Caution: Translations of Quran and Ḥadīth may lead to possible misapplications and misinterpretations. This site is intended for students of sacred knowledge that are proficient in comprehending classical Arabic and have a strong foundation in Islamic sciences. Also note that religious injunctions rely on several aspects beyond what one may glean through reading individual aḥādīth.
muslim:2261c[Chain 1] Ḥarmalah b. Yaḥyá > Ibn Wahb > Yūnus [Chain 2] Isḥāq b. Ibrāhīm And ʿAbd b. Ḥumayd > ʿAbd al-Razzāq > Maʿmar

"I felt disturbed because of that," and there is an addition of these words in the hadith transmitted on the authority of Yunus: "Then spit thrice on the left side when you get up from sleep."  

مسلم:٢٢٦١cوَحَدَّثَنِي حَرْمَلَةُ بْنُ يَحْيَى أَخْبَرَنَا ابْنُ وَهْبٍ أَخْبَرَنِي يُونُسُ ح وَحَدَّثَنَا إِسْحَاقُ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَبْدُ بْنُ حُمَيْدٍ قَالاَ أَخْبَرَنَا عَبْدُ الرَّزَّاقِ أَخْبَرَنَا مَعْمَرٌ كِلاَهُمَا

عَنِ الزُّهْرِيِّ بِهَذَا الإِسْنَادِ وَلَيْسَ فِي حَدِيثِهِمَا أُعْرَى مِنْهَا وَزَادَ فِي حَدِيثِ يُونُسَ فَلْيَبْصُقْ عَلَى يَسَارِهِ حِينَ يَهُبُّ مِنْ نَوْمِهِ ثَلاَثَ مَرَّاتٍ  

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