Caution: Translations of Quran and Ḥadīth may lead to possible misapplications and misinterpretations. This site is intended for students of sacred knowledge that are proficient in comprehending classical Arabic and have a strong foundation in Islamic sciences. Also note that religious injunctions rely on several aspects beyond what one may glean through reading individual aḥādīth.
bayhaqi:2246Abū Zakariyyā b. Abū Isḥāq al-Muzakkī

[Machine] That when the Messenger of Allah ﷺ migrated to Medina and most of its people were Jews, Allah commanded him to face the direction of the Kaaba for prayer. The Jews rejoiced and the Messenger of Allah ﷺ faced the direction of Jerusalem for around sixteen months. However, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ loved the direction of Ibrahim, ﷺ , so he would supplicate to Allah and look towards the sky. So Allah revealed to him, "We see the turning of your face to the heaven. So, We shall surely turn you to a Qiblah (prayer direction) that shall please you, so turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid Al-Haram (Kaaba in Mecca)." (Quran 2:144) It means facing towards it. The Jews became uncertain and said, "What has turned them from their Qiblah (prayer direction) which they used to face?" (Quran 2:142) So Allah revealed, "And to Allah belongs the east and the west, so wherever you face (in prayer), there is the Face of Allah (guidance)." (Quran 2:115) "And We did not make the Qiblah (prayer direction) which you used to face except that We might make evident who would follow the Messenger from who would turn back on his heels." (Quran 2:143) Ibn Abbas said, "And to distinguish clearly between those who are truly certain and those who harbor doubts and suspicions, and Allah said, 'And there is none of you except he shall come to it (the Qiblah) by the will of Allah.' (Quran 2:143) It means it will be turned towards the people who have doubts and suspicions, 'Except the humble among you.' (Quran 2:45) It means those who believe in what Allah revealed." Ash-Shafi'i, may Allah have mercy on him, said regarding the verse, "So, turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid Al-Haram (Kaaba in Mecca)." (Quran 2:144) It means, "And Allah knows best, so turn your face towards the direction towards which Allah directed you."  

البيهقي:٢٢٤٦أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو زَكَرِيَّا بْنُ أَبِي إِسْحَاقَ الْمُزَكِّي ثنا أَبُو الْحُسَيْنِ أَحْمَدُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ عَبْدُوسٍ الطَّرَائِفِيُّ حَدَّثَنَا عُثْمَانُ بْنُ سَعِيدٍ الدَّارِمِيُّ ثنا عَبْدُ اللهِ بْنُ صَالِحٍ عَنْ مُعَاوِيَةَ بْنِ صَالِحٍ عَنْ عَلِيِّ بْنِ أَبِي طَلْحَةَ قَالَ قَالَ ابْنُ عَبَّاسٍ إِنَّ أَوَّلَ مَا نُسِخَ مِنَ الْقُرْآنِ الْقِبْلَةُ وَذَلِكَ

أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللهِ ﷺ لَمَّا هَاجَرَ إِلَى الْمَدِينَةِ وَكَانَ أَكْثَرُ أَهْلِهَا الْيَهُودَ أَمَرَهُ اللهُ أَنْ يَسْتَقْبِلَ بَيْتَ الْمَقْدِسِ فَفَرِحَتِ الْيَهُودُ فَاسْتَقْبَلَهَا رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ بَضْعَةَ عَشَرَ شَهْرًا وَكَانَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ يُحِبُّ قِبْلَةَ إِبْرَاهِيمَ عَلَيْهِ السَّلَامُ فَكَانَ يَدْعُو اللهَ وَيَنْظُرُ إِلَى السَّمَاءِ فَأَنْزَلَ اللهُ ﷻ {قَدْ نَرَى تَقَلُّبَ وَجْهِكَ فِي السَّمَاءِ} [البقرة 144] إِلَى قَوْلِهِ {فَوَلُّوا وُجُوهَكُمْ شَطْرَهُ} [البقرة 144] يَعْنِي نَحْوَهُ فَارْتَابَ مِنْ ذَلِكَ الْيَهُودُ وَقَالُوا {مَا وَلَّاهُمْ عَنْ قِبْلَتِهِمُ الَّتِي كَانُوا عَلَيْهَا} [البقرة 142] فَأَنْزَلَ اللهُ تَعَالَى {وَلِلَّهِ الْمَشْرِقُ وَالْمَغْرِبُ فَأَيْنَمَا تُوَلُّوا فَثَمَّ وَجْهُ اللهِ} [البقرة 115] {وَمَا جَعَلْنَا الْقِبْلَةَ الَّتِي كُنْتَ عَلَيْهَا إِلَّا لِنَعْلَمَ مَنْ يَتَّبِعُ الرَّسُولَ مِمَّنْ يَنْقَلِبُ عَلَى عَقِبَيْهِ} [البقرة 143] قَالَ ابْنُ عَبَّاسٍ وَلِيَمِيزَ أَهْلَ الْيَقِينِ مِنْ أَهْلِ الشَّكِّ وَالرِّيبَةِ قَالَ اللهُ ﷻ {وَإِنْ كَانَتْ لَكَبِيرَةً إِلَّا عَلَى الَّذِينَ هَدَى اللهُ} [البقرة 143] يَعْنِي تَحْوِيلَهَا عَلَى أَهْلِ الشَّكِّ {إِلَّا عَلَى الْخَاشِعِينَ} [البقرة 45] يَعْنِي الْمُصَدِّقِينَ بِمَا أَنْزَلَ اللهُ تَعَالَى قَالَ الشَّافِعِيُّ رَحِمَهُ اللهُ فِي قَوْلِهِ {فَثَمَّ وَجْهُ اللهِ} [البقرة 115] يَعْنِي وَاللهُ أَعْلَمُ فَثَمَّ الْوَجْهُ الَّذِي وَجَّهَكُمُ اللهُ إِلَيْهِ  

