from Jarīr b. ʿAbdullāh —
I gave the Pledge of allegiance to the Prophet ﷺ that I would listen and obey, and he told me to add: 'As much as I can, and will give good advice to every Muslim.'
البخاري ٧٢٠٤:
عن جرير بن عبد الله —
بَايَعْتُ النَّبِيَّ ﷺ عَلَى السَّمْعِ وَالطَّاعَةِ فَلَقَّنَنِي فِيمَا اسْتَطَعْتُ وَالنُّصْحِ لِكُلِّ مُسْلِمٍ