Caution: Translations of Quran and Ḥadīth may lead to possible misapplications and misinterpretations. This site is intended for students of sacred knowledge that are proficient in comprehending classical Arabic and have a strong foundation in Islamic sciences. Also note that religious injunctions rely on several aspects beyond what one may glean through reading individual aḥādīth.
ahmad-zuhd:1966ʿAbdullāh from my father > Ibn Fuḍayl > ʿAbd al-Raḥman b. ʿAjlān > Nusayr Abū Ṭuʿmah > Ṣallá al-Rabīʿ b. Khuthaym Faqaraʾ Biāyah Ḥattá Aṣbaḥ Am Ḥasib al--Adhīn Ājtaraḥūā al-Sayyiʾāt

[Machine] "That we should make them like those who have believed and done righteous deeds" [Al-Jathiyah 21] the verse, so he started to bow down and prostrate until morning came.  

الزهد لأحمد:١٩٦٦حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ حَدَّثَنِي أَبِي حَدَّثَنَا ابْنُ فُضَيْلٍ عَنْ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنِ عَجْلَانَ عَنْ نُسَيْرٍ أَبِي طُعْمَةَ قَالَ صَلَّى الرَّبِيعُ بْنُ خُثَيْمٍ فَقَرَأَ بِآيَةٍ حَتَّى أَصْبَحَ {أَمْ حَسِبَ الَّذِينَ اجْتَرَحُوا السَّيِّئَاتِ

أَنْ نَجْعَلَهُمْ كَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ} [الجاثية 21] الْآيَةَ فَجَعَلَ يَرْكَعُ وَيَسْجُدُ حَتَّى أَصْبَحَ