Caution: Translations of Quran and Ḥadīth may lead to possible misapplications and misinterpretations. This site is intended for students of sacred knowledge that are proficient in comprehending classical Arabic and have a strong foundation in Islamic sciences. Also note that religious injunctions rely on several aspects beyond what one may glean through reading individual aḥādīth.

Divorced women remain in waiting for three periods, and it is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah has created in their wombs if they believe in Allah and the Last Day. And their husbands have more right to take them back in this ˹period˺ if they want reconciliation. And due to the wives is similar to what is expected of them, according to what is reasonable. But the men have a degree over them ˹in responsibility and authority˺. And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.  

Divorced women shall wait by themselves, before remarrying, for three periods (qurū’in is the plural of qar’), of purity or menstruation — these are two different opinions — which begin from the moment of divorce. This ˹stipulation˺ applies to those who have been sexually penetrated but not to those otherwise, on account of His saying, there shall be no ˹waiting˺ period for you to reckon against them ˹Q. 33:49˺. The waiting period for immature or menopausal women is three months; pregnant women, on the other hand, must wait until they give birth, as stated in the sūrat al-Talāq ˹Q. 65:4˺, while slavegirls must wait two months, according to the Sunna. And it is not lawful for them to hide what God has created in their wombs, of child or menstruation, if they believe in God and the Last Day. Their mates, their spouses, have a better right to restore them, to bring them back, even if they refuse, in such time, that is, during the waiting period, if they desire to set things right, between them, and put pressure on the woman ˹to return˺; the statement is not a condition for the possibility of return, but an incitement ˹to set things right˺ in the case of repealed divorce; the term ahaqq, ‘better right to’, does not denote any priority, since, in any case, no other person has the right to marry them during their waiting period; women shall have rights, due from their spouses, similar to those, rights, due from them, with justice, as stipulated by the Law, in the way of kind conjugality and not being harmed; but their men have a degree above them, in rights, as in their duty to obey their husbands, because of their ˹the husbands’˺ payment of a dowry and their ˹husbands˺ being the bread-winners; God is Mighty, in His Kingdom, Wise, in what He has ordained for His creatures.

وَالْمُطَلَّقَاتُ يَتَرَبَّصْنَ بِأَنْفُسِهِنَّ ثَلَاثَةَ قُرُوءٍ ۚ وَلَا يَحِلُّ لَهُنَّ أَنْ يَكْتُمْنَ مَا خَلَقَ اللَّهُ فِي أَرْحَامِهِنَّ إِنْ كُنَّ يُؤْمِنَّ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ ۚ وَبُعُولَتُهُنَّ أَحَقُّ بِرَدِّهِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ إِنْ أَرَادُوا إِصْلَاحًا ۚ وَلَهُنَّ مِثْلُ الَّذِي عَلَيْهِنَّ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ ۚ وَلِلرِّجَالِ عَلَيْهِنَّ دَرَجَةٌ ۗ وَاللَّهُ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ  

{والمطلقات يتربصن} أي لينتظرن {بأنفسهن} عن النكاح {ثلاثة قروءٍ} تمضي من حين الطلاق، جمع قرء بفتح القاف وهو الطهر أو الحيض قولان وهذا في المدخول بهن أما غيرهن فلا عدة عليهن لقوله: {فما لكم عليهن من عدة} وفي غير الآيسة والصغيرة فعدتهن ثلاثة أشهر والحوامل فعدتهن أن يضعن حملهن كما في سورة الطلاق والإماء فعدتهن قَرءان بالسُّنة {ولا يحل لهن أن يكتمن ما خلق الله في أرحامهن} من الولد والحيض {إن كنّ يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر وبعولتهن} أزواجهن {أحق بردهن} بمراجعتهن ولو أبين {في ذلك} أي في زمن التربص {إن أرادوا إصلاحا} بينهما لإضرار المرأة وهو تحريض على قصده لا شرط لجواز الرجعة وهذا في الطلاق الرجعي وأحق لا تفضيل فيه إذ لا حق لغيرهم في نكاحهن في العدة {ولهن} على الأزواج {مثل الذي} لهم {عليهن} من الحقوق {بالمعروف} شرعا من حسن العشرة وترك الضرار ونحو ذلك {وللرجال عليهن درجة} فضيلة في الحق من وجوب طاعتهن لهم لما ساقوه من المهر والانفاق {والله عزيز} في ملكه {حكيم} فيما دبره لخلقه.