Modesty and Faith are interconnected
"Modesty and faith are interconnected, and when one of them is lifted, the other is lifted as well.“
«الحياءُ والإيِمانُ مقْرُونَان لا يفْتَرقَان إِلا جميعًا.»
"Modesty and faith are interconnected, and when one of them is lifted, the other is lifted as well.“
«الحياءُ والإيِمانُ مقْرُونَان لا يفْتَرقَان إِلا جميعًا.»
"الحياءُ والإِيمانُ مَقْرونانِ في قَرَن واحِدٍ فإِذا سُلِبَ أحَدُهما تَبِعهُ الآخَرُ".