See similar narrations below:

Collected by Bayhaqī
bayhaqi:2245Abū ʿAbdullāh al-Ḥāfiẓ > Abū Bakr Ismāʿīl b. Muḥammad al-Faqīh Bi-al-Rrī > Muḥammad b. al-Faraj al-Azraq > Ḥajjāj b. Muḥammad > Ibn Jurayj > ʿAṭāʾ > Ibn ʿAbbās > Awwal

[Machine] The first thing that was abrogated from the Qur'an, as mentioned to us and Allah knows best, is the matter of the Qiblah. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, said, "To Allah belong the east and the west. So wherever you [might] turn, there is the Face of Allah." (Quran 2:115) So the Messenger of Allah ﷺ faced towards the direction of the Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem) and left the Ancient House (the Kaaba). Allah then abrogated it and turned him towards the Ancient House (the Kaaba) and said, "From wherever you go out [for prayer], turn your face toward al-Masjid al-Haram. And wherever you [believers] may be, turn your faces toward it." (Quran 2:144) According to the statements of Imam ash-Shafi'i (may Allah have mercy on him), this narration is attributed to Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him), who entered into a detailed explanation: when he migrated to Madinah, he faced Bayt al-Maqdis out of devotion to the Ancient House (the Kaaba), and he would have loved it if Allah had made facing the Ancient House (the Kaaba) obligatory for him. So Allah revealed this verse to him before He revealed the verse "We have certainly seen the turning of your face toward the heaven." (Quran 2:144) Sheikh also mentioned that it is narrated from Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) that it was revealed with regard to their statement, "They have turned away from their qiblah." (Quran 2:142)  

البيهقي:٢٢٤٥أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو عَبْدِ اللهِ الْحَافِظُ أَخْبَرَنِي أَبُو بَكْرٍ إِسْمَاعِيلُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ الْفَقِيهُ بِالرِّيِّ ثنا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الْفَرَجِ الْأَزْرَقُ ثنا حَجَّاجُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ عَنِ ابْنِ جُرَيْجٍ عَنْ عَطَاءٍ عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ قَالَ

أَوَّلُ مَا نُسِخَ مِنَ الْقُرْآنِ فِيمَا ذُكِرَ لَنَا وَاللهُ أَعْلَمُ شَأْنُ الْقِبْلَةِ قَالَ اللهُ تَبَارَكَ وَتَعَالَى {وَلِلَّهِ الْمَشْرِقُ وَالْمَغْرِبُ فَأَيْنَمَا تُوَلُّوا فَثَمَّ وَجْهُ اللهِ} [البقرة 115] فَاسْتَقْبَلَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ فَصَلَّى نَحْوَ بَيْتِ الْمَقْدِسِ وَتَرَكَ الْبَيْتَ الْعَتِيقَ فَقَالَ {سَيَقُولُ السُّفَهَاءُ مِنَ النَّاسِ مَا وَلَّاهُمْ عَنْ قِبْلَتِهِمُ الَّتِي كَانُوا عَلَيْهَا} [البقرة 142] يَعْنُونَ بَيْتَ الْمَقْدِسِ فَنَسَخَهَا فَصَرَفَهُ اللهُ إِلَى الْبَيْتِ الْعَتِيقِ فَقَالَ {وَمِنْ حَيْثُ خَرَجْتَ فَوَلِّ وَجْهَكَ شَطْرَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ وَحَيْثُمَا كُنْتُمْ فَوَلُّوا وُجُوهَكُمْ شَطْرَهُ} وَفِي كَلَامِ الشَّافِعِيِّ رَحِمَهُ اللهُ بَيَانُ مَا فِي هَذِهِ الرِّوَايَةِ عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ ؓ وَهُوَ أَنَّهُ دَخَلَ فِي مَبْسُوطِ كَلَامِهِ فَلَمَّا هَاجَرَ إِلَى الْمَدِينَةِ اسْتَقْبَلَ بَيْتَ الْمَقْدِسِ مُوَلِّيًا عَنِ الْبَيْتِ الْحَرَامِ وَهُوَ يُحِبُّ لَوْ قَضَى اللهُ لَهُ بِاسْتِقْبَالِ الْبَيْتِ الْحَرَامِ فَأَنْزَلَ اللهُ ﷻ هَذِهِ الْآيَةَ إِلَى أَنْ أَنْزَلَ اللهُ {قَدْ نَرَى تَقَلُّبَ وَجْهِكَ فِي السَّمَاءِ} [البقرة 144] قَالَ الشَّيْخُ وَرُوِيَ عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ أَنَّهَا نَزَلَتْ فِي قَوْلِهِمْ {مَا وَلَّاهُمْ عَنْ قِبْلَتِهِمُ الَّتِي كَانُوا عَلَيْهَا} [البقرة 142]