Caution: Translations of Quran and Ḥadīth may lead to possible misapplications and misinterpretations. This site is intended for students of sacred knowledge that are proficient in comprehending classical Arabic and have a strong foundation in Islamic sciences. Also note that religious injunctions rely on several aspects beyond what one may glean through reading individual aḥādīth.

And the eminent among them went forth, ˹saying˺, "Continue, and be patient over ˹the defense of˺ your gods. Indeed, this is a thing intended.  

And the council from among them go about, from the place of their assembly at the house of Abū Tālib and ˹the place˺ where they heard the Prophet (s) say, ‘Say: there is no god except God’, saying, ‘Go!, they say to one another, go, and stand by your gods, adhere firmly to worship of them; lo! this, that has been mentioned concerning the Oneness of God, is indeed a thing sought, from us.

وَانْطَلَقَ الْمَلَأُ مِنْهُمْ أَنِ امْشُوا وَاصْبِرُوا عَلَىٰ آلِهَتِكُمْ ۖ إِنَّ هَٰذَا لَشَيْءٌ يُرَادُ  

{وانطلق الملأ منهم} من مجلس اجتماعهم عند أبي طالب وسماعهم فيه من النبي ﷺ قولوا: لا إله إلا الله {أن امشوا} يقول بعضهم لبعض امشوا {واصبروا على آلهتكم} اثبتوا على عبادتها {إن هذا} المذكور من التوحيد {لشيء يراد} منا.