started saying, "Woe to my two daughters! Woe to their husbands!" Then our camel was retrieved after it had descended from the incline of Harrasha. May Allah grant peace. We finally reached Madinah, where I stayed with the family of Abu Bakr and the Prophet ﷺ stayed at that time building the mosque and reciting poetry about it. He stayed there for some time before Abu Bakr said to him, "O Messenger of Allah, why don't you build a house for your family?" He said, "As-Sadaqah (charity)" and Abu Bakr gave him 12 ounces of gold and silver as charity, which he sent to us. The Prophet ﷺ then built a house for me, the house in which I am now, and it is the house in which he passed away and was buried. The Prophet ﷺ also admitted Suhdah bint Zam'ah into one of those houses. He used to stay with her sometimes because he was married to her. As for me, I used to play with the young girls and I was not aware that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ had married me until my mother took me and confined me to the house. It crossed my mind that I had been married, but I did not ask her about it until she informed me.  

الطبراني:١٩٤٥٧حَدَّثَنَا عَلِيُّ بْنُ عَبْدِ الْعَزِيزِ ثنا الزُّبَيْرُ بْنُ بَكَّارٍ حَدَّثَنِي مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الْحَسَنِ بْنِ زَبَالَةَ الْمَخْزُومِيُّ عَنْ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنِ أَبِي الزِّنَادِ عَنْ هِشَامِ بْنِ عُرْوَةَ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنْ عَائِشَةَ قَالَتْ

لَمَّا هَاجَرَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ خَلَّفَنَا وَخَلَّفَ بَنَاتِهِ فَلَمَّا اسْتَقَرَّ بِالْمَدِينَةِ بَعَثَ زَيْدَ بْنَ حَارِثَةَ وَبَعَثَ مَعَهُ أَبَا رَافِعٍ مَوْلَاهُ وَأَعْطَاهُمَا بَعِيرَيْنِ وَخَمْسَمِائَةِ دِرْهَمٍ أَخَذَهَا مِنْ أَبِي بَكْرٍ يَشْتَرَيَانِ بِهَا مَا يَحَتَاجَانِ إِلَيْهِ مِنَ الظُّهْرِ وَبَعَثَ أَبُو بَكْرٍ مَعَهُمَا عَبْدَ اللهِ بْنَ أُرَيْقِطٍ الدُّؤَلِيَّ بِبَعِيرَيْنِ أَوْ ثَلَاثَةٍ وَكَتَبَ إِلَى عَبْدِ اللهِ بْنِ أَبِي بَكْرٍ أَنْ يَحْمِلَ أَهْلَهُ أُمَّ أَبِي بَكْرٍ وَأُمَّ رُومَانَ وَأَنَا وَأَخِي وَأَسْمَاءُ امْرَأَةُ الزُّبَيْرِ فَخَرَجُوا مُصْحَبِينَ حَتَّى انْتَهَوْا إِلَى قُدَيْدٍ اشْتَرَى زَيْدُ بْنُ حَارِثَةَ بِتِلْكَ الْخَمْسِمِائَةِ دِرْهَمٍ ثَلَاثَةَ أَبْعِرَةٍ ثُمَّ دَخَلُوا مَكَّةَ جَمِيعًا فَصَادَفُوا طَلْحَةَ بْنَ عُبَيْدِ اللهِ يُرِيدُ الْهِجْرَةَ فَخَرَجْنَا جَمِيعًا وَخَرَجَ زَيْدٌ وَأَبُو رَافِعٍ بِفَاطِمَةَ وَأُمِّ كُلْثُومٍ وَسَوْدَةَ بِنْتِ زَمْعَةَ وَحَمَلَ زَيْدٌ أُمَّ أَيْمَنَ وَوَلَدَهَا أَيْمَنَ وَأُسَامَةَ وَاصْطَحَبَنَا حَتَّى إِذَا كُنَّا بِالْبيضِ مِنْ نَمِرَ نَفَرَ بَعِيرِي وَأَنَا فِي مِحَفَّةٍ مَعِي فِيهَا أُمِّي فَجَعَلَتْ أُمِّي تَقُولُ وَا ابْنَتَاهُ وَا عَرُوسَاهُ حَتَّى إِذَا أُدْرِكَ بَعِيرُنَا وَقَدْ هَبَطَ مِنَ الثَّنِيَّةِ ثَنِيَّةِ هَرْشَا فَسَلَّمَ اللهُ ثُمَّ إِنَّا قَدِمْنَا الْمَدِينَةَ فَنَزَلْتُ مَعَ عِيَالِ أَبِي بَكْرٍ وَنَزَلَ إِلَيَّ النَّبِيُّ ﷺ وَرَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ يَوْمَئِذٍ يَبْنِي الْمَسْجِدَ وَأَبْيَاتًا حَوْلَ الْمَسْجِدِ فَأَنْزَلَ فِيهَا أَهْلَهُ فَمَكَثْنَا فِيهَا أَيَّامًا ثُمَّ قَالَ أَبُو بَكْرٍ يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ مَا يَمْنَعُكَ أَنْ تَبْتَنِيَ بِأَهْلِكَ؟ قَالَ «الصَّدَاقُ» فَأَعْطَاهُ أَبُو بَكْرٍ اثْنَتَا عَشْرَةَ أُوقِيَّةً وَنَشًّا فَبَعَثَ بِهَا إِلَيْنَا وَبَنَى بِي رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ فِي بَيْتِي هَذَا الَّذِي أَنَا فِيهِ وَهُوَ الَّذِي تُوُفِّيَ فِيهِ وَدُفِنَ فِيهِ وَأَدْخَلَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ سَوْدَةَ بِنْتَ زَمْعَةَ مَعَهُ أَحَدَ تِلْكَ الْبُيُوتِ وَكَانَ يَكُونُ عِنْدَهَا وَكَانَ تَزَوَّجَ النَّبِيُّ ﷺ إِيَّايَ وَأَنَا أَلْعَبُ مَعَ الْجَوَارِي فَمَا حُدِّثْتُ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللهِ ﷺ تَزَوَّجَنِي حَتَّى أَخَذَتْنِي أُمِّي فَحَبَسَتْنِي فِي الْبَيْتِ فَوَقَعَ فِي نَفْسِي أَنِّي تَزَوَّجْتُ فَمَا سَأَلْتُهَا حَتَّى كَانَتْ هِيَ الَّتِي أَخْبَرَتْنِي