[Machine] I saw Umar ibn al-Khattab striking the palms of men's hands during the month of Rajab until they were placed in their food, and he would say: Rajab, what is Rajab?! Rajab is just a month that the people of ignorance used to glorify, but when Islam came, it was abandoned.
"عَنْ خَرَشَةَ بنِ الْحُرِّ قال: رأيتُ عمَر بن الخطابِ يضربُ أَكُفَّ الرجالِ في صومِ رجبٍ حتى يَضَعُوهَا فِى الطعامِ، ويقول: رجَبٌ وما رجبٌ؟ ! إنما رجبٌ شهرٌ كانتْ تعظِّمهُ أهلُ الجاهلية، فلما جاءَ الإسلامُ تُرِكَ".