Description of the Mahdī's facial features
from Abū Saʿīd al-Khudrī —
The Prophet ﷺ said: The Mahdi will be of my stock, and will have a broad forehead a prominent nose. He will fill the earth will equity and justice as it was filled with oppression and tyranny, and he will rule for seven years.
أبو داود ٤٢٨٥:
عن ابو سعيد الخدري —
قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ الْمَهْدِيُّ مِنِّي أَجْلَى الْجَبْهَةِ أَقْنَى الأَنْفِ يَمْلأُ الأَرْضَ قِسْطًا وَعَدْلاً كَمَا مُلِئَتْ جَوْرًا وَظُلْمًا يَمْلِكُ سَبْعَ سِنِينَ