[Machine] "Regarding the world, let death be your nature, and be like the physician who patiently takes the medicine to cure his wounds, fearing a long illness and expecting relief by enduring it."
عَنِ الدُّنْيَا وَلْيَكُنْ فِطْرُكَ الْمَوْتَ وَكُنْ كَالْمُدَاوِي جِرَاحَهُ صَبْرًا عَلَى الدَّوَاءِ خَشْيَةَ طُولِ الْبَلَاءِ احْتِمَالًا لِلْبَلَاءِ يَلْتَمِسُ بِذَلِكَ طُولَ الرَّاحَةِ